
Microscopic Leviathan

Jolande, a 16-year-old girl, has made a discovery, and she is the only one who knows how to stop it. She is on a life changing experience, and science is her only way through. She intended to go to Shaolin Temple for a cure and to practice kung fu. Furthermore, she gains strength and encounters tougher hurdles as she trains. Join discord server: https://discord.gg/ZzjrZcRcFG - active

CorruptMorde · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Sarah's coming

Mail man: Hello.

Jolande: Hello.

Mail man: Here's your package, Jolande Evi, am I right?

Jolande: Yes, yes, I'm Jolande.

Mail man: Please sign here and here, the total amount to pay is 40 Euros, with the shipping fees included, cash or Visa?

Jolande handed 40 Euros and thanked the mail man saying: Thank you, bye bye!

Mail man's mouth was watering, he said: Very nice thighs I see, can I...?

Jolande rapidly, in a split second, said "Yes" and kicked his head. He fell on the ground after bumping his head with iron bars and apologised... Jolande spat on him and said "Perverted pedo" then closed the door on him and went to her room.

Her mum interrupted her asking her what's this package, Jolande opened it in front of her, "This is school art, maths and writing kit I bought online, it involves a pencil with changeable leads, 48 shades of colour that last for years, a pen with 8 ink colours, a ruler, a triangle, a protractor, a compass...". She kept on explaining while being too excited about it; it's a limited edition, and only a few remain unsold.

She bought the package five days prior, because she thought it would make her school work neater, although her handwriting is among the best in class, but she still wanted. Likewise, she was inspired by art, and wanted to start a new hobby involving arts and was looking forward to making her own manga series. She had lots of hope and ideas.

She had school the next day, she was so excited to use her kit, and was, like always, listening to the teachers carefully. Teachers respect her for the fact she's the most knowledgable in the class, she's smart and beautiful, which people either admire her or become envious. Jolande has an aunt, who's hated by her family, because of gossiping. She would ruin Jolande's name and change teacher's view about her. She would act nice in front of her, but she hates her from the bottom of her heart.

She achieved it, her Jolande's life was ruined, teachers would hate and opress Jolande; they'd be unfair in marking her tests, Jolande says, "They always like me miserable; they knew the negative outcome when I get an F in one test, my dad also hates me because of terrible teachers", teachers did it for nothing, just for nothing.

Only a few teachers would love Jolande for being smart and near perfect, they knew her aunt was a scum, therefore didn't listen to her; they were fair marking tests, didn't love one student in particular, in fact, they don't have the boy-girl logic.

In her current class, 10th grade, she has a terrible teacher she describes it as, "I was the nicest to her, and she'd give me an F in the end, although I never cheated, I always solve everything she asks for. I never did something wrong, but she always sees Jolande talking in class only, forgetting about other students. She called my parents every week and as a result, my ass was beaten, I wasn't allowed to relax, play or even have fun, she would always call just to see me miserable next day; she always knew the outcome when she called my parents. My dad yearns for true gender equality, he treated everyone the same, he would beat a girl as he would with a guy. I was once locked in a car for five hours, because my discriminative teacher offered a punishment, which is carving a 200 words-article at the back of my brain, and recite it to her, if I mistake in a word, I'd expect a very pitiful punishment"

Jolande, wasn't a daughter of a rich family, although she was the second and last child, her parents weren't rich. Her father lost money because of backstabbing, millions of euros he could've invested.

Jolande has lost her emotions; because of her backstories, she rarely smiles, and laughs only on hilarious things. She doesn't become envious when she hears stories from her friends, because she says, "I have all my needs, food, shelter, iPAQ and will bring a pet later". Her view on life was very simple and modest.

8 o'clock, Tuesday:

The first class starts and she is expecting teachers to treat her the same as usual, but no, she was treated worse; they ignore her questions, would register her as absent on that day, or as not listening to classes, they'd give her an F without looking at her paper.

Only some teachers still respect her. Her English teacher, in front of everyone, pretending to have done it by mistake, broke her pencils when Jolande wasn't looking, she stomped on them with her heels, which made Jolande breakdown because it's a limited time kit. Jolande was very mad, that she suspected two students and acted without thinking; she beat them up, later she knew it was her teacher.

Her teacher apologised and told her it's just a pencil, it doesn't matter. Jolande shed into tears and got even madder, the teacher felt aggression from her and smiled in an evil manner. Jolande smacked her; she punched her as strong as she could, four punches land at once, very fast and strong that she heard her nose crack, and her chest was bruised.

This could have been the only way she could get revenge, but this costed a lot, her friends told her, "What are you doing?! You're loosing!", she didn't care, she replied, "I'm loosing anyway, but I win more this way, at least I revenged!"

The teacher was laying down and screaming, "Help!! This girl's crazy! She is abusive!!", as a result, the principle called her to his office. Of course, the principle won't even listen to her excuses, and called a psychologist right away...

Principle: Hello?

Psychologist: Oh hi, who are you?

Principle: Principle Edmund.

Psychologist: Oh hey Edmund, what is it?

Principle: We have an aggressive, violent child in the school, can you please make an appointment now?

Psychologist: Umm, okay, what's her name, age, and the reason of violence?

The principle explained briefly, but it's fabricated tales, he included the use of a knife and seduction, while nothing like this happened.

Psychologist: She needs to get to a therapist immediately, I'll make an appointment with my sister, Sarah.

Principle: Thank you, please inform me about the time.

In a few hours, Jolande would leave the school and go to the therapist, Sarah. Sarah's first impression about Jolande wasn't hating, but she saw her as a shining person, just by looking into her eyes. "Sarah wasn't that bad, she smiled to me, although she was told so many lies about me, I don't know, but she loved me" Jolande thought, and she really did!

Sarah whispered in her ear, "I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong" and kissed her. That left Jolande astonished, "Someone is nice to me? Very bizarre....", Jolande rarely gets treated nicely, or gets a complement, which made her feel super strange.

Sarah's place was very neat; nice paintings on the wall, a leather couch, so many plants around, and the design of the walls was something out of this world. Jolande could finally have some rest and calm down there, while Sarah observed it happen.

Sarah didn't say much, she just asked her what happened, she wanted to see Jolande's point of view:

Sarah: JoJo, right?

Jolande: Yes.

Sarah: What happened? Why is this happening?

Jolande: My teacher broke my expensive, limited kit items, I spent months saving for it, and she finally breaks it. I knocked her down, that made me feel better. I hate annoying conversations, let's finish quickly.

Sarah: Hmm...

Jolande was stressed, she gets stressed whenever she bemoans about something. Sarah talked to Jolande until they got to a point and realized how the teachers are utter rubbish in her school, she was so sad about her case.

Jolande feels that this is the first person she met to ever feel empathy for someone, Sarah isn't only a therapist, she has fought corruption to some point, she guided people in Africa, she taught them how to extract clean water, how to invest into agricultural technology, and how to farm. Sarah's life wasn't better than Jolande, to Jolande it seemed like she was hearing her past...

When Sarah was 9, she was abused by her family, because she was the youngest, and had problems, her mother would just kick her when she's by her feet, and too much kicking on her underdeveloped legs caused damage, she was barely able to walk by age of 9.

Being only 100 cm tall and weighing around 24 kg, bruises were filling her skin, her father would break her toys and as well as throw her food away. She knew not to cry because there is no use of it...

Likewise, she would wake up the next day very early in the morning and bemoan about yesterday, there was nothing she could do, and her abusive family will never stop, especially her sister who threw dirt in her food, and shattered old glass bottles on her head. One day, a guy wearing military clothing intruded the house, breaking everything, killing her parents awfully in front of her, and leaving her sister alive. He picked up Sarah and carried her home with him. They lived together till this point.

Her sister was 18 that time, she cleaned the house, threw her parent's in the sewer, and lived there. She went to college, and graduated a genetic engineer. Whenever she was asked about her parents or family, she would say they died a few years ago, and she buried them alone.

Sarah, from that day, remembers her sister, and she doesn't miss her at all. Sarah told Jolande her story summarised, proving to her that life can be even harder. Jolande asked her, "Why are you a therapist now? And how old are you?", Sarah looked at her and smiled, "I'm only 28". Jolande was surprised, she looked as if she's 18, a goddess with a pretty face, she's 180 cm tall, but she's single. "I became a therapist because I want to stop this from happening to anyone else".

Sarah excused to go to the toilet immediately, leaving behind her ID card... Jolande looked at it, and, "IT SAYS SARAH SAUER???"... She was so baffled, she didn't know what to say, she waited till she's back to ask her.

After Sarah was back, Jolande gently asked her about Helga. Sarah showed her a picture of a family tree, saying that Helga is her sister, the 'psychologist' the principle called. Jolande noticed that this is the same family tree she has on her iPAQ. Sarah hates her, they haven't talked directly for 9 years, and Sarah doesn't even know the exact location of Helga.

Jolande asked her about her face, why she never sees the same face of her ever. Sarah didn't have an answer, which left Jolande speechless for a moment. Jolande took Sarah's phone number and went back home.

To Be Continued


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

CorruptMordecreators' thoughts