
Chapter 32 - I-Island, here I come

Flabbergasted by what the Principal just said, Leo couldn't help but ask for a repeat, "Sorry," clearing his ears for effect, "but did you just say Star and Stripes?" with raised features.

"Did I stutter?" Fury said with a hint of smugness. "Well... no. But you must admit that anything about our Number 1 Hero is big news for everyone... even if they are illegal citizens." Leo said the last part with a whisper.

With curiosity at its peak, Leo blurted out his question, "And what is her quirk, to be exact? It must've been one helluva quirk for All For One to go after her. Especially when America allows lethal use of quirks against villains for licensed Heroes."

Leo unconsciously sat down at an available chair, with the topic being less tense. Allowing his once jittery thoughts to ease and calm down. And Fury observed this too, releasing a mental relief to not having to try and contain Leo.

And yes, America's hero and villain culture is the sheer opposite of Japan's. A villain in America is seen as trash of society that needs to be removed, either through force or sent to prison. In Japan? They have a toxic trait of keeping up appearances, embodying the image of a literal Hero. A Hero accidentally killing a villain in Japan? Would be called too violent to be in service of others or called a villain, just like the things they catch.

Old habits die hard, an aspect of Japan's early 21st-century culture that still persists within its society, even when 150 years have passed. The desperate need to fit within society, to be one with society to the point that if a person sticks out, they would be ostracized heavily.


Still wanting to know more about Leo, Fury gave a question instead of a straight answer. "Before I tell you, you tell me what you think? Her quirk is, after all, one of America's mysteries, as the people say." Still sitting on the edge of his table.

Pondering briefly and remembering all that Leo's seen of Star on the news, he answered, "From what I remember, she has exceptional super strength. That one remains a constant from all the available videos of her online." Star and Stripes, by the record, is the buffest female Hero to date.

As Leo was going to continue, he sat straighter from his position, "But the weird thing is, apart from super strength, she handles every other thing randomly." Raising a brow at Leo's statement, Fury asked for clarification, "Explain."

"90% of villains she encounters are easily manhandled by brute force, but the 10%? The rare times the media or a video is captured regarding that 10%, she is shown to control water? Hair? And even telekinesis? So, what's up with that? At this point, she can do everything." The questioned teen said with both arms snapping in confusion.

'Hmmm, can do everything, not far off.' Fury internally thought.

"Anyway, I can't tell you, nor will I tell you," Fury said blankly. This got a bit of a rise from Leo, "They why even say you'd tell me in the first place?" Irritation is evident in his voice.

"Simply because it ain't my place to share, and I'm a professional, I can't just be spilling beans, can we now? Plus, you're interning under the person. Best hear it from the source itself."

"Suppose so," with another stray doubt, Leo asked, "Though Star has never publicly accepted or had an intern, why would she accept me anyway? Wouldn't that bring all eyes on me?" His brows frowned at the thought of the media discovering him and his mom. You can never be too careful, even if his information has been redacted.

Hearing Leo's doubts, Fury understood where the kid was coming from. But he also knew something that Leo, at the moment, did not. Star can do everything. She can will to shapeshift herself with her quirk, [New Order], reality-bending at this point. So, the media having its eyes on them is no issue, and it certainly isn't the first time Star has been undercover.

But still, what Leo said made Fury chuckle somewhat. "What's got you chuckling?" Leo asked.

"I don't know; with your muscles, I had some lingering thoughts that you were all brawn and no brain. But seeing you ask questions regarding your safety gives me assurance that you aren't arrogant to think otherwise... for now, that is."

Irking at the thought, Leo became somewhat defensive. "Why would I be arrogant to the point of not thinking of my safety?" Though Fury merely scoffed at Leo's words.

"Haha, the sheer amount of rookies that have said that and gone on to die for the simplest of things is hilarious," Fury spoke while he shook his head, remembering all the reports about deaths of rookies on the field. "But from my observation, you're durable enough to be stupid. So, stay durable or be smart, kid; You greenhorns need it especially.

"Anyway, to answer your other question. You don't have to worry. Star'll accept you. On the downside that she'll have to know your story, do you accept?" Fury said the negative of this agreement. While having fewer people know about it would be ideal, having Star and Stripes train you as an exchange is a pretty heavy positive.

"Does she really have to know?" Leo hoped, but Fury only rolled his eye at that. "The Number One is busy. That is a fact. So, you better throw every Goddamn bait there is for Star to bite down to have an interest in you," Fury said with a bite and stood from his position.

Resting both arms and hands on his waist, he gave Leo a 'motherfucker' look, "Frankly, a Country's number one hero, training an intern is a security threat to the nation. Number One is a deterrent to everything. And to have their time away from Heroing? You best make sure you learn plenty from this, or I'd stuff my fist up your ass. Do you understand?"

As Fury spoke, he slowly got heated. Probably already thinking of the impending stress that will befall him.

Ignoring the last part about his ass, Leo stood straight and nodded. "Good; any questions before you head on back?" Fury asked while he was already typing a message for Star to read when she becomes available.

"When's the internship?"

"At the start of your second year, so learn and be ready when the time comes. However, considering this is Star, your internship could start sooner or later; it depends. I'd need to plan and allocate manpower on the void that she'd be leaving... sigh..." The more Fury talked, the more he realized the gravity of the situation for one simple internship.

Listening to Fury speak about the details, Leo learned just how much weight a country's Number One Hero carried. Scratching his head with a mix of guilt, "Well, sorry about that. But last question?"

Waving a hand to proceed, Leo spoke with hope. "Does the school provide any sort of transport to I-Island during the Holidays? I'll be visiting my mom during the break."

"We actually don't." Fury's words immediately shot Leo's hopes but ignited them once again. "Security reasons and all, stated by the Island. But since you have your mother working as a researcher there, I'll lend you my personal jet."

His eyes widened at hearing that, "Just like that? You'll lend it to me?" skeptically, he asked. "Unless you have a safer and permitted means of transport to the Island, then say it now. The Island is a no-fly zone unless it's the date of the Expo, and last I checked, it's still months away." Fury said, somewhat flexing his means.

"Anyway, do go here at the exact date and time. Be late, you miss your chance, and you'd be footing the bill on the Pilot's time and gas, understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" Leo gave a casual salute, though it only irritated Fury.

"Salute like that again, and you'll run and give me enough miles to generate this Academy's electricity. Now, go." Fury threatened without a flinch.

With that, he skedaddled out of Fury's office, with the metal shutters automatically opening for him. And yes, it's the Christmas holidays. Today was the last official match for whatever challenge was initiated. And it happens to be 1st-Year, Platinum(Arlo Fortier) vs. Gold(Violet Parr). After that, students are free to head back to their families for the duration of the holidays. Then come back for the next following semester.

As he made his way through the halls, Leo noted that the chat had taken approximately 30 minutes as he looked at the wall clocks hanging around campus.

Not taking long, considering he briskly walked his way, he reached the arena quickly. However, as he pushed through the double-paneled doors of the arena. Resounding roars assaulted his ears; everyone was standing and chanting a name!




Looking down at the arena's floor, Leo saw a bloodied form of Arlo lying unconscious, surrounded by miniature craters and debris around him. 'Huh, the prick actually lost. Though he did just meet a more versatile version of himself, an inevitable loss, I guess?'

Navigating his way through the standing crowd, the referee spoke. [Challenger, Violet Parr, has won. She will, effective immediately, take Arlo Fortier's Platinum seat for the duration of her studies in the Academy unless she is to be defeated in a challenge. Arlo Fortier is now demoted to Gold rank. That is all.]

With a Platinum-ranked student having their spot taken directly from them, it made the other 40 students ranked below them hunger for their seats. Some even boldly stared at them, heads filled with images of fame within the campus.

Finally arriving where he once was, Diana shouted at Leo's return, "Ah! You missed the entire fight! The prick lost!" Apparent excitement is evident in her voice. "Yeah, dude! You should've seen how Arlo went ballistic when he realized he was losing... though his temper only accelerated it, haha!" Ned chimed in.

"Indeed, you missed an opportunistic fight on learning about our new classmate, Leo-san. But I do wonder, what was the reason as to why the Principal called you for a chat, if I may ask?" The ever-so-polite Raiden asked.

Thinking on the fly, he answered, "It worried me that I did something, but it turns out it was nothing serious. Apparently, all he wanted was to know our experience within the Academy. Considering how the first semester just ended." He shrugs casually with his answer, selling the point in how it was some ordinary inquiry.

Believing Leo's words, Raiden nodded. "That is nice to hear, knowing that the Academy is genuinely interested in our education to be Heroes."

"And here I thought you did some bad! I guess me taking you for a badass goody two shoes is still correct," Percy spoke as he gulped in water with an elated expression. Guess he loves his water dearly.

"Ahhh, finally, this roughhousing is over~ I can finally start packing to go home," Angela spoke to no one in particular. But it did shift the mood and topic. "Speaking of packing, you goin' back to Switzerland, Angela?" Miles asked.

"Ahhh, yes, I am! My parents don't know that I'll be going home, so this is a surprise~" Angela said while proceeding to stand from her seat, ready to leave and pack.

"You?" She asked, returning the gesture. "Not much," scratching his head as he spoke, "Just goin' back to Brooklyn to spend time with family during the holiday, nothing off country."

With the topic of their discussion about the holiday, the class descended into chatter as they returned to their dorm rooms to pack their bags to return home.

Making it to his spacious dorm, Leo showered off his stress and slept like a log soon after. Choosing to forgo dinner altogether, but he'd regret it in the morning with a hunger like no tomorrow.


"What the fuck am I doing on a helipad? Wasn't it a jet?" Leo cursed on the school roof, clearly bewildered by his situation.





