
Unifying Musutafu's Middle School Gang


After I have beaten the shit out of thugs each of them suffered injuries from a broken nose, Bones, bruises, and other injury as such. All of them were now kneeling in from of me after I've beaten the shit out of them, some look at me with fear, and some looked at me with defiance. Those who were looking at me defiantly glared at me and tried to threaten me. It was the first guy who have the flaming fist Quirk, He have orange hair and looked like your typical thug.

"Do you think you'll be safe after this, all middle school gangs in Musutafu will target you for this" He said putting up a mocking smile while threatening me.

"I see..." I murmured to myself. I then look at them and asked.

"Who is your leader?"

"I am!" The orange hair boy said. Looking proudly at me, I then walk closer to him and kicked his face, he was sent hurdling for about 5 meters until once again crashed into a trash can. His teeth leave his mouth as he struggles to even stand or talk. This startled the entire group which makes them even more scared of me.

If there are many gangs of middle schoolers on Musutafu why haven't the heroes or the police acted yet? Maybe they thought that it was just a kid's play or a social club so they didn't mind it too much. And having a gang already at middle school is pretty much the effect of some kids drowning in the power of their newly awakened quirk. People of this world are stupid for this.

I got out of my stupor and once again asked a question to the now-scared bunch of thugs.

"How does this "Gang" of yours work?" I asked them. Heavily emphasizing the gang part. Though they were still scared they still answered my question because they were afraid that their face may be my foot's next target if they didn't talk.

"W-we are composed of 4 gangs, those gangs are Musutafu Private Middle School, Nabu Middle School, Aldera Junior High, and Salty Banks Middle School. We usually do some extortion to some students and threats but that's all we do nothing too harsh I promise" He answered while shaking and trembling.

"I see you, guys have a lot of members huh, this will be troublesome"

After this I let them go and headed back to our mansion, I was thinking about how to deal with this, I have a similar experience like this in my previous world, I beat a young master for being arrogant and challenging me to a duel, once I have beaten him he came back this time along with his dad, I beat his dad, then after that, they came back again along with his father's master, I beat them too, then after that, they came back with their Grandfather, then after that their entire family until I have no choice but to annihilate them, the cycle was very annoying and I don't want that to happen in here too so I have decided to subdue their entire gang and make them my underling, because you know if I just beat them they will come back once again.


Morning came and I got ready, I brushed my teeth, took a bath, and change into my school uniform, I ate my breakfast and then headed to school, but before then I still said my goodbyes to my parents along with some hugs and kisses.

After arriving at our school I search the entire school to find the thugs I have beaten yesterday, I found them on our rooftop, and upon seeing me they all panicked.

"W-what do you want? Do you want money? please just leave us alone!" They said looking at me with begging eyes. I of course replied to them with kindness.

"No. No no no I am not here to beat you I'm here to make you my underling" I said giving them my signature Handsome Smile which seems to scare them. After some beating ahem I mean convincing they have agreed to be my underling.

Ever since then I have captured the 4 groups and made them my underlings, I even made some local gangsters my underling, and by the time I have completely subdued them they have bestowed me with the title, Boss Demon, pretty childish but I still like it, I became the gang boss of the entire minor gang of Musutafu, my deeds traveled through every corner of Musutafu as my name and title brought fear to people, Ahem I mean thugs.

I have stopped them from conducting their various activity instead I made them work, I mean true work, like helping out people for money and applying for jobs though 20% of their money would go to me, You may be saying weren't your family already rich? Why would you need that money? and my answer would be, is to start my little empire or playground, I don't need any of those but having an underling sure makes things better, and besides, I'm pretty bored too. I may have changed but I'm still the Heavenly Demon when my subordinates retaliate I just beat the shit out of them, at first they were very insubordinate and tried several times to bite back at me, But I just beat the shit out of them this continued until their defiance turned Into loyalty and respect.

My Mom and Dad heard this but they didn't seem to be pretty mad at me, Instead, they were proud of me because I reformed that gangster into honest working people. Oh, I've also made some friends at the school, they were Eijiro Kirishima and Mina Ashido, at first they were scared of me because I was a gang head but time passed and they didn't seem to be pretty much bothered by it.

Oh by the way If you were wondering why the police haven't intervened yet that was because I didn't use my quirk and instead only used my martial arts, they did question me but after seeing that local gangster changed and after my dad talk a little about them they didn't bother me anymore. Mina was the cheerful type while Kirishima was the timid one, though he was pretty timid he was pretty brave sometimes, we all became good friends I even introduced them to Momo.

And with that years pass and the time until I enroll in UA High is near.