
MHA: Monarch

Synopsis Along with the summary Izuku Midoriya was a boy cursed to live a life full of misery and dread. Bullied, isolated, and betrayed by people he thought were friends. The world despised him and hated him due to his misfortune of being quirkless. The young man had his dreams crushed by the one person he admired most in life his hero All Might. Although even through his pain and misery he pushed forward as he strived to be a hero. Though this was not a peaceful world not in the slightest. One faithful day Izuku tried to save the one person who bullied him most and who put him through most of his suffering Katsuki Bakugo, The reason not even Izuku knew “It was as if my body was moving on its own” he would say. Although it ended horribly for the young Izuku it was not the end of his life as he awoke to the surprise of a new power. [You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak'] Follow Izuku on his journey as he levels himself up to become a better, stronger person one day surpassing All Might himself. A/N: I want to say this before you all hop into the story. The story doesn't immediately jump into Izuku with the system but builds up towards that event. Also, there are changes that were made to the ages of the characters along with the change in the backstory of Izuku and his family. In addition, I want to commemorate and thank Writer Wolfey199 for creating the wonderful story of Solo. Sadly the story was discontinued and abandoned due to the hate gained from some of the readers. I will take it upon myself to create a story that he and all of you can be proud of, This is my first time doing anything like this so tips are acknowledged and appreciated. Lastly, this story will have similar events to the story Solo with some changes as I will be making a new fan fic using the foundation of Solo. Solo Leveling x Boku no Hero Academia. P.S. I will eventually create my own book cover for this fan fic as I don't own the one being used. Canon events will start in chapter two. Enjoy everyone!

Trooper_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
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15 Chs

A Heart Felt Update and a Path Forward

Hey Readers, I hope this message finds you all well. It's been quite some time since we last connected as a community, and I wanted to take a moment to share what's been on my mind, what was and has been going on, and what the future holds for our beloved fanfic, MHA: Monarch.

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for your unwavering support and patience throughout these past few months. Your encouragement and feedback have meant the world to me, and I truly appreciate every one of you.

As some of you may have noticed, I've been on a hiatus for the past four months or, maybe more honestly, I'm not even sure anymore. During this time, I've been grappling with pressures, particularly the challenge of balancing my creative endeavors with my academic activities. The demands of school, coupled with looming deadlines for my countless art commissions and projects, left me feeling overwhelmed and unable to dedicate the time and energy needed to continue writing and for that, I ended up not being able to write out chapters like I wanted to.

I want to apologize for any disappointment or frustration my absence may have caused. It was never my intention to leave you all hanging, and I deeply regret any inconvenience my hiatus may have caused.

During my time away, I've had the opportunity to reflect on the direction of Monarch and the feedback I've received from all of you. Many of you have expressed concerns about the story's striking similarities to Solo Leveling, and how the events going on are basically a copy-paste of the events in Solo Leveling I want to assure you that I've heard your voices loud and clear and I agree with you as well.

Throughout the creation of these chapters, I always would try to keep things a certain way in my life so that I could write and send out to you all the chapters for Monarch as I was trying to juggle doing schoolwork, studying, and art all at the same time with doing writing and going about everyday life. I realized that it was too much for even me to handle and I couldn't keep up with the dates I would give myself to publish a chapter. I know most of the time I would update a new chapter and would tell you all that I would publish a certain amount of chapters with a certain amount of words for a given week and I did try I won't lie to you guys I did which caused my grades to slip a good bit at that and I didn't even get the time to post or even finish the chapters. I blame no one but myself for trying to do too much. My friends and family always would say I have horrible time management but don't we all sometimes? Again, I apologize but I just couldn't continue even when I wish I could. But don't worry this doesn't mean I'm abandoning this fanfic, not at all I promised I'd give Monarch a conclusion and I will no matter how long that may take to do. Even after Monarch, I have plans for other stories and tales including an original novel I've been developing and planning for about two and a half years.

Again, I take your feedback to heart, and I acknowledge that the story's reliance on Solo Leveling has hindered its ability to stand on its own. While I've been inspired by Solo Leveling, as well as the fanfic Solo and of course My Hero I realized that I haven't done that much change really besides the few in the story already even though I do still have in mind big changes for the future events of the fanfic. 

That's the main criticism, but some of you were voicing that Izuku was focusing too much on the hospital bill incident regarding him and his mother. I feel as though that's more of a personal development, to give it a more of a personal feel to it, and a more realistic atmosphere and situation as well. However, I could be wrong as this is my first time doing something like this, so I'm unsure if it even gives off that feeling that I wanted it to. Another thing was that the MHA world didn't fit with this story and for that, you may be right to some extent heroes in MHA don't really carry weapons or even kill the villains for that matter, but I have major plans for that in the future for this fanfic it was already thought of and written down before I started even properly create this fanfic.

Additionally, Throughout the development I would ask myself would these events even happen? I know it's fanfiction and I get to decide all these things, but I still can't help but think about these things like does it all align with what Izuku would do? Would Izuku Midoriya go along and say these things or do these things if under certain influences? I wouldn't know. I'm not the creator of My Hero Academia or Izuku himself. I'm just a fan of his work. I'm not the biggest fan in the world. I'm not, I'm not one of those diehard fans of My Hero Academia like my little cousin. But I still want to do it justice in a way but so far, I would say I'm not mad at what Izuku is currently, but I'm also not truly satisfied either.

With all that said, I would say more but I wouldn't want to take all day writing five essays about everything. Given that, I want to present to you all two options moving forward. The first option is to continue the series with adjustments aimed at diverging from the countless major similarities to Solo Leveling and allowing the story to develop in its own unique direction still with system events but different from what Sung experienced. This approach will require time and effort to properly adjust the plot and events, but I believe it's a worthwhile endeavor. I've dabbled a bit into some ideas already and what I originally had in mind however the past events already would still be present only the future even will be different to better have this fanfic stand on its own.

The second option is to reboot the series entirely, starting from the beginning. This would give me the opportunity to reexamine the story's foundation and make significant changes to ensure that it incorporates my ideas better and also is improved with the criticism you all provided to me while offering fresh and engaging content. With this option, I wouldn't have a problem doing it as it would help me to take a deep breath before walking into this again. Also, I could create new system experiences for Izuku whether they be new dungeons, monsters, Items, or bosses even abilities of the system and its purpose for Izuku. With this path, I could create an entirely new system with some similarities to Sung's of course to keep the Solo leveling aspect of it. Some of the events in this will be somewhat the same as some key events will still need to happen for what I have planned for future events however there aren't many. If given enough time I could even think of some other changes to the other characters in the story to give them more of a purpose in the overall story.

I value your input and would greatly appreciate your thoughts on which direction you'd like to see Monarch take. Your feedback will play a crucial role in guiding the future of the series, and I'm committed to delivering a story that we can all be proud of.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and understanding. And to all of you that have been worried or wondering I'm ok and doing good now. I look forward to embarking on this journey together and creating something truly special.

Trooper out

Oh, and PS if you guys want the first option or the second option just put it in the comments, I'll be sure to read them and pick one after a few days. And if you all have anything you'd like to add or say please do I love you all.

Well guy Im back and im glade to be, I hope you all are doing well out there. Stay safe and loved. Also any of you have any questions let me know in the comment section as well ill be sure to look over all comments from you guys good or bad.

Trooper_writercreators' thoughts