
Chapter 51: Vanguard Action Squad (4)

(// AN: Hi!

I'm watching and reading One Piece to write a fanfiction about it.

I'll only start OP fanfiction after I finish this one.

The MC of OP FF will not have devil fruit and I'm not even considering a love interest (Might change in future) as I'm going to make it a pure adventure FF.

So look forward to it.

With regards,


Thanks for the support!! //)

{3rd Person POV}

The moment Aizawa defeated the clone of Akainu, at the origin of the forest fire, a man in black and white costume said "That's no good, Akainu!" Slashing his neck with his thumb, indicating that the clone has been defeated.

Pointing both of his forefingers at Akainu, he continued "You were beaten!"

Changing his pose into that of disappointment, he said "So weak! You small fry or something?"

Looking at the man, Akainu asked "Already? Mmmm, the clone must have been weak."

"Huh? That's ridiculous. Don't be hasty. You're strong. You should think of this as the pro being very strong." The man said.

Turning towards the fire he created to start the forest fire, Akainu said "Make another one of me, Twice. We need something to keep the pros from leaving."

Turning towards Akainu with a raised middle finger, Twice said "It doesn't matter how many times a small fry goes in!" Then suddenly giving a thumbs up he changed his tone "Leave it to me!"

As Twice was preparing a clone of him, Akainu looked to his side where one of the Nomu was and ordered it "You. Go with my clone and wreak havoc."

"The clone is ready!" Twice informed Akainu.

Looking at his own clone, Akainu said "You know what to do. Take this guy with you."

Few minutes after the clone and the Nomu left, both Akainu and Twice also left from the epicenter of the forest fire. As they were walking in a direction, a voice was heard from their earpiece.

'Target successfully collected! It was just a short while, but with this, our show has come to a close! As arranged, head to the retrieval point in the next five minutes!'

Hearing the message, Twice said in a funny voice "Hey, Akainu! Did you hear the radio? I'm so pumped! Mr. Compress has already succeeded!"

"Took him long enough! I was getting sleepy!" Twice continued in a serious tone.

"Don't say that. He did a good job. Now, we just have to wait for everyone to get back here." Akainu told Twice.

"That's not right!" In his fun voice he then made a one eighty to a serious voice "You're right!"

"This place was supposed to be hard to find because of the wall of flames, lava on the ground and gas, but the gas was cleared away. Things never go according to plan, huh?" Akainu said.

"You're right! Things are going as planned!" In his funny voice, Twice said.

"Hey, Akainu! Speaking of which, this has nothing to do with anything, but is it okay not to call the "Nomu" guys? You said it'd only react to your voice or something, right? It's very important." Twice said in his serious voice.

"Oh, yeah. You asked me why I didn't add that one to the battle, right?" Akainu asked Twice.

"Be grateful! Bow before me!" Twice said.

"A monster specifically for me, from Shigaraki. It's probably killed at least one person by now." Akainu said.

"Then what about the one with the clone?" Twice asked.

"It'll come back on its own." Akainu said.

"Huh? No one else is here yet?" Toga said as she met up with Akainu and Twice at the extraction point.

"You lunatic, did you get the blood? How many people are worth?" Akainu asked Toga.

"One person's worth!" She replied excitedly.

"Just one! Weren't you told to get at least three?!" Twice asked her in his serious voice.

"It couldn't be helped. I thought I was going to be killed." Toga replied.

"Anyway---" Staring in his serious voice and then turning to his fun voice, Twice asked her "Toga, aren't you a little too happy? Was there anything to make you depressed?"

With a dreamy look Toga said "I made some friends and found a boy I'm interested in."

"You mean me?!" In his fun voice Twice asked

"Sorry can't!" Turned to his serious voice.

Then another one eighty degree turn to his fun voice and making a heart with his hand, Twice said "I like you, too!"

"You're too loud. Shut up..." Suddenly, Akainu looked up and saw Mr. Compress, Midoriya, Todoroki and Shoji falling down.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! I know these kids!" Twice said in his fun voice and switched it to his serious voice "Who are they?!"

"Mister, get away." Saying that, Akainu launched a magma fist towards the three students.

"Roger!" Mr. Comoress, used his quirk on himself to be unharmed by the magma fist coming in his direction.

Shoto is able to dodge Akainu's magma, but Izuku and Mezo are only able to narrowly dodged it and that causes some burn on their skin. In an instant, Twice appears behind Shoto and attacks him while saying "Faces from Shigaraki's kill list! That little beat up boy and you! They weren't though."

Shoto blocked Twice's attack with his ice which sent Twice reeling while shouting "It's hot!"

Himiko also decides to fight and attacks Izuku, "I'm Toga, Izuku! I thought so earlier too." Stradling on Midoriya, Toga took out a knife from her thigh and continued "But you'd be cooler if you bled more, Izuku!"

"Midoriya!" She was swatted away by Shoji easily.

Landing on her knee, Toga spoke up menacingly "Is that how it is? Are you going to get in the way? You're not my type at all, but I'll cut you anyway."

"She's crazy." Shoji said to himself after hearing what Toga said.

As Mr. Compress deactivated his Quirk and approached Akainu, he asked Mr. Compress "Where's Bakugo?"

Smiling, Mr. Compress reached into his pocket and he was unable to find the marbles containing the targets; "Midoriya, Todoroki, we're running away!" Shoji said and without giving them a chance to react, Shoji picked Midoriya with him and Todoroki ran with them.

Suddenly, the Vanguard Action Squad's Nomu appeared in their way, so they changed their path.

Just then, Kurogiri also arrived to teleport them away. Himiko, Twice and Nomu went into Kurogiri's Warp Gate and successfully teleported away.

As Mr. Compress was about to enter the warp, Akainu asked "Our goal is not yet---"

"Oh, that? They seemed so happy that they rushed out here, so I thought I would give them a present." Looking at the bewildered faces of the three students, he continued "It's a habit, one of the basics of magic. When I flaunt something, it's because there's something I don't want you to see." Then he opened his mouth showing them the two marbles containing Bakugo and Tokoyami.

"No way!" Todoroki and Midoriya were surprised and horrified.

But before Mr. Compress could do anything, a large blue humanoid figure landed right in front of him creating a shockwave, which made the two marbles escape his clutches.

Shoji, Todoroki and Midoriya jumped straight towards the marbles. Midoriya lost his balance and fell down midway, Shoji got one of the marbles and the one Todoroki aimed was taken by Akainu who said with a sneer "Like father, like son."

As they were halfway through the warp gate, Akainu said "Confirm it now. Release this."

"My show's been ruined! Where did that Nomu come flying anyway?" Saying that he clicked his fingers.

That made the marble undone, near Shoji, Tokoyami appeared and within the clutches of Akainu, Bakugo appeared.

Akainu and Mr. Compress begin teleporting away along with Bakugo. As the teleportation is nearing completion, Midoriya gets up and desperately tries to stop Akainu from taking Bakugo but to no avail. Before teleporting with the villains, Bakugo tells Midoriya ``Stay away, Deku."

The Vanguard Action Squad has disappeared from the battlefield along with Bakugo.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Midoriya howls in grief due to being unable to save Bakugo.


As the villains disappeared with Kurogiri, Tiger and Mandalay went towards where Ragdoll is supposed to be and found her blood stained headpiece.

Aizawa found Kodai dragging Ibara and two more students, so he helped her to get them to safety at the campsite.

Awase was carrying Momo as she was injured thanks to the surprise attack from Nomu. Kendo was dragging Tetsutetsu and the gas villain towards the clearance where they started their test of courage.

At the campsite, Vlad King called for the emergency response teams to put off the fire and to transport the injured to the nearest hospital and to arrest the defeated villains.

All the students who were inside the camp were shaken due to the attack of the league of villains and not knowing what happened to Bakugo out in the forest too.

Of the forty students, ten were unconscious and in serious condition from the villains' gas, and eleven others had major injuries. Eighteen were uninjured. And one was missing. Pro heroes Pixie Bob and Ragdoll were in serious condition due to getting attacked by the villains. Saiba and Eri were unconscious due to exerting their quirks beyond their limits.


A few minutes before the attack on the camp site of the U.A students by Vanguard Action Squad led by Akainu, Kurogiri had sent a Nomu towards Saiba's house under the order of Shigaraki Tomura to kill his parents and kidnap his sister.

Looking at the uninvited guest in their home, Jun sent a telepathic message to Tomo 'Honey, get Yuki and get out of home.'

'Why?' Was the reply Jun got.

'The Nomu, that thing that got defeated by Joichiro at U.S.J, something similar is here. And I think it's not to eat at our restaurant.' Jun told Tomo.

'Haa..... And you think you can handle that?' Tomo asked while mentally sighing.

'Obviously, I can't. But, we have to get Yuki to safety.' Jun said.

'You know what, Jun? I'll take care of that Nomu.' Tomo told him.

'Oh hell no! I can easily escape from this thing, but if you fight our house will be destroyed!' Jun told her.

'You think I care about that?' Tomo asked him.

Before he could say anything, Tomo had already reached where the Nomu was and with a pink spherical light-covered fist a beam of pink energy was shot straight at the chest of the Nomu.

"GAAAAA" The Nomu roared at Tomo.

Jun sighed and sent a telepathic message to her 'I'll take Yuki with me. Take care of that thing as you see fit.'

'Thanks honey.' Saying that, Tomo made a box of pink color around her and Nomu.

"GAAAA!" Roaring again, the Nomu charged at Tomo. She dodged it nimbly and punched it on the side, making another hole showing its innards.

Looking at the injured Nomu, Tomo said with a smirk "You thought I was trapped in here with you? Oh boy, how wrong were you."

Right after she said that, pink colored weapons started to form right behind Tomo, hailing from guns to the cold weapons, all aiming at the Nomu that hasn't regenerated from its previous injury.

Looking at Nomu, Tomo said with a sarcastic tone "Surprised?"

Then with a wave of her hand, all the weapons launched themselves onto the Nomu. The Nomu sensing danger from the pink weapons dodged as much as it could, by doing so it destroyed the walls created by Tomo to contain it and trashed inside the house.

"I don't wanna do this." Muttering those words, she brought her hands together and aimed her palm at the Nomu who was dodging every projectile that was coming towards it. With her concentration fully on the Nomu and predicting its movements, Tomo fired a large pink energy beam the size of the Nomu. As soon as the energy beam reached the Nomu, it was enveloped in the beam and the beam expanded to a one meter sphere, destroying everything in its wake.

Looking at the destruction caused by the energy beam, Tomo scratched her head and muttered "That boy is not going to like this."

"Oh he is not going to like it. Same goes for the police that are on the way here." Jun said as he came back into the room with Yuki in his hands sleeping soundly.

Sighing, Tomo said "Well, what do we do now?"

"We will go along with the procedures as a law abiding citizen." Jun told her with a smile.

Shaking her head she looked in the direction where the Nomu was and muttered "What was it doing here again?"

Jun started to say, but stopped himself. "Well...."

"You saw something didn't you? Spit it, what was it?" Tomo asked Jun as he didn't continue.

Grimacing, Jun spoke "I saw a man with white hand on his face and hands ordering that thing to kill us both and kidnap Yuki."

"Oh no." Tomo said with a frown on her face.

"Yeah, it's not going to be good when he finds out about this." Jun agreed to what Tomo was thinking.

As the police reached the spot after getting a complaint about some disturbance, what they saw was a portion of a two story building in a destroyed manner.

For safety purposes and interrogation, they took Jun and Tomo along with Yuki to the police station. Before being brought to the police station, Jun had taken the recording from the internal CCTV that he had installed in his home.

After a long interrogation and proving that the recording was not forged or tampered with, they let them go home in the morning.

As soon as Tomo and Jun got out of the police station with a sleep deprived Yuki, they were met with an anxious Fuyumi pacing around in the lobby. Seeing them, Fuyumi went and hugged Tomo and said "Something terrible has happened. Jōichirō is hospitalized."