
Gran Torino's Training

Must read- I have been pretty busy lately, and I am taking a break for 5 days. The bonus chapter that should be posted today will be posted after my return. Also, I will re-edit a chapter every day after my return, and if there are any mistakes or any improvements, please point them out.

I will also make a voting poll for the MC's hero name after my return. Hope you aren't mad at me or hate me.

Also, I will upload extra chapters depending on the power stones donated.


350- 1chapter

675- 2 chapters

900- 3 chapters

1100- 5 chapters


(A/N)- I haven't decided on a hero name, and I couldn't land on a hero name no matter how hard I try and rack my brains. So could you please choose a name that fits MC, though I did think of using two names ... but I had kicked them aside for now.

Your Opinions- ( It would be nice if I could decide on a name in 2 days)

You have given me names, and they were many good ones among them, but I still want a few more, and I hope I could collect some good bunch and filter it out after


"Not bad kid, never thought there would be a child like you."

" What do you mean by ' child like me '?"

" Well, how do you put it? You seem mature, too mature for your age. You seem to act like your a child though you have the maturity, and this is something I am amazed about."

" OOOO... I see, never thought of that."

" It's almost as if you are a teen who reincarnated to the past."

*Sweatdrop* ' Well, not reincarnation... it is transmigration, are they same in his point of view?'

" Ok, chop-chop now another round. Yui! need your help in here!"

" Coming "- Yui

It has been 3 months since Gran Torino arrived, and he is a pretty good teacher and a nice guy. Don't know why All Might is scared of him. He trains me every day, and I am sure that... I am no match for any heroes.

Gran Torino and grandma Yui, yes, I found grandma's full name.

Her full name is Yui Tsuikage.' I don't know why she hid her full name, though?'

Anyways. The training is heating up. Every week or a month, there would be something new. The main advantage I got from this training is controlling my quirk ' Instinct', though I didn't get the chance to train ' Precision'. My ' body control ' skill's mastery has gone up. I can now digest food faster, preserve more stamina, more force...etc.

I understand why ' Body Control ' is a legendary skill, you can use it to temporarily shut down pain receptors, and man does that feel good after training, and of course, they flare up after a duration. You can also heighten your senses. Yes, senses and this, along with 'Instinct', made me a champ in phase-2, well, almost in everything as I still get my ass kicked every day.

I have also stopped my childish act, as acting like a child is kinda tiring when you have the maturity of an adult, and Melo is an exception... was an exception.

Speaking of Melo, she hasn't been herself for the past months. She tried to food poison me, give me a stomach ache, dysentery and many more. This also helped me in training my mastery over ' Body Control '.

' Calm Mind', the other legendary skill I got, hasn't helped me a lot, or I still haven't used it properly. By ' Calm Mind', I can think at a faster rate and be calm at some moments. But that was it, and I didn't know how to use its full potential like 'Body Control' though I feel like I am scratching the surface of these skills.

I also got myself a new skill last month, it's called ' Cat Steps ', and it is handy. It allows me to walk with minimum sounds or more like I can if I master it, that is, and its movements can also be used in battle. They are so different that when Gran Torino and grandma Yui saw my technique, they thought it was weird, but they praise my footwork after a month.

" Round two kid "

" Sure" These past few days, I have been working really hard like those fanfic MC's and also, Yui and Torino was surprised as if I am a maniac who loves training. Though I don't know the reason why I have the urge to train, I still like it.


Gran Torino comes at me and does an axe kick to my head which I dodge. I activate my ' Instinct ', and by my instincts, I start dodging all the incoming kicks. Soon the kicks got harder and harder to dodge though it didn't scare me. My purpose was to improve, not to win a fight for now.

The whole dodging period goes on for 10 whole minutes, and yet Gran Torino hasn't landed a single hit on me. Though he isn't using his full power, I would say at my physical age, it is impressive.

I was thinking of a way to counter Torino, and none comes into my mind. The spar extends 5 more minutes, and my mental stress, which has to build up from the start of my previous spar half an hour ago, kicks in.

I fall unconscious.


Gran Torino P.O.V-

' Monster ' is all I could think in my mind. Oki's advancement is so high that he would put many heroes to shame. However, his monstrous talent for adapting, thinking and reading things still freaks me out, and that is not all his maturity.

His maturity is so high that it would be close to a teen, and it seems he has been suppressing this, which is kinda awkward and serious.

I feel awkward looking at a mature child and serious cause we chose him as the next successor of OneForAll, and his maturity raises another question for me, what if he isn't truly him but another person. What if there was a quirk where a person can switch their bodies with others?

But Oki denies the quirk we want to grant him. Though he seems interested, he doesn't want it. It as if he thinks the quirk given to him will make him own a big favour.

The next thing that I still wonder about is Oki's stamina and ingenuity in creating a skill. He is a monster in the field of stamina, his stamina even outruns mine ( his present time), and I say I am weakened as my age caught up to me. Yui has been draining his energy every day, and Oki still has more to spare. His footwork which he calls ' Cat Walk ', is something of a higher class. If he knew how to train others, he could get famous with this skill alone. The way to walk with minimum to no sound audible to human ears is something crazy. It would be sought after by many heroes who specialise in Co-Ops.

* Thud *

Seems like he stressed his brain again.


Unknown P.O.V-

" HAHAHAHA, it seems the thugs did a good job and none thought it as anything and left the case after imprisoning the thugs. So now, Velocity is the owner of the Orphanage, but it is funded by All Might. I would like to see how the symbol of peace would react when he couldn't protect an Orphanage funded by him HAHAHAHA."

" Sir, our test subject has woken up, and as we planned, he is unconscious of his past."

" Good"

" Sir, if I may ask, why do you want the test subject to be the protector of that small kid?"

"You don' have to call me ' Sir ', just call me- ( A/N- Not today)


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments. You can see that Gran Torino and Yui Tsukikage thinking of making Oki the next user of OFA but as I said he won't be its successor and also a real villain will be unleashed soon.