
CHAPTER 099(Camp Gossip)

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pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


As the sun was setting and training was done for the day, Pixie-Bob eagerly volunteered to go find the final student, Horizon.

Aside from him, everyone else could be called by Mandalay's Quirk, but Horizon always has to be 'difficult'.

He'd completed training with Shinso hours ago and was doing his own training now.

In a small rocky area at the end of the training area, she sees him standing completely still with both his arms out. His hands clasped together as if he were hiding something between them.

'Hmm, I wonder how this is training his Quirk...' she casually strolls up to him.

And the moment she's within ten meters.

Taking that one step forward into his room she suddenly feels her foot get cold. As if she stepped into the winter season all of a sudden.

She immediately hops back, and sees Horizon turn to her, now sensing her as she entered his room.

"Are you ok?"

"Mmm, yeah," she taps her foot a few times to make sure. "I guess I should have called out to you, but I figured you'd just sense me walking over here."

"I was focused on something else," he shrugs and walks over to her, raising a hand to touch her shoulder. "Hold still."

As his hand touches her shoulder he does a full Scan of her body. Finding no damage from the sudden cold or other effects, and her body functioning perfectly...if only running rather hot.

"Ok, you're good."

"Did you just give me a checkup?" She gives him a slightly worried look. "Shouldn't you ask permission before that?"

"I try to keep certain things about my Quirk quiet, so I hope you can keep this between us. I can trust you, right?" She shakes her head, exasperated by his casual attitude about this, then nods.

"Alright, but only because you're a doctor, just don't do that to me again without asking first."

Horizon chuckles at that, leaning down to tower over her, getting much closer to her face. "Well it didn't tell me anything new, already knew you were hot, now I just know what the right spots are..."

Him being this forward with his intentions causes her to freeze, then she furrows her brow and shoves him back as hard as she could, forcing herself to take a step back as she couldn't move him.

She angrily stomps her foot and folded her arms, "I'm supposed to do the teasing!" She points an accusing finger at him. "Don't you know you're supposed to get all flustered and shy, this isn't cute at all!" She yells before turning and stomping away.

Horizon gives a loud and genuine laugh as he begins walking behind her. "You know maybe I should get you upset more often," he focuses on the unconscious sway in her hips as she's walking away. "This view is definitely worth it..."

Pixie-Bob freezes, gives an annoyed groan, then continues walking, not correcting her strut at all...

By the time they arrive back at the main building two hundred meters away Pixie-Bob has already settled down and is walking beside Horizon.

"So were you trying to make an ice attack, maybe something like Todoroki?" She asks.

"Not really, that's just a side effect."

"Oh, so what were you trying to do?"

"I'd rather not say, but you already know more than anyone else, let's just keep this between us."

"Oh yeah, no problem," she nods along happily as they continue to chatter.

Their arrival at camp isn't missed by many people, Pixie-Bob was always a ball of energy that had everyone drawn toward her.

And Horizon usually had a presence that could fill any room.

So when they walked into the clearing with her laughing at something he said, it earned an annoyed look from Momo.

An exasperated sigh from Eraser Head.

A glance from Jiro who just put her head back down and kept trying to ignore her feelings.

And an enraged, vicious glare from Mandalay, directed directly at her best friend.

"Ah---" Pixie-Bob winces as Mandalay uses her Telepathy Quirk to begin screaming directly into her head. "Sorry I need to help Mandalay with something, have fun cooking," she says before rushing off to follow Mandalay inside.

"Alright," Horizon doesn't pay it any mind as he looks about the clearing.

Lots of long picnic tables were already set up with raw food lining them. Classes 1A and 1B were trying their best to prepare their curry, and Horizon couldn't help but roll his eyes at how helpless most of them seemed.

"Hey, Horizon!" Sero yells out, waving to him from a table with Momo, Jiro, and Kodai. "You cook a lot, can you help us out man, we haven't made one decent meal since camp started."

Aside from Bakugo, all the other students look to him as their savior, finally having someone who can actually cook.

"You've got to be kidding me. None of you idiots can cook?"

Sero chuckles nervously, the only person willing to speak up at the moment, "well Sato just bakes, and Bakugo can cook but he sucks at telling us how to do stuff...Tsu cooks simple stuff, but since it's a lot of food it never turns out good."

"Great," Horizon walks up to the ingredients and takes a look. "Add this to the long list of things you idiots are bad at...anyway, just do what I say and we'll be fine..."

Twenty minutes later after Horizon tells everyone exactly how to prepare the food...and has to teach some basic cooking skills.

Kaminari and Ojiro are standing at one of the firepits after loading it with firewood.

"Man can you believe this," Kaminari says to Ojiro. "He's good at everything and can cook too...how are guys like us supposed to compete with that."

"Yeah, all I've got is a tail, not much to work with even before we were stuck in a class with him."

Kaminari sighs, "all the girls are gonna be all over him, there won't be any for us," he whines.

Ojiro awkwardly chuckles and rubs the back of his neck, "actually...Toru and I kind of, sort of, maybe said we liked each other a month or so back, and now that she thinks she can learn to control her Quirk she wants us to start dating..."

Kaminari freezes, "what!" he lunges forward and frantically shakes Ojiro by the shoulders. "How can you do this to me, she's like the cutest girl here!"

"Well, I didn't know that at the time! I just thought she was really cool and fun!" Ojiro pries Kaminari's hands off him.

Everyone notices this scene, and the other girls immediately look at Toru, understanding exactly what Kaminari must have now learned. The look in Mina's eyes told them that the girls' room would be filled with chatter tonight.

Approaching the duo Horizon turns to Kaminari, "why haven't you lit the fire?"

"Huh," he snaps back to his senses, "oh sorry man Todoroki is in the bathroom, we're waiting for him to get back."

"Just do it yourself, you're wasting time."

"Uh, I'm the electric guy, not the fire guy, Jolteon not Flareon," he says with a giggle.

Beneath his visor Horizon rolls his eyes, "no, you're just a retard, Takt," one of the pieces of firewood raise out of the fire and into his hand.

Placing it horizontally between his palms he focuses on his hands, "Counter Shock."

Both his hands begin to spark before the electricity begins traveling between his palms through the wood, a few seconds later it cracks slightly, then begins smoking, and suddenly he's holding a burning piece of firewood and drops it back into the firepit.

Everyone just looks on in surprise as Horizon raises his palm in the same manner and shows the energy leap from one to the other in small arcs.

"Wow, I didn't know I could do that..." Kaminari mutters.

"Tch, Electric and Fire Quirks are the most well documented after Strength Enhancer, learn to read, then pick up a book."

"But I can't do that," Kaminari says, copying the same motions and using electricity on both hands, but it refused to leap from one to the next.

"You just need to train more, you're the only electric type in our class and yet you're the worst electricity user...plus the girls you'll want don't want silver medalists, that should be motivation enough."

"Ouch," Ojiro says, feeling secondhand pain just from hearing that.

Horizon abruptly turns and begins walking back to his table to do the final checks on all the food they prepared. "None of you have entirely new Quirks, just learn from people who came before you. It's a lot easier than figuring it out yourself like I had to..."

Kaminari just sighs and deflates, "sometimes I really wish I could hate that guy," he then turns to Ojiro. "How come he's never so hard on you?"

"Well my Quirk is just a tail, he only gets mad when people aren't optimal or as strong as they could be...I don't have as much wasted potential since it's just a tail," Ojiro shrugs. "It's probably the only benefit to my Quirk being so boring, Horizon just ignores it."

Later while everyone is eating, Horizon is sitting with his usual people.

Sero, Momo, Jiro, and Tokoyami. But this time Kodai was beside Sero silently enjoying her dinner.

At the far side of the clearing Deku, Shinso, Uraraka, and Todoroki are eating together with a few others from class 1B.

"So you literally caught the building," Sero says in amazement as Horizon shows them his 'Yay!' profile, catching them all up on what happened since they started camp.

"Yeah, it's been a long few weeks. There were a lot of small time cases between Stain and the Nomu attack, then there was the warehouse of Trigger."

"I guess you really didn't need this camp huh."

"I'm mostly just here to train those two, and some fresh air is nice. We've got six more days here so I'm gonna try to get some training in too of course."

"Always striving to improve," Momo says as she finishes her food. "As one could expect from Horizon."

"Well my journey to being the #1 Pro Hero has already begun, no time to slack off now."

"I thought you said you didn't care about rank," Jiro says, finally speaking to him. Then immediately goes back to her food, trying to ignore him once more.

"Things have changed, that rank is useful. And honestly, where else would I be if not #1...the other spots just don't fit me," he shrugs.

After some more light chatter and everyone filling him in on how their camp experience is going, dinner is finally done and everyone starts packing up. Washing their dishes and heading inside to get cleaned up and enjoy the hot springs.

Yet as Horizon is sitting outside and scrolling through his phone, one person takes the seat opposite him.

"Shouldn't you be with the other girls," he looks up from his phone to see Kendo sitting across from him, her knuckles bloody and bandaged from today's training.

"I just wanted to talk to you, what? Can't I just talk to you?"

"Here to confess your boundless love for me, already?"

Kendo rolls her eyes, "you really aren't my type, maybe if you weren't such a jerk to almost everyone around you, but I just want to talk about something like that..."

"Did Sero finally tell Kodai he likes her?"

"No, he's still being all shy about it. All the girls already know, including her, so she's just waiting. But I'm here to talk about the other two..."

"Oh, that," Horizon puts down his phone to give her his full attention. "What about them?"

"Well since all the girls share one room here...it came out pretty quickly with who likes you, and now the other girls know that they like you."

"Still? Was what I said at the pool not enough? I really don't have time for any serious relationship stuff..."

"Trust me, we've tried more than a few nights to talk them out of it, but Momo thinks you're some kind of perfect faultless god---"


Kendo stops and gives him an annoyed look, "and Jiro says she's over you... the poor girl is so deep in denial it's drowning her."

"What does this have to do with me?"

Kendo sighs, giving him a pleading look, "honestly, I don't think this will stop until it either blows up in their face or they get what they want...or whatever compromise you all make. But I'm just asking, as a friend, we're friends right?"

"I've never really had friends my age before...but I think we're close to it."

Kendo looks a bit saddened at that, "well, as your friend, because we are friends, please don't hurt them. Because Momo and Jiro are my friends too, alright?"

"Yeah, however this plays out, I'll be nice about it."

"Thank you," Kendo gives a polite nod and stands up to leave.

As she leaves Horizon returns to his phone, "teenage romance bullshit, like I have time to focus on that, I've got villains to hunt..."