
MHA : The New Spider

For New Readers of this Story, this story Already has 1.2 million views, 48 reviews and an average rating of 4.2 stars. I ReUploaded this because WN had some issues. SYNOPSIS : Story of a guy who got reincarnation into MHA world with powers, one of them being of spiderman. Disclaimer : I don't own MHA franchise, all the characters displayed are imaginary. Along with the cover of the story, the picture is download from internet. Warning : This Story will contain Mature themes like [Strong Violence], [Strong Language], [Graphic Violence] & [Strong Sexual Content]

Your_Drug_Supplier · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter-18 : Our Battle Will Be Legendary

## POV - MC ##

I rescued every one of the volunteers out of the danger zone, which took a bit of time, momo had already fired a flare she created for calling backups and we had sent Iida as an insurance to call the help.

The group was doing well and wasn't overwhelmed by the waves of villains hitting them.

But suddenly the Nomu punched the floor so hard that everyone except a few including me fell off.

Kurogiri took action and teleported everyone to random locations throughout the facility. With villains after them.

I knew they could handle themselves, so I continued helping cementos against Nomu, cementos was pretty banged up by now, he had cracks all over him.

Nomu was pretty brutal with him, but thank god there was nothing a bag of 'lime' couldn't fix, as cementos says.

"Sir, I think you should rest now, let me take over!" I said as I tried to block Nomu's mobility with my webs. Emphasis on 'tried'.

"You sure?" He asked while looking towards Aizawa

Cementos backed as Aizawa nodded and let me took over the fight.

The bird brain looked over towards me and yelled in a language that even birds will be ashamed off.

He broke the webs as if they were made of cotton and moved towards me with extreme speed.

Right now I was both scared and excited, scared because this thing in front of me could almost beat All might into submission, excitement because it had been long since I had fought someone by going all out.

My symbiote which was already black suddenly gained a glossy sheen to it as my haki covered it.

I wasn't taking any chances though, I took The pain killer, Adrenaline and strength increase shots all at once as I started feeling my blood pumping fastly as my strength almost tripled.

I was dodging him as fast as I could but the birdbrain's hands were fast and grazed me a few times, and as I had thought, this nomu was stronger than the one in the anime, because this one had an additional quirk to him, some kind of defensive quirk which gave him a really boosted defense.

"Looks like they didn't waste the two weeks by just waiting" I thought as I dodged the upper kick while shocking his legs with my electricity.

"It will take more than that, Nomu was specially engineered to defeat all might, and has everything needed to defeat him, nothing a student like you can do!" Shigaraki said as nomu moved towards Aizawa and tried to make meat paste out of him.

I caught aizawa in my webs and retreated for a few seconds, which was enough.

I gave him a pain killer, an adrenaline and a healing shot.

"Guess the potency of my 'potions' had increased since last time" I said as I saw his eyes go wide as he coughed out some blood.

"Don't worry, its adrenaline and a painkiller along with some healing potion, you'll be up and fighting in a few seconds" I said as I threw him to the ceiling after wrapping him in web.

I used my senses to max to observe any abnormalities in Nomu, and I had to say, [AFO] did a lot of work on Nomu, from strength to fighting style to it's instincts and senses, everything was seemingly perfect.

There were little to no flaws in its fighting style, I have to get a little creative here.

Webs starting coming out of my hands as I covered nomu in them.

These were resistance webs, the more force he applies, the more strong they get, the problem was that it took a great amount, almost 5% of my stamina to create them and even then they would only be able to restrain him for at most 5 minutes, less if my luck is not good.

Nomu was trying to free himself only to find himself getting more and more tangled in the webs, he kept applying more and more pressure but it would take more time.

I looked around as the situation looked pretty worsening, cementos was reabsorbing the cement he had used till now to heal himself while fighting Tomura, cementos' quirk was quite perfect for facing Tomura.

His body was made up of cement and was resistant to his degradation quirk to a high degree, the only matter was cementos looked like cracked piece of cinder block right now.

Him and Aizawa were coordinating their attacks right now to face him, they even almost got him sometimes but kurogiri stepped in.

Seeing that I had a bit of time, I leaped towards kurogiri, my symbiot hands turning into claws as I covered them in haki.

My sharp claws were about to rip him open as I was hit by Nomu and was sent back like a football that was kicked.

I my whole body pained as I felt many of my ribs breaking, my spine dislodging itself from multiple spots.

My lungs being punctured, I could feel the acid in my stomach cutting my own flesh

'Damn!!!' I thought as a small amount of blood trickled down my mouth.

Although his hands and legs were tied together, he could still jump, quite fastly too, that's why he hit me like a cannonball.

My fighting experience was showing here, even though I was strong, I had practically zero experience fighting someone of this level.

That resulted in my overconfidence leading to me being injured right now.

I smiled like a maniac as my nails became thin and sharp like a needle as I injected myself with two healing shots.

Regeneration from symbiot along with healing shots kicked in as It used my stamina bringing me back to full strength once again, but in the time this happened, Nomu was free.

It looked at me as I also stared right into it.

"Our battle would be legendary!!!" I muttered as I....