
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
162 Chs

The results are IN!

Midnight slapped behind her and said "The results! I know I'm dying to know!"

Everyone looked at the screen and saw a video, Momo was behind by an inch, Shoto was after her as Katsuki pressed his head back, reaching out.

His fingertips just behind Bullet's as Izuku's face was jutting forward upside down, his nose passing Bullet's fingertips by a millimeter!

Bullet was devastated, holding his mask in his hand with shock!

Katsuki and Shoto stared at the screen as Katsuki shouted "THAT DAMN NERD AHHHHHHHH!" Momo sighed "Aw man!" Ochako held her stomach and patted Momo's shoulder, "Hrmph!" giving her a shaky thumbs up…

The crowd went ballistic shouting "Woah! Damn! I thought that dog guy was gonna be first! He would've been if he didn't stop like an idiot! Shut up! He's my hero, you ugly loser!"

Izuku swayed on the spot, "Oh wow~!" Ochako ran over and hugged him, making Izuku steam from his head with a red face.

Mei sat on Bullet and sighed, "A bust! These bastards are too fierce!" she smacked Bullet, laughing "BUT NO MATTER THE NEXT EVENT IS OURS! AHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! STRATEGY IS MY FORTE! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, THERE IS NOBODY BETTER THAN ME!"

She pointed at the support course in the stands, "WHAT ARE YOU ALL COMPARED TO ME?!" The Support Students sighed, saying in unison "Trash, ma'am…" Power Loader sighed, "Jeez…" Ectoplasm looked at him saying "You're not a student?" Power Loader held his head, asking in confusion "Am I? Am I not? I don't know anymore!" The teachers were stunned!

The rest of the students filled in and Midnight announced who passed before saying "ALRIGHT! THE PRESS CORPS ARE BUZZING! LET'S GET TO THE SECOND EVENT! Cavalry Battle!"

Bullet crossed his arms and nodded, Mei jumped on his back and grinned, "HAHA! YOU FOOL!" Midnight explained the event in detail, "Participants will form groups of two to four members each and get into a Horse Formation. Like this."

The screen showed Thirteen, Present Mic, and All-Might in a formation as All-Might waved.

Midnight continued, "The rules are fundamentally the same as those of an ordinary Cavalry battle- Snag your opponents' headbands while guarding your own- but with one exception!" she waved her hand, smiling, "Each of you has been given points based on your ranking in the last event! You start at 5 at the bottom then it doubles, etc. You get it right?!"

She pointed at Izuku and shouted "As for First place! He's worth 10 MILLION POINTS! AHAHAHAH!" Izuku's face changed to someone else's as he said "Ah~..."

Midnight snapped her fingers, pointing out with a cute pout and a wink, "Little Midoriya-kun~ is worth 10 Million Points. I'm sure you've heard this countless times since enrolling but this is what it means to go Plus Ultra! The match will last 15 minutes and each team's points are divided by its members. The rider will wear a headband displaying the total number of points, until the end of the match, compete to grab each other's points!"

Midnight stuck her tongue out and winked, "Each headband must be worn around the neck or higher, so no cheating~! Most importantly, even if your headband gets taken away, even if your horse formation is broken, it's not over till it's over!"

The students started bubbling up with conversation and Midnight cracked her whip loudly!

Someone in the crowd shouted "I WISH IT WERE ME!" everyone looked at this Masochistic guy and shook their heads.

Midnight ignored him and continued "Quirks will be allowed! So it'll be a brutal battle! However! It's still a Cavalry Battle! Maliciously Attacking the other team to make them fall is a red card! NO-NO!" as she made an 'X' with her arms, smiling cutely.

A student closed his eyes, muttering "Amitabha, I must not fall into such charm…"

Bullet snorted smoke from his nose and nodded with his arms crossed!

Every single word!

Over his head!

Mei climbed up him, translating "Horse. Fight. No hurt. Take headband. Izuku 10 million!" Bullet's eyes lit up, "Fight!? Bullet good at Fight." Mei grabbed his head and turned to Izuku, saying "Big Target. Or friend?" Bullet scratched his chin, saying "You pick. Bullet follow."

Mei rubbed her cheek on him, cackling "YES! OF COURSE! WITH MY BRAINS, I NEVER MAKE A MISTAKE!" she slapped his head and burst out laughing "WE ARE A TWO MAN WOLF RIDER TEAM! ON ALL FOURS, DOGGY!"

As she got off him, shouting at Midnight, "VIXEN! CAN I USE MY GEAR?!" Midnight was shocked, Vixen?! Before replying "Sure!" Mei threw her head back and laughed at the sky, "YOU HAVE NO CHANCE AGAINT MY GOD-LIKE BABIES! AHAHAHAHAHAH!"

She turned around and slammed metal gauntlets on Bullet's hands before pushing him down and throwing gear on his feet.

She pulled him up as he was in a daze, shoving him onto his hands and feet, pulling her goggles down and grinning as smoke shot out of her nose. She put on Bullet's mask before fitting him with a metal wolf head.

Bullet was stunned and Knuckleduster slapped his knee, laughing loudly as he pointed at Bullet from the crowd, slapping his forehead and leaning back. Tamao was stunned, muttering "This girl is nuts!"

Someone complained, "Can you stop-" Knuckleduster glared at him, "HUH?!" before beating him up.

Midnight looked at Bullet with her mouth open before laughing.

Bullet said "Kill!" and his voice echoed out from the mask, making everyone cover their ears! Mei grinned, "HAHAHAH! BEHOLD! FENRIR BATTLE ARMOR MARK II!" she pulled out a megaphone, "LISTEN, INVESTORS! THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF MY REIGN! YOU'LL ALL SEE BARELY THE SURFACE OF MY INTENSE IQ! TREMBLE AS YOU REALIZE YOU'VE BEEN TRAMPLED UNDER MY FOOT! AHAHAHHA!"

Present Mic laughed, announcing "Amazing! It seems that our very own self proclaimed 'God of Machinery' has made a declaration of war! Will her claims hold true!? Will this Fenrir Armor make a splash? What do you think, Eraserhead?"

Aizawa had several veins throbbing on his head as he said slowly "I think… This kid is gonna get a beating later." Present Mic laughed, "SURE ENOUGH! Bullet and Mei have teamed up as the Wolf Rider! I thought it was a Horse Battle, it seems like Wolves can be substituted!"

Everyone formed their teams and Izuku teamed up with Ochako and Fumikage!

But Izuku smirked slightly, saying "Okay guys, so, I have to tell you something. I asked Bullet about our Quirks and he said…" Ochako and Fumikage's eyes widened with shock as Izuku continued talking.

They all suddenly grinned and chuckled, turning to look at Bullet, who looked up in confusion. Mei smacked his head quickly "Hey! Eyeballs! We together, win! ALRIGHT!?" Bullet looked up and nodded, Mei rubbed her face on his metal wolf head, "THAT'S RIGHT! WE CAN'T LOSE! A HUNDREDS OF VICTORY! FOREVER! HAHAHAAH! ENDLESS TRIUMPHS! AHAHAHHAAH! GOD CANNOT LOSE! AHAQHAHBQCOVWBJQEJONV"

She started going a little wild at the end there.

Midnight cracked her whip, ignoring the request to hit a guy in the crowd, as she shouted "YOUR 15 MINUTES ARE UP! PREPARE FOR THE CAVALRY BATTLE, LITTLE ONES! GET READY!"

Mei wore a headband that said 405 on her neck and grinned, adjusting her steampunk goggles. Bullet slapped the ground with the metal claw, snorting smoke from the wolf mask's nose.

Izuku tightened the headband, saying "You guys ready?" Fumikage and Ochako nodded, "Ready!"

Katsuki's palms exploded and he grinned, "HEHE! IT'S GONNA BE A SLAUGHTER!" Eijiro, Sero, and Mina grinned.

Shoto let out a breath and nodded, "We got this." Momo, Ida, and Denki nodded. "Right!"

Midnight shouted "BEGIN!"