

-Somewhere in the world-


This was the thoughts of a blonde haired girl wearing a white button shirt with blue dress as she watched the television.

Sitting in a room that was suited for a princess, she turned up the volume, listening to the speech.

"…thats definitely him, alright. Who knew… he could give such… inspiring speeches?"

-somewhere else-


A girl with two pigtails choked on her drink. Ignoring the incredulous looks from her parents she focuses on the white haired boy on the screen.



Waiting for the first competition to be announced, Emiya crossed his arms.

Midnight walks up on the stage and begins talking.

"The first event shall be team battles! But with a twist. Sometimes Heros have to team up with each other and they cant choose their partners. Because of this, the teams will be randomized!"

That was better then he expected, an actual reason to watch kids beat the shit out of each other. Neat.

(Now I wonder who is going to be on my team?)

"The teams will be announced on the board!"

Looking closer he saw who were his teammates.

Bakugo… yeah this was going to be bad.

Mei Hatsume… he had no idea who she was.

And TetsuTetsu tetsutetsu… yup no idea who he is either.

(Time to socialize!)

He walked away to look for his teammates. Holding back a punch when someone wrapped a hand around his shoulders, he looked over to see TetsuTetsu.

"Hey dude! Nice speech you gave, lets destroy the competition!"

The former servant could only sigh at this, he was acting like a generic side character being introduced for the first time.

They started looking for their other teammate, Mei, it didn't take long to spot a pink haired girl with a jetpack flying towards them.

"Hello! You're the first year representative, Right? Nice to meet you~! Lets get along!"

And a hyperactive mechanic… it was going great… add this to the trigger happy bomb and they got the perfect team.

"There you are! Why are you walking around like a headless chicken, huh!?"

There was their last teammate.


"Thats one team he has, he looks so dejected right now."

The blue haired teen chuckles, and to think that they were so close, maybe he should visit…

He decided to wait until the provisional license exam.

After all, what better way to greet one another then fighting for victory?



Shirou thought, looking at his team.

(Were doomed.)

With a sigh, they went up on the arena to see their opponents.

Momo, monoma, tokoyami and… wasnt that the purple haired kid that wanted the spot in his class?

"So whats the plan?"

The question came from the only female on their team.

"Mei, flank, TetsuTetsu follow bakugo and make sure he doesn't get double teamed and bakugo…"

The blonde looks back, rearing to go. Small explosions already on his palms.

"… you do you, ill pick off Tokoyami."

The blonde blasts off, heading towards monoma. Mei uses her jetpack to fly up as a dust cloud appears from Bakugos explosion, she uses it as a cover.

TetsuTetsu sprints after bakugo and Emiya disappeared, only leaving two spiderweb like cracks where he was standing.

Tokoyami was out of bounds.

The stadium quietened down. If you don't count bakugos explosions.

(Maybe…that was overboard.)


(That idiot.)

She slapped her forehead, exasperated at his sheer stupidity. She knew for a fact that he was using magecraft, because she herself had no "quirk" and Sakura was quirkless as well.

That wasn't a coincidence. It couldn't be. She was looking for Shirou ever since she figured out that there were others. Saber was in this world as well. Anyone could look her up on the internet "The Sword prodigy".

(So he's here too… interesting… wonder if there will be the two of them? … I should visit sometime.)


(Did he use Mana-burst?)

The former king watched as her former master turned to his teammates. Intervening in the fight between the two blondes, he knocked the one with tame hair out of bounds. The other one didn't seem to like that, apparently.

Pointing at the pink haired girls fight, the blonde blasted towards them.

(Still as nonchalant as ever, I see.)