Kol is a hybrid of Kryptonian/New-God.
His domains are Blood and Power.
Just like Odin has his Odinforce, Kol managed to create his own Godforce after going to the Marvel world and studying it.
'Kolforce' has two different forms.
Its first form is called, The White, which contains all its mystical properties, and is only limited by imagination, capable of performing almost unthinkable, seemingly impossible feats of magic.
The second form is called The Red, which contains all the destructive properties of 'Kolforce'. It has the potential to become more destructive than any other energy, but ultimately, it relies heavily upon emotions and willpower.
When the 'Kolforce' is dormant, or unused, The White is just white, but when used, it becomes colorless.
On the other hand, The Red in dormant form is just red in color, while in an activated form, it becomes hotter, and more and more destructive, slowly taking on the properties of all the destructive energies that Kol possesses, and even those he does not.
Despite the different color schemes and qualities, The White and The Red are just two different forms of the same energy called 'Kolforce', and can be easily interconverted into each other in their dormant form.