
12: USJ (3)


My apologies. I didn't get to upload a chapter yesterday, since my dog's niece's daughter died. So unfortunate... Such a young age too...


"Now, who's ready for Round 2?" says Akira with a grin. He enlarges another staff, and he dashes towards the Villain with great speed and dodges the projectiles thrown at him.

A Villain opens her mouth and her sharp teeth detach from her gums and fire towards the boy. But Akira creates a wall, after a while, he rushes once again. The 3 close-range Villains engage with Akira.

A Villain with a huge hairy arm attempts to punch Akira but he stops the Villain's attempt with his staff, and "Paralyze". After that, he jumps on the paralyzed one to dodge a kick and a punch from the remaining Villains. Following that, he backflips. Once he lands, he says "Duplicate" and using the two staffs, he hits both the Villain on the head, knocking them out.

He sees the Teeth Villain, now with regrown teeth, attack him again with her teeth. But, he holds one of the staff and "Widen".

It became a square-shaped shield. Using it, he blocked the attack and dashes towards her, leg-sweeps, and holds her head, "Sleep".

He looks for the remaining Villain but he sees that they ran away.

But on the Central Plaza, he sees Aizawa being held down, limbs twisted the other way, and face bloodied.



{Akira POV}

Damn! Shigaraki already attacked Aizawa with the Nomu!

I need to do something!

So once I get closer, I touch the floor and say, "Liquify" the ground around me but the part I'm standing on liquifies, "Adhere". Before the monster smashes Aizawa-sensei's head,

"Hey! Hand fetish! Why don't you try that thing to attack me?" I shout, very out of character for me, but I need to get his attention. Shigaraki and Aizawa-sensei turn to look at me.

"Takumi..." his eyes widen. But I ignore him.

"Why? Not sure if that can beat a student? Dang, so that's why you were waiting for Aizawa-sensei to tire himself out..." I say with a grin

He replies, "Huuhhhhhhh, what did you say, you NPC?! Nomu!" After that, I see a blur coming towards me but it stops, just in front of me.

"Oi oi oi oi oi oi oi. Nomu why are you stopping?!" shouted the Villain.

Once the man-bird hybrid's body is submerged on the ground, where you can only see the head, I *Snap* my fingers. The ground turns solid and I see Shigaraki running towards Nomu and I. But I take my staff and,

"Enlarge" "Enlarge" I aim, the now human body-sized staff to the running villain and,

"Blast Off!" And it fires off towards Shigaraki.

I turn to Nomu and it screeches as it shakes its head. I walk towards it and touch its exposed brain.

"Disintegrate" With that, the brain turns to nothing. The Nomu's eyes turn lifeless and its head stops moving.

[A/N: I know that Nomu's eyes are on the brain itself. But for this fanfic, just imagine that it is on a layer of skin and muscle before the brain. The brain's still exposed.]

I sit on the ground, heavily breathing.

I hear Shigaraki shout, "YOU! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" he motions to dash but stops once Kurogiri arrives on his side. While Kurogiri says something to him, I stand up and sneakily go to Aizawa-sensei. I sling his body on my shoulder and run to the stairs.

"Oh... It's game over... It's game over for now... Kurogiri... If you weren't our gate, I would have kill you by now!! Let's head back!!"

"Ho... Actually... Before that... Why don't we use this opportunity to take the Symbol of Peace's pride down a notch" he says as he looks at me and clicks his tongue. He spots Midoriya and Tsuyu, so he dashes towards them.

He grabs Tsuyu's face but nothing happens, he turns around and faces me and Aizawa.

He shouts "You really are a cool guy, Eraserhead!!!"

That's when Midoriya shouts "G-get away from her!" and punches at Shigaraki but a fog intercepts his attack and redirects it to another place.

And suddenly...


A frowning muscular man arrived.


Shigaraki sees All Might and shouts,

"ALL MIG-" but he's cut off as a warp gate swallows him.

After that, All Might speeds through the whole stadium, knocking out the Villains.


{General POV}

A few minutes pass and the police finally arrive. They question the students about the villains. Once that was done, they ask help from Akira to recover Nomu's body, and send him home.


"I'm home, Mom." said Akira.

"Aki! Are you all right?!" asked Minami with concern, half-dressed.

She added with tears threatening to come out, "U.A. called me! I-I was getting ready to leave the house. Thank Kami, you're all right! I don't know what I would do if I lost you too..."

Akira hugs his mother and replies with a smile, "It's okay, Mom. Nothing will happen to me. I'm yours and dad's son, after all!"

*Sniffle* "All right, why don't you wash up and I'm going to cook dinner." Minami said with a cracked voice.

"I think that you should probably get dressed, Mom." said Akira.

"Oh! M-my bad..."


{Akira POV}

The school is closed for two days. They're probably reinforcing their terrible defenses...

On the fight in USJ, I discovered something that is extremely overpowered in this world...

I can forcibly activate, and possibly deactivate others' quirks! I need to test this power on Mutant-Type Quirks. Toru has a mutant-type, so once I get back to school, I'm going to test on her.

Also, I'm getting excited thinking about the Internships. That's where I'm going to develop another move. I already have a hero in mind. I just hope he sends in a request...


What did you think of the chapter?

Also, for those that wanted it, I'm sorry that you didn't get a fight between Nomu and Akira. If Akira had fought Nomu, he would have failed miserably.