
UA Entrance Exam


---Chun Ilyun's Pov---

The day of the UA entrance exam has arrived and I'm currently on my way there to take the exam. Normally with the connections, I have I don't have to take the exam and should instead just enter through with a recommendation, but I quickly trashed that idea, my purpose of attending UA is to scout talented individuals and graduate to obtain a license to freely used my quirk, so by taking this exam I can already evaluate some candidates to recruit and take a headstart.

Minutes passed and we finally arrived at UA, hundreds of children were already there showing each kind of emotion, from nervousness, confidence, and expectation, this opportunity alone is something that will take them to new heights so it's expected that many of them are already here. Attending UA and graduating here will give them a sure way to become a hero but the standards here are high so that's why many are nervous.

I got out of the car and headed through the crowd several people recognize me and they all look shocked.

"H-hey isn't that M.U.G's Supreme Leader Chun Ilyun!?" One of the students asked, this question caught the entire attention of the crowd as they all looked in my direction.

"Whoah! Your right!"

"But what is he doing here?"

"Are you stupid! of course he is here to take the exam, why else would he be here?"

"Kyaa! He's so handsome!"

"I'm sure he'll pass easily, other than being the leader and founder of M.U.G he is also known for his strength."

Several opinions were conveyed about me, but I ignored them only minding my own business, now that look at it there are several members of my little empire, though I said in our monthly meeting that inside UA they should avoid calling me boss as UA is not inside my territory. Several kids took my interest, there was this wimpy-looking green-haired kid, though he looks like a weakling I can feel a powerful force lying dormant inside him, it seems that he can't handle it yet, very interesting.

Minutes passed, then suddenly the attention of the whole crowd shifted, when a loud voice traveled through the ear of each present here.

"WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO MY LIVE SHOW!!" A loud man said, a tall, slim man with long blond hair, which he wears spiked upwards in a large tuft behind his head, and a small brown mustache. He has rectangular eyes with concentric pupils and greenish-yellow irises (red in the manga),l. I recognized this man as he is fairly famous for being a hero he is Present Mic.

'Hmm, Voice amplification without the use of Qi how amusing'

"EVERYBODY SAY HEYY!!" He screamed as he urged the crowd to reply only to be responded by total silence, seeing the lack of enthusiasm of everyone he proceeded seemingly not affected by the crowd's reaction.

"I've got shivers in my spine too listeners!, Alright examinees!!"

"I'm gonna give you the low down on how this will go down, ARE YOU READY!?"


This time everyone responded with total vigor and enthusiasm. He then continued to explain.

"Now pay close attention listeners, we'll be testing your mettle by running a ten-minutes practice run to the replica city."

"You can take whatever you like, everybody gathers at the designated meeting area after the presentation."

"As for your goal, we will be sending dozens of robots with three varieties, each worth different points needed for you to pass, so your goal for this exam is to gain points as much as possible by defeating this robot, capisce?"

" We will be dropping you guys to the pseudo city where the robot or as this exam views it villains will roam freely around waiting for you to be hunted."

My, my what an interesting way to examine students, normally I should already know this just by asking my parents or having Himiko gather some info but I deliberately avoided it to not spoil the fun. Now that I know this it is really interesting but isn't it supposed to be four types of villains, not three. Luckily someone already voices my opinion, a teenage boy with glasses suddenly asked Present Mic about this, questioning the reason why he only mentioned three not four. He also mentioned the muttering Green-haired boy saying he was a distraction, I can only say one word for this, BURN! HAHA, I learned that from the internet. Man the internet is infectious I never thought that I would joke about something like this.

Present Mic explained it to the crowd saying that it was a gimmick. Proceeding on to the final speech he conveys.

"Now let's move on to the main event, PLUS ULTRA!"

"And may you all suffer too gladly to the trials to come."

With that he ended his opening speech, all of us change our clothes and headed to the examination grounds, this time I brought a mysterious long rectangular container that is colored black, inside this container, containing my three weapons of choice.

We all arrived at the examination site after we settled in, everyone started to mingle with each other, then suddenly a familiar voice rang out on the entire field.


This sudden action brought confusion to everyone present as they all put on a confused expression, for me I wasn't confused at all as I already started to run, heading to the pseudo city. Seeing me run the students started to connect dots as they too followed me.

The exam started, and every robot I encountered was mutilated by my sword, as each of them will first lose their limbs until the final blow. From one to another I never stopped my slaughter as hundreds of robots were already exterminated by me, not even a full two minutes passed and 100 robots had already fallen onto my hands to meet their demise. This stunning action made the students petrified by my action, while the students who are part of my group looked at me proudly as if saying to the others "That's our boss". This continued until one feisty blonde-haired kid, tried to attack me.


"What did you just call me?" I replied to him with annoyance. He didn't reply as he just send explosions at me, this angered me slightly, resulting in him being sent flying several meters away due to my kick.

"What's his problem?" I asked but quickly dismissed it as I felt the ground shake, a feeling that something big is approaching, I turned my attention to where the vibration came from only to see a humongous robot approaching my direction. Every student started to run away from this thing, which I guess is the gimmick that present mic mentioned. Panicked and confusion spread out as another one appeared resulting in 2 titans start rampaging

This caught my interest, as I approached the stronger-looking one, while everyone was running away they saw me approach the giant robot, and they looked at me dumbfounded. While all students were running away, some stopped right in their tracks when they saw me approach, recognizing me as the leader of MUG, they stopped to look at what I'm about to do.

The giant stopped, when it saw me approaching him, when the students have gained some safe distance they all turned their attention to me, they looked at me like I was stupid some even hiddenly laughed gaining the ire of some belonging to my empire. One student asked.

"Hey, isn't he Chun Ilyun!?"

"Your right!"

"Is he stupid or something?"

"Why would he approach that giant thing?"

While everyone was debating about me, I focused my attention on this giant, it suddenly started to act as it threw a powerful punch at me using its ginormous metallic arm. Everyone who was watching flinched, thinking that it was the end for me, contrary to their expectation I effortlessly dodged it.

The robot gave me no time as it sends another one following its last punch with no delay, which I again dodged effortlessly, this cycle continued for 30 seconds, until a bored look, appeared on my face. I decided to end it.

"You know what this is getting boring"

"Playtime is over big guy"

I then pulled my fist backward taking on a punching stance, I punched the space, and sounds of something cracking spread as white cracks were created on the air like a broken mirror, but that's what's the most surprising, followed by this mysterious crack, a powerful and terrifying shockwave traveled through the direction where I punched, destroying the ground along with some building, the wave finally reached the robot, as the robot was destroyed, crushed and sent flying by this mysterious wave.

The entire pseudo city was leveled by this, powerful earthquake ravaged everything making half of the pseudo city destroyed.

Everyone was baffled, shocked, and petrified, silence permeated the air as no words were spoken during this ghostly silence, minutes passed, and still, no one made any move yet.

Even Present Mic who is supposed to end the exam didn't speak as he too is equally shocked by this until one of the students broke the silence.

" You know there is a famous saying in our group, it is said that 'When it comes to anything all it takes is a punch from the boss', Seeing this I guess it was true all along."