
MHA: Monarch

Synopsis Along with the summary Izuku Midoriya was a boy cursed to live a life full of misery and dread. Bullied, isolated, and betrayed by people he thought were friends. The world despised him and hated him due to his misfortune of being quirkless. The young man had his dreams crushed by the one person he admired most in life his hero All Might. Although even through his pain and misery he pushed forward as he strived to be a hero. Though this was not a peaceful world not in the slightest. One faithful day Izuku tried to save the one person who bullied him most and who put him through most of his suffering Katsuki Bakugo, The reason not even Izuku knew “It was as if my body was moving on its own” he would say. Although it ended horribly for the young Izuku it was not the end of his life as he awoke to the surprise of a new power. [You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak'] Follow Izuku on his journey as he levels himself up to become a better, stronger person one day surpassing All Might himself. A/N: I want to say this before you all hop into the story. The story doesn't immediately jump into Izuku with the system but builds up towards that event. Also, there are changes that were made to the ages of the characters along with the change in the backstory of Izuku and his family. In addition, I want to commemorate and thank Writer Wolfey199 for creating the wonderful story of Solo. Sadly the story was discontinued and abandoned due to the hate gained from some of the readers. I will take it upon myself to create a story that he and all of you can be proud of, This is my first time doing anything like this so tips are acknowledged and appreciated. Lastly, this story will have similar events to the story Solo with some changes as I will be making a new fan fic using the foundation of Solo. Solo Leveling x Boku no Hero Academia. P.S. I will eventually create my own book cover for this fan fic as I don't own the one being used. Canon events will start in chapter two. Enjoy everyone!

Trooper_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 2: A Quirkless failure

A/N: I've noticed that you guys loved the previous chapter enough to the point you all gifted a few power stones. I appreciate the support, I don't want to just ask you guys to give them to me but if you do I won't complain as I wish for the best for this fan-fic. Enjoy the chapter!


Once Izuku separated from the warm embrace of his mother he headed to his room as he thought.

'She doesn't need to know the truth, it'd only make her worry more, And there's no need for that.'

Once he made it to his room Izuku grabbed his bag and laid out all his books on his desk. "Good thing these didn't get damaged, I've worked too hard to lose all this information.

With a sigh, Izuku went into his bed and drifted off into the depths of sleep.

The next day Izuku woke up as he headed for the kitchen. Reaching the kitchen, Izuku could see his mother making breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, toast, rice, and some grilled salmon with a side of Tea, and orange juice.

Looking at the food Izuku's hunger grew as he asked "When's the food gonna be ready Mom?"

Inko looked at her son as she smiled "In a minute dear just sit down at the table." Complying with his mother, Izuku sat at the table as he waited.

Soon the food was done and Izuku and Inko enjoyed their meal. After the meal, Izuku grabbed his backpack and put on his Aldera high uniform.

The uniform consisted of a plain black Gakuran uniform and Izuku's signature bright red high-top boots. Once he was ready he told his mother bye as he dashed out of the apartment on his way to school.

As Izuku was making his way to school he ran into a crowd of people all looking in fear as a giant mutant humanoid quirk user rampaged throughout the city.

In the user's rampage, a cable tower came crashing down towards them however it was halted by a tall, muscular man of a wide build with slightly tanned skin along with short white hair, spiked out behind his head. As the man stopped the tower he was praised by the civilians.

"Way to go Death Arms!" "I wish I had a quirk that made me super strong!"

As the civilians cheered and praised Death arms they were soon interrupted by another voice as it said "Everyone stand back this area is too dangerous!"

Said a man clad in a firefighter uniform, sporting a long yellow jacket with high-visibility lines running down the center, as water gushed out from his hose-like hands, preventing the civilians from getting closer. "Backdrafts here!" "Great he'll make sure we're safe!" exclaimed the civilians.

Seeing this Izuku had a smile on his face as he traversed through the crowd of people.

Soon a group of girls could be heard screaming "Kamui Woods!" as another hero emerged a young man with a dark blue bodysuit that included a wooden belt, wooden knee pads, and wooden shoes. Along with a small bundle of roses hanging from the left side of his belt.

As he leaped onto the bridge the quirk user's Shouting could be heard by all as it reverberated throughout the surroundings "Get away from me or I'll break you in half!"

Izuku finally making it to the front of the crowd said in excitement "This is gonna be good!" "That'sthe the rising star Kamui Woods!"

Seeing Izuku's action and excitement an old man next to him chuckled as he said "One look at you and I can tell you're a fanboy." Izuku sheepishly scratched his head as he mumbled "Oh well…Sorta."

As Kamui dashed toward the villain he dodged an arm swing aimed at him as he swung his branch-like arm around his other. The Villain swung him as he landed on a rooftop. "You've endangered the lives of countless people and I will not stand by it, you are the incarnation of evil!" As Kamui said those words he brought out his arm and the wood around it started to twist and scatter. With a shout is said, "Lacquered Chain Prison!"

With that thunderous shout, a multitude of branches started to unleash toward the Quirk user as he braced for the incoming attack.

However to everyone's Astonishment A shout was heard from above "Canyon Cannon!" As a giant woman with a curvaceous body, purple eyes, and elegantly long eyelashes. She had prolonged, voluminous, creamy blonde hair reaching down to her waist with two shorter strands curled to frame her face, parted slightly to her right.

Seeing the woman's appearance everyone including the heroes were baffled.

"Today is the day of my debut! My name is Mt.Lady, A pleasure to make your ass-quaintance."

The crowd of civilians cheered and praised her as cameramen took pictures of her figure. "Sh…She's getting all the fame and credit… Izuku seeing her appearance pulled out one of his notebooks and began to write.

Soon The quirk user's body was taken by the police and he was sent off the prison. As the crowds dispersed Izuku stood behind still indulging in his writing.

"Gigantificatin, huh? She's gonna be a popular hero, and she has an amazing quirk, but thinking of all this destruction she caused to the city that goes hand in hand with that she could have limitations or restrictions. No, but what if she could control her size… Izuku in his endless mumbling was interrupted from his thought as the old man from before noticed him taking notes.

"You wanna be a hero, don't you? I believe you got a shot" Izuku hearing his words stopped writing as he exclaimed with a bright smile "Thanks, I'll try my best!"

Once Izuku made it to Aldera High it was almost as if the atmosphere changed as he was immediately looked at with disgust from other students. Some whispered and gossiped while others blatantly expressed their dislike of him.

"Why are you here you quirkless freak?" "You don't belong in a world you can't even fathom!" "Go cry in an alley and prey you get a second chance at life!"

As the words hit Izuku's ears he didn't say a word he only continuously walked as the crowds of students dispersed whenever he walked near.

Throughout the whole school word of Izuku's arrival spread like wildfire as the waves of bullying commenced.

After making it to his class Izuku was looked at with disdain by his other classmates even the teacher showed a bit of dislike towards Izuku's appearance. Although Izuku persisted forward ignoring the looks he received.

Making it to his desk Izuku could see the poor condition it was in, as the legs were covered in rust and there were visible signs of the paint peeling off. With a sigh, Izuku placed his belongings on the desk as he sat down. "This is going to be a long day" he mumbled under his breath.

Soon the door burst open as Bakugo made it to class followed by his two other lackeys from the day before. When everyone saw Bakugo make it into class they all grew excited as they all knew one thing Izuku was going to feel pain, he was going to get what a quirkless loser like him deserved suffering at the hands of the strong.

When Izuku saw Bakugo he instinctively tensed as his body screamed at him to run. As Bakugo made eye contact with Izuku he smirked as he walked towards him. Izuku seeing the figure of Bakugo getting ever closer to him started to get up as he planned to leave although he was stopped as the other students prevented him from getting up.

As the teacher saw this he only smiled inwardly as he sat at his desk enjoying the show. When Bakugo made it to Izuku he Immediately started to through a barrage of punches towards him. As the punches landed on Izuku's body he could only wince in pain as the looks of glee from the other students surrounded him.

Blow after blow the punches only became faster and stronger as soon Izuku was on the ground as blood trickled down Izuku's lips and bruises littered his body. The once-bandaged cuts started to reopen as blood bled through his uniform.

Seeing that his cuts were beginning to reopen Izuku tried to get away but again it was futile as Bakugu grabbed him by his hair raising him back onto his feet as he said "I'll make sure you know that you will never be better than me you quirkless failure!"

With that Bakugo's palms started to crackle and spark as many explosions danced along his palm. Seeing this Izuku let out a tear as he wondered, 'Why was I born quirkless, Why does this world despise me so much?' As Bakugo's palm inched ever closer to Izuku's face he said in a low mumble.

"No one in this accursed world is truly created equal.

As those words left Izuku's lips he prepared for the explosions to impact his face but before they could a loud shout was heard from the teacher as he said "That's enough you kids had your fun, you know the rules no quirks in school grounds.

As those words reverberated throughout the classroom everyone went back to their seats as Bakugo let go of Izuku and told him "You're lucky this time Deku." When Izuku made it back to his desk he asked to head to the nurse's office to rebandage his wounds.

After making it back to his class the rest of the day went by relatively normal. Well for Izuku's standards.

Throughout Izuku's first two periods, he was constantly reminded that he was nothing but a freak, a person unfit to live in a world where quirks reigned supreme. The pain Izuku felt towards those words was immeasurable although through it all he never stopped believing that he could prove them wrong, that he could show them he could be a hero.

In gym class, Izuku was mocked due to his poor body physique as he looked like a scrawny weak twig with little to no muscle on his pale body. In the boy locker room, Bakugo and the other boys beat Izuku till they were forced out by the teacher. As Izuku lay on the cold ground of the locker home floor he mumbled "I won't give up….I mustn't." After making it off the ground Izuku changed back into his Uniform as he walked to the cafeteria.

Once in the cafeteria, Izuku grabbed some food and went to a far-off table to eat. It was not that Izuku didn't want to sit with others he would love to although he would only get avoided like a plague. So Izuku just ate alone as the voices of others laughing and talking resounded throughout the cafeteria.

When Izuku made it to his final period he was relieved as the day was finally coming to an end. Sitting down he started to write in one of his notebooks. As he was writing, the rest of the class began to inter as everyone took their seats. Bakugo seeing Izuku scribble in his book only scoffed as he mumbled "Nerd."

As the classroom was filled with laughs and chatter by the student it was all soon silenced as the teacher entered.

"Quiet everyone and listen up!" As the class simmered down and headed to their seats the teacher continued.

"You all need to think more seriously about your lives at least the few of you that have one—saying that he smirked towards Izuku who paid no mind to him only writing away in his notebook, mumbling incoherent words.

There was a slight burst of laughter from the class at the teacher's word although it didn't last long as the teacher once again began to speak. " I have here some career aptitude test that I could pass out."

After a pause, the teacher's face changes to that of a grin as he exclaims " Why bother I know you all wanna join the hero course!"

As those words echoed throughout the classroom countless shouts and cheers could be heard only getting louder as their excitement grew. Soon quirks could be seen getting used ranging from fire enveloping your hand to even your eyeballs extruding out your head.

The air was filled with enthusiasm and camaraderie as cheers erupted. Although amidst the roaring cheers of excitement from the student Izuku sat at his seat feeling a sense of isolation and longing. He utters no words yet his face said a million. The face of a man who was hurt, powerless, and longed to be something more.

Izuku's lack of power was once again shown as he could only sit in his seat watching as his peers showed off their multitude of powers. He neither cheered nor shouted like the other only sitting in silence not even touching the notebook he was previously eagerly writing in as the feelings of sadness and loneliness grew deeper within.

As the cheers continued to resonate a voice filled with confidence and disdain was heard throughout.

"Hey teach don't lump me in with these extras. I'm not gonna be begging at the bottom with the rest of these rejects."

As those words reached the ears of the countless students their once gleeful faces now only showed ones of fury and anger. Shouts were directed toward Bakugo as the student's anger continuously grew.

"You bastard what makes you think well be at the bottom!" " That was uncalled for, Katsuki!" Hearing their words Bakugo shouted back toward the crowd "Shut the hell up you bunch of extras!"

Soon the teacher's voice was heard as he said " Katsuki Bakugo, if I remember correctly you plan on attending U.A. University is that correct?"

Hearing what Bakugo planned on doing the students all gasped and showed faces of shock. "U.A.?" "Isn't that one of the most famous universities in the nation?!"

The students only continued to gossip and whisper at this sudden realization. Although Izuku was different he showed a face of both fear and shock as he started to cover his face with his arms and started to mumble.

"This is why you are all extras. Unlike all of you beggars, I aced the mock test. Out of all you failures at this shit school, I solely gain the right to get into U.A.!"

"I will become the strongest hero even surpassing All Might himself!" Not a word was said after Bakugo's declaration the class was utterly silent almost as if there were no students at all.

Although the teacher spoke with a slight chuckle " Oh, didn't Midoriya also plan on attending U.A.?"

Soon laughter was heard throughout the class as they all mocked Izuku.

"The useless freak plans on going to a school like U.A.?!" "He has to be joking a quirkless loser like him has no chance of getting into U.A." "I almost feel bad for him he lives in a world of delusions!"

As the laughter of the students continued to envelop the room Izuku only showed a face of dread and embarrassment as he was mocked. When he stood up and tried to defend his choices he was interrupted as an explosion engulfed his desk.

"Hey, Deku! You're below these useless rejects! Your lower than the bottom you're just a quirkless failure! What makes you believe that you could ever stand in the same place as me?!"

Izuku dazed from the shock of the explosion leaned on a wall as he heard the words Bakugo said. He tried to utter words but none came out blocked by fear and the lack of confidence he held in apposing Bakugo.

Soon he spoke although scared " W…wait Ka… Kacchan I don't plan on competing with you or anything! Trust me! It's just I've had this goal ever since I was little. And I...I'd never know unless I tried."

Izuku looked down towards the ground in sadness waiting on the words Bakugo would say. " What the hell do you mean unless you try? Do you take this as some kind of joke?! What could a quirkless loser like you possibly do at U.A.?

Izuku's face tensed up, showing signs of anguish and vulnerability. His emerald green eyes welled up with tears as they struggled to maintain their composure. Izuku's gaze slowly shifts downward, fixating on a small crack in the floor. His mind was cluttered with thoughts and his emotions were overflowing.

As the bustling classroom fades into the background Izuku's focus narrowed solely on the ground beneath him. The surrounding noises became muffled and unclear, creating an eerie silence that amplified his internal emotions.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I've been sick this week so I wasn't truly able to put as much time into this chapter as I would have liked. Although everything I would have added with be in chapter 3. See you guys later be safe

Trooper_writercreators' thoughts