
Chapter 2:What is Life

''It's a boy!''

this was the first thing that the new reincarnated soul heared while getting pushed out of his mom.

''Hmmm what a sexy nurse'' he thought to himself while looking at the outside world with curius eyes.

''Oh wait who i am,what is this place,what even nurse and sexy means?''He murmured inside his head and all of a sudden he start to remember things but the information was not complete.He was not able to remember who he was in his past life ,what did he liked,what did he hate?Only information about things he saw were getting clear and other things were a blur expect the little talk he had with the old man.

so i am reincarnated huh,too bad i am not able to remember anything.Hmmm let's see i know i was homofobic and i think in this life i am homofobic too!I am combination of someone named Judge Holden and Stone...

''Congratulations,what will you name the baby?''

He started to listen waiting for his name.

''Hon bon ding dano ching chang''

Judge wanted to scream ''What kind of fucking name is this''but because of his age he wasn't able to talk.''Maybe i am in China ...but i am sure chienese doesn't speak chingy chongy and that is just a rumor of racist instagram reels.''

''Hmmm i think i will stick with my normal name in Japanese...ジャッ ジ-ロック with means Jajji Rokku.''

''Wait how i do know Japanese!?!''

Jajji start to realise he can understand the talk of other people in the room talking Japanese.

''Ehh i think that's a trick of the old man anyway Jajji Rokku is hard to remember i thin i will call myself Roku for short.''

----2 MONTHS LATER----

Roku was in a car going to a orphanage with a old man on the driver seat. Roku parents got killed in a house fire that is maybe (problaly) caused by Roku himself. 

Yeah dear readers you hear me right this brat that is litterally new born killed both of his parent,not by a accident or something just because he wanted!Want to know how?Well let's take a look inside his head to see.

-------Roku's POV--------

I was going to a orphanage i can tell that by the sign that i see when looking out of window of the car.My supposed uncle did drive here and left me inside the car so he can talk with one of the personal to sign me in.

How i did got here is kinda weird.For some reason i have a feeling to do evil all the time no matter what.First i tred to shrug it off but it was a part of my nature,i think it have to do with one of my souls beign an pretty bad person in his past life.

(A/N)''Oh i wonder who''

My body seems to be pretty capable considering i nearly walked once.Well it did help me to kill my parents a lot.I took a candle and set them on fire while they were sleeping,not gonna lie i could plan a bit better because i nearly get ooooffed a second time getting nearly fried by my own doing.I know i should feel bad but actually i only feel joy right now!

Oh my Uncle is coming back!

---------------POV END----------------------

Roku's Uncle opened the cars door and took Roku out of the car and walked towards to orphanage.

''Well my boy,sorry i couldn't take ya i am kinda low on money...''

Roku's Uncle was looking fucking depressed and hopeless that even Roku feeled sorry for him.(He is not fully Judge Holden and he is a baby this time so his soul didn't completely took control)

He did think that even orphanage could give judge a better life than he can give the little boy.He prayed the God that he will have a good life and be happy in the end unlike him.

Roku entered the orphanage and took the smell of sadness there. It smelled better than everything he saw until now.


Near 4 years passed since the Roku reincarnated into world of My Hero Academia

He did learned a lot about the new world he was in these times,he learned about quirks,heroes and villains.None of that intrested him at all.Heroes pfffhh what kind of 4 year old think of this idea. Villains ,more like kids bullying eachother.Quirks...well now that was intresting,powers are greatly inspired Roku he wanted them,he wanted POWER!!! but not any power ,power to be above everyone!!!EVERYONE!!!

He did actually lived a pretty good life in the orphanage.Mainly because of his amazing strenght and clever mind.

But really Roku was nothing like you'r average hoe,he was really muscular and tall for his age that someone from outide could think he has a quirk to make him stronger.He did rain terror with his malicious intent!He was the boss around here and kids at the orphanage knew that,even the maids there that abuse the children did not dare to touch Roku.

------Roku's POV--------------------------

''AH what a good way to start the day''i said as i landed my finale punch to the kid under me.His face was covered in blood and his shirt torned off.

Than i started to feel something something in my body chancing and i suddenly understand.