
Everyone can be a hero!

When he woke up, he was in a hospital.

Bullet opened his eyes and sat up, he clenched his fists and smiled gently.

He… couldn't feel Cathleen anymore.

Bullet let out a breath and touched down on the ground. He looked at his feet, seeing a metal foot stemming from his left leg. He wiggled his toes and they made a clicking sound against the hard hospital floor.

He looked up and walked out of the room, seeing nurses coming and going.

Bullet turned his head around and walked around, passing various rooms.

He saw Endeavor with his family, Mt. Lady with Kamui Woods, Izuku, Katsuki, the rest of UA one by one.

Bullet walked into a room and looked at Rumi laying on a bed without any arms and legs. She turned to him and grinned, "Hey." Bullet looked at her arms and legs, sighing sadly. She laughed and said "What's that look for?! Hahahah! We saved the world, you know!"

Bullet snorted and smiled, "You saved the world, yeah… Not to mention, Eri should be able to bring them back…" he fell silent before nodding and leaving, Rumi tilted her head and asked, "You… alright?"

Bullet stopped at the door and tilted his head, saying softly "I guess so. What was the point of all of this? Shigaraki… All For One… these people just born to hurt other people for no reason other than being a nuisance. They never win, what was the point of this big war?"

He laughed at himself, "It's really… All these deaths and pain is quite literally for absolutely nothing. I just been thinking… What are the people after they die?" he rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, "Some people… after they die, they have no one to remember them. Isn't that sad?"

Rumi looked at him silently for a few moments before smiling, "I don't think so. I lived a life without regrets, when I die, who cares if anyone remembers me? Hahaha!" Bullet laughed softly and Rumi smiled at his back, "I think… everyone who died in this useless war is a hero. At least to me, anyway."

Bullet paused and looked up, smiling to himself, "Yeah. I think so too. Goodluck with everything, Rumi." as he left the room.

He continued down the hallway, looking at Midnight and Aizawa along with the rest of the teachers… He even saw Gentle Criminal in a hospital bed with a little lady laying in his embrace happily.

He took in all these scenes silently, walking down the floors.

He came outside and looked up at the sunny sky, sitting down on the steps of the hospital. He let out a breath and rubbed his neck, his entire body feeling sore and weak. He hung his head and rested his elbow on his knee as his other hand scratched his head.

Suddenly, a small hand stroked his hair, "Baby." Bullet turned to see Mei behind him, smiling gently as she sat down next to him. She leaned on him, smiling "She has a corpse. It wasn't destroyed." Bullet smiled slightly, "That's good."

Mei rubbed his arm and smiled warmly "Also… Turns out… I'm pregnant." Bullet didn't react, smiling gently as he held her hand, rubbing the back of it, "I know." Mei leaned her head on his shoulder and asked "You used New Order on me, right?"

Bullet snorted and nodded, she laughed and said softly "You're so stupid. I hope the baby will be more like me." Bullet paused before laughing, "Me too! Hahaha…" she teared up and asked, "Do you really have to go? We can go to the US!"

Bullet rubbed her hands and kissed them, smiling softly "And run away from my problems? No… I just… I'm really scared." Mei looked at him and intertwined her fingers with his as he added, "I just want to be with you… But I need to do this… I-If you can't raise the baby by yourself…"

Mei laughed "And find someone else?! HAHAHAHAHA! ARE YOU JOKING?! WHERE AM I GONNA FIND SOMEONE BETTER THAN YOU?! AHAHAHA!" she coughed and smiled firmly, "You're worried about this? You're stupider than you look! First of all, I'm gonna die anyway, what's the point? Secondly, I can't even imagine even touching anyone else. Thirdly…"

She turned to him and grinned widely, "My big hero who saved the world, single handedly holding back All For One before destroying Tenko Shimura's Quirk… Where am I going to find someone better than you? Nobody even dares to say that you're not a hero. Not a single person has said anything else, you are the only one!"

Mei leaned on him and smiled, "That's why I think you're so stupid. But you wouldn't be you if you didn't think that way. That's why I fell in love with you, you big stupid dog. Even Aoyama got a pardon."

Bullet kissed her head, smiling gently "I'm happy for him. He's a nice guy. But-" she cut him off with a kiss, "But you have to do this, right?" Bullet sighed and nodded, Mei smiled happily and said "I'm sure you'll be surprised."

A little bit later

Bullet was standing behind Tsukauchi, who stood at a podium, saying to a bunch of press "The Hero Nameless has been captured and will be imprisoned for his crimes preceding this war. He will have a public hearing in 2 days. That is all."

Bullet looked at everyone behind him and smiled kindly as he followed Tsukauchi in handcuffs.

2 days later

Bullet had his hair up in a messy bun, wearing a prisoner uniform as he stood behind a table.

A judge looked at him and said "193 counts of recorded First Degree Murder. 232 counts of suspected First Degree Murders. How do you plead?"

Everyone was watching in the courthouse, a bunch of heroes, Aizawa, the students, even the press was live as Bullet smiled kindly, "Guilty." his Lawyer stood up and said "Your Honor, my client has taken a deal with the recovering HPSC to alleviate his crimes due to his outstanding efforts during the war."

Bullet sat back down and leaned back, humming Lady Nagant's advertisement to himself softly as his Lawyer spoke with the Judge.

The Judge looked at the deal and put down her glasses, saying slowly "I am aware of the deal. However, 325 counts of First Degree Murder is a multiple life sentence without a chance for parole according to Japanese Law. The Accused has plead guilty and I have made my decision."

She picked up a paper and said "Honestly, I don't really care about these so-called efforts. Those videos chilled me to the bones. There was nothing in them that led me to believe there was a possible reformation to be had. Therefore, you will receive 5 Life Sentences and 15,000 hours of community service without a chance for parole." before slamming the gavel and leaving coldly.

Everyone paled but Bullet smiled gently, turning over as he said "Thank you, Sir." the guy sighed and shook his head, "Too harsh. You saved the world!" Bullet stood up and laughed, "The law is what separates us from the animals. I participated in the war as a villain, and I ended it as a villain. This is what I deserve anyway."

He shrugged with his handcuffs, smiling gently as he was escorted out.

The press swarmed him, asking him a whole bunch of questions.

Bullet looked at them and smiled, "Hm? Ask again, please." one reporter asked "Do you believe this is Justice?" Bullet nodded and smiled, "Of course. I've committed crimes and am being punished. I believed myself to be above the law, and I'm clearly not."

Another reporter asked, "You said before that you believe Villains should be killed! Isn't this contradictory to your previous words?" Bullet curled his lips and nodded, "Yes. Do I still feel that way… It's hard to tell. The problems we face is whether killing villains would eliminate future problems. Should Shigaraki or All For One had been killed before, this war might've never happened. But who makes this decision?"

He shook his head and went on, "The Heroes don't have this sort of power. While I still do believe that Villains should be killed… or rather treated more harshly, who can say that this is the right decision? Regardless of my personal feelings on the matter, the events leading up to the Final War are unacceptable. How many children were watching?"

He sighed to himself and explained, "Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. Really it doesn't matter. What I did wasn't heroic, hunting down villains like animals isn't what a Hero should do…"

He laughed at himself, smiling kindly with a gentle arc on his lips, "My original intention for being a Hero was to make a world where everyone can smile and step into the sun. Even the people who were like me, abandoned by everyone… even themselves… If my actions brought attention to these people who need help but don't have the voice to shout, then I will happily rot in a cell…"

He turned to the reporters, adding, "You don't have to fight villains to be a hero. You don't have to win a war to be a hero. You don't even have to be a Hero to be a hero! What I forgot a long time ago, was my original heart. I would not be standing here if someone didn't sacrifice their life for me. All For One would've killed me and who knows how many others before he disappeared…"

He looked up at the sky and cried with a gentle smile, "Himiko Toga, the Villain, saved my life. She stepped up and shielded me with her own body, giving up her life to win this war. Is she still a villain? If not, then who is she?" he looked back and wiped his eyes, saying softly, "They say excellent Heroes all have one thing in common; In a crisis, their bodies moved on their own. I believe this too. So you can ask me whatever you want from whichever angle you choose to stand…"

He shook his head and laughed, "However, my biggest belief, the one thing I seem to have forgotten… Everyone can be a Hero. You don't need the fancy costumes or fame to be a hero… You don't need anything. Bringing a smile to someone else's face… That makes you as much of a hero as anyone else in my personal opinion. Thank you." as he followed the police into a car amidst the shouting Reporters.

He leaned his head on the window of the police car and smiled gently.

He could only hope that his smile reached out to everyone who needed it.

This was the Quirkless Hero.

A man who only ever wanted to make people smile.