
MHA: The Symbiote Hero

A seminally normal boy get's reincarnated into the MHA world, getting 3 wishes before he gets reincarnated. And one of those wishes is to have a symbiote, but is this a good thing living in a world where discrimination happens to those with mutant quirks. Will the Mc become a hero or a villain with the pressure he gets from other people. ---------- I do not own the picture so if you are the original creator and want me to take it down please tell me and I will. I do not own MHA and I do not own Marvel. I do own this Mc and other Oc in this fanfic. I am creating a novel along side creating this story but I will not drop any of them. I will also be planning on creating more fanfics and novels in the future. I hope you enjoy what you read and if you want go check out my novel. BBQ_Sauce.

BBQ_Sauce · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 20

[Pov Tamaki]

After our class with All Might I couldn't help but think about what Plague was talking to Axel about. When Plague mentioned about him being a virgin caught me off guard since I thought he was talking about me at first but when I saw Axel blushing, I realized I was making him uncomfortable, so I let go of him instantly.

I was just so excited that we won that I just hugged him without thinking. It's not like I was embarrassed about hugging him but embarrassed that what I did caused Axel to be in an uncomfortable position.

It has always been like this; I have been told by other kids and teachers when I was younger that I need to respect other people's boundaries. When I was in elementary school it wasn't that big of a deal but as I got older it got into more of a problem.

My classmates said I was too nosey, some called me a slut because like with Axel and his friends I would just strip in front of the whole class to get ready for gym. This caused girls to look at me if I were crazy, some boys just stared while other boys had blushes on their faces.

I never understood why me changing caused so many different reactions, I just followed what the teachers said. I was later told by my teacher that my actions made my classmates uncomfortable. My intentions were to never make someone uncomfortable, and I never wanted some to feel that way so when I was told that it did, I made sure to change in the bathrooms from then on.

Sadly, it didn't end there. It seemed whatever I did made others uncomfortable, like for show and tell I used my quirk to summon my favorite 'pet' Maize. She was a basilisk, and she is so cute, but when I summoned her, everyone looked at her with fear, even the teacher.

Eventually it got to the point that they wanted to talk to my parents, but the problem was that my dad died due to a villain attack before I was born, and my mother died to the negligence of the hero's when a villain was on a rampage when I was in elementary school.

My grandma and my mom's side then took me in after that. Her husband apparently was a hero, and she would tell me all different stories of his days when he was in action. Unfortunately, he died, when he retired one of the villains, he put away escaped and the hero's that were still in action couldn't take him in. So, he felt it was his duty to put the stop to the villain since he did it before.

He successfully was able to stop him, but he died soon after due to his injuries. After hearing all these stories about my grandpa and what happened to my parent's I wanted to be a hero that would stop villains before anyone could get hurt and most importantly make sure my loved ones are always safe.

That's why when I made people uncomfortable, I would always make a note of that and try to change but when they said that they needed to talk to my parents about my behavior I felt like I had failed my grandma.

When my teachers met my grandma, they thought that she wasn't disciplining me properly and that my actions are ones that villains would normally have. I couldn't help but feel tears coming to my eyes. I don't want that; I don't want to be a villain. NO, I CAN'T BE A VILLAIN.

Not wanting to hurt those that were close to me I ran away from school, when my grandma saw me running away, she tried to tell me to stop while chasing me but due to her old age she couldn't keep up. Turning around she started yelling at the teachers at what they had done.

Feeling that if I was becoming a villain I would get as far away as possible so that I wouldn't hurt anyone. While I was running, I heard a commotion, even though I wanted to run away my curiosity took over and went over to the commotion. When I got there, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Kids my age were taking down a villain that is made out of some green goo and heroes were just standing there doing nothing. Then when I thought the villain had a teammate, I was about to yell to the blonde kid to watch out but before I could I saw that the blue goo was actually helping them.

Paying even more attention to the details of their movements I couldn't help but think if they were really kids at all. Their movements were so good that I would expect them from professional hero's.

When they finished dealing with the villain, I was about to cheer but I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the blue goo. The goo disappeared and it revealed a boy similar to the other boy's age. Seeing this I couldn't help but feel bad since I originally assumed that the boy was originally a villain, but he was just trying to help.

Before I could think further one of the boys started yelling at the heroes for their inactivity and practically implying that they weren't better than villains or that might just be me with my previous situations. Then I saw one of the heroes trying to reprimand him for using his quirk, at that I couldn't look deadpanned at him.

But to my surprise that same kid said he was quirkless, but thinking back at what he did I didn't see him use a quirk, but I was mainly looking at the kid who I thought was a villain. Then the three boys ran away before the heroes could talk to them further.

This situation made me realize that appearances can be deceiving and that like how I made an assumption about him being a villain was the same as the teacher thinking I was one as well. I made a promise to myself deep into my heart that I will not make assumptions like that again and will apologize/thank him for what has happened today.

I then headed home and apologized to my grandma for just running off like that. She told me not to worry and that I wasn't at fault but those teachers. Then she said that I shouldn't change myself for others but continue too just be me. I hugged my grandma tightly telling her that I won't change for no one.

After that incident and seeing those boys fight the villain gave me motivation to train my quirk more than I already have and to stop caring about the negative things people think about me. I didn't think I would see those boys anytime soon but when I went to the entrance exam, I saw them entering.

I wanted to talk to them but then I saw a girl talking to them, feeling self-conscious and not really wanting to interrupt their conversation since I didn't really know them. I just continued my way into the testing area where a written test will take place.

During the exam I couldn't help but look up since that helps me think when I get stuck on a problem which is currently happening. When I did, I saw the kid that can turn into a blue goo asleep. I wanted to help him but then I saw a teacher look at me, not wanting to get into trouble. I just focus back on my test hoping that he will be alright.

After that test we got pushed into another building to talk about what the physical part of the test was then separated into different groups. When we were separated, I realized that I was with one of those boys from earlier, the one with green hair specifically. I was going to go up to him but suddenly he dashed forward.

Looking at where he was going, I saw him squeezing through the opening of the gate. I didn't think he was going to fit but to my surprise he did perfectly. I couldn't help smiling widely at how crazy this boy is and how the other two were probably doing the same thing.

Not wanting to get left behind I summoned wings on my back while also summoning Maize, and my three crows. I commanded Maize to focus on the 3 pointers and the crows on saving those that are in trouble.

I was trying to get as many points as I could but noticing that sometimes I would be too late, and others would get to some before me, or the other robots are already destroyed. Just when I was going to continue on, I heard a loud booming sound. Turning over to what created the noise I saw a level 0 causing mass destruction.

I was about to go and fight it but before I could I saw the green haired boy jump and, in a position, to punch the robot. I was at first surprised that he actually had a quirk, then I thought he probably just lied saying he doesn't have one so he and the others could escape then.

Not wanting to get in his way I flew up and back to see the show while also summoning and commanding all my 'animals' to save those that are stuck and in need of some help. Watching what he did I couldn't help but be slack jawed, he took down the 0 pointer in one punch not only that, but I can tell that he wasn't the only one since I could hear two others getting hit at the same time.

I was about to leave and feeling that I have a long way to go to catch up to them. When in my peripheral vision I saw the boy falling and seeing him not doing anything to recover himself I commanded one of my crows to catch him before it was too late. Seeing that he was unharmed I left with a smile on my face that I was able to repay one of them already, even though they didn't know I repaid them and that they needed to get repaid.

When I got my results, I couldn't help but jump up and down hugging my grandma as she as well was happy that I was able to get into UA. Checking the ratings, I saw that I was 4th and only 3 people were better than me, Axel, Katsuki, and Izuku. Thinking that these were the three boy's names I couldn't wait to actually meet them.

I was so excited about my first day of UA that I woke up a bit too early. Having nothing better to do, I decided that I should get ready and make sure that I have everything ready. When I arrived at school, I knew I was pretty early, but I just couldn't help it.

Arriving in my class I was surprised that someone was here earlier than me. Taking a better look at him I saw that it was one of the boys. I was about to start a conversation with him but then I noticed he was asleep.

Deciding to leave him since I will have plenty of time to talk to him since we will be in the same class, I just picked a random seat and sat down while I plug my earphones and started to listen to some music while I waited.

After some time, my other classmates started coming in one by one. There was a commotion between a boy from earlier and a boy with glasses. It looked like it was going to get out of hand, so I was about to stand up and try to settle things when he came in.

Seeing him made my heart skip a beat since I have been meaning to talk to him ever since the accident. The boy then told the blonde kid, not known as Katsuki, to stop and upon seeing the arrival of his friend Katsuki seemed to calm down.

I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing. I just saw Katsuki about to throw hands with the kid with glasses just a second a go but with just a few words from his friend he calmed down and now both of them are acting strange. Instead of the laid back like they normally do they seem to be on edge and wanting to make sure that they don't screw up.

Eventually the green haired came rushing into the classroom, jumping over desks and classmates before landing in a seat next to the boy who pacified Katsuki. Then he did the exact same thing as the other two boys. Before I could question them, our teacher came in and started talking, this seemed to put them even more on edge.

When we were excused, I saw the blonde boy jump through a window followed by the other two boys like it was nothing. Seeing this I thought it would be fun, so I followed them and summoned my wings.

When I landed, I saw them starting to change, seeing how they don't have a problem changing in front of me. I felt that they were like me, so I changed too. Seeing that the boys threw their clothes to the boy who jumped first when they finished changing, I decided to follow suit.

The three of them seemed to be in a daze, I was starting to freak out thinking that they actually didn't see me at first and I made them uncomfortable like I have always done. Before I could go too far into the rabbit hole, the boy who jumped first introduced himself.

Relieved that I didn't make them uncomfortable I started talking to them. It seems that I will finally make some friends here. We eventually got interrupted when our teacher came onto the training ground.

Then seeing them act strangely I decided to just copy them since what they have been doing seems to be working to be able to get into the top three it must work. I also noticed that they are on edge due to our teacher, but I don't know why they are.

I soon realized why when one of our classmates said something that made our teacher have a sinister grin and said that he will expel one of us if we come in last place. Trying my hardest so I don't get expelled I ended up getting fourth again.

Ever since then I got closer to the three boys, but I couldn't bring myself to talk about how they helped me since they helped me unintentionally, I couldn't help but think I might make things uncomfortable. Then this would cause me to lose my first friends that I have had.

I kept pushing it off, in the meantime the four of us got closer to one another and it felt great to finally have friends. When it was announced in class that we were going to have a sparring match I hoped that I would be able to be on a team with one of my friends.

When I heard that I would be on the same team as Axel I was overjoyed since he was the one, I was the closest with and the one that has had the most impact on my life. When I heard that Katsuki and Izuku were having to battle against each other I couldn't help but worry since they were close. I didn't want them to hold back since they were friends but also didn't want them to hurt each other.

Though when I saw their battle, I couldn't help but be in awe, it was like when they fought the green goo villain but now, they are on a whole nother level. It seemed that since then they only got better since that incident. All the other fights were ok, but nothing really stood out.

Eventually it was our turn, I started talking to Axel about what we should do but when I didn't get a response back, I turned to him and realized he wasn't paying attention to me but super focused on something. Then suddenly he snapped his head up and told me the plan.

I was surprised about how thought out the plan was, and he even prepared for the plan to fail. I was also surprised that he remembered my quirk and how it works to such a fine detail.

After thinking all that has happened about my life and how much Axel has changed my life I didn't want to lose. Knowing that I made Axel uncomfortable during our battle I am going to apologize to hopefully repair our friendship before it's too late and I have also decided to talk to him about how much he has affected my life.

[A/n]: Hello my lovely readers, I know this chapter probably wasn't what you were expecting but it was necessary. The oc is going to play a big part in the story so I felt that it was necessary that you get to know her better. This is by far the longest chapter I have written being 2856 words not including this author note.

Anyway, I will now be writing the second chapter I will be posting today. I might post tomorrow; it all depends on how my schedule goes. I will give an official schedule on Sunday on when I will be posting. I hope you enjoyed,
