
Musutafu United Gang


After unifying the Musutafu Middle School gang, I named my newly formed Empire, Mustafa United Gang. Though the "Gang" part remains in the title we weren't a gang anymore instead we are more of a group under one leader and that leader would be me, We still do gang wars though because some groups would from time to time become greedy and try to take my territory. I have noticed that I have become too soft, normally when someone opposes me I either kill them or kill his entire group, but it seems that the blood has yet to flow in my hands.

My empire grew and grew until it was considered one of the most famous organizations within Musutafu alongside UA High. My Little Empire grew so big that it entices the interest of some villains, one time a villain attacked inside my territory you know what I did? I broke every bone in his body and even use my torturing technique "Squeeze Muscle Crushed Bone" A technique entirely made to bring out the most pain on its target. It is harsh but that guy tried to do murder inside my territory, MY TERRITORY!. Ever since then crime rate slowed down inside Musutafu, you may be saying "hey you don't have any hero license so you can't fight villains!". Well even though I don't have any Hero License I do have mass influence, money, people's support, and prestige.

Yes, I may lack a Hero license but it seems you are forgetting my Family's Influence. So I can pretty much do what I want in this land without any consequences remember Money makes the world works. My name even became a symbol in musutafu, and I even got invited to different talk shows HAHAHA I know it's unnecessary but I can't help but show off.

Besides what I do positively affects the common people, I mean we do odd jobs, and we even do protection against villains, except I'm the one who fights, my subordinate can't handle any villains yet. My actions heavily affect the people's livelihood, and what I do always positively affects them. Some shady officials tried to put their hands on our group but they backed down when they got to know that their leader is the son of Chun Yujong, one of the earth's most influential men.

My Dad let me do all this stuff because he thought that it would be a good thing for me to know how to handle a large group or organization since I'm the one who will inherit the family head position. So I think it's all pretty all right.

At first, my underling was dissatisfied with what activities they were doing but as our group's name became more popular they started to take pride in being a part of it and started to change.

We even bought a building dedicated to our group although it wasn't my name that's in the official paper cause you know I'm still a minor. We do monthly meetings on how to discuss our activity and meet up.

---Mustafa United Gang Private Building---

Inside a three-story building, many teenagers seems to gather there, they were wearing different uniform from Nabu Middle School, Salty banks Middle School, Aldera Junior High, and Musutafu Private Middle School there were even some local civilians who were previously local thugs.

Some important representatives of this individual school were gathered on the top floor, there were five figures seated at a round table seemingly awaiting someone.

Outside the three-story building a Black Sedan arrived in front of it, opening the door of the car a Gray-haired handsome teenager got out, and upon coming out of the car everyone present, greeted him. Even if they were the same age as this boy they still respectfully greeted him showing how firm this boy's position was inside their group.

" WELCOME BOSS!!" They all said halting whatever they were previously doing just to greet this young man and taking a small bow.

The gray-haired boy casually waves his hand at them as he walks toward the building, upon entering the building all inside did the same as they too bowed and greeted him.

The boy took the elevator and arrived at the third floor he entered the meeting room, and the figures inside the meeting room did the same as all the previous teenagers did.

He walks toward the middle seat as he sits at it and commands them.


The first to speak up is Hitoshi Shinso a young man with messy indigo hair that appears in large tufts, with a pair of dark purple eyes with white pupils that have no visible eyelashes. His eyes are often half-closed and he tends to have a lax expression on his face. He wore Nabu Middle School's uniform so it's pretty self-explanatory that he is Nabu Middle School representative

"Boss it seems that some villain activity was being conducted on Nabu's Territory," He said while taking on a respectable tone.

"Continue" The Gray Haired boy commands.

"A villain who is wearing a schoolgirl's uniform was halting some of our activities and she seems to be a villain base on our investigation her name is Himiko Toga," Shinso said.

"I see, alert me when she resumes her activity and I'll be the one to solve this," Chun U Ilyun said.

"Thank you, boss" Shinso replied taking on a small respectful bow.

The meeting continues for minutes and after that, the meeting was dismissed they didn't talk about any more new stuff, it was just the usual meeting, except for the villain's case.

---Chun Yujong Pov---

My son seems to be enjoying being the leader of his little group, at first when he was just beating up some thugs I thought that it was nothing special but I didn't expect it to grow this big, his group's name even became a household name and it seems that these teenagers were enjoying this, well it did say that kids at that age tend to like this because of, what was that thing called again? AH! Yes, Chinubyu.If my son is enjoying this I should support him to my fullest.

He seems pretty charismatic too when leading, even the government was enticed by this little group, but I warned them.

(A/N: The reason why the influence of his little group is large is because of, his time to time activities from charity to helping out the public community even fending off some villains if the situations call for it, Some of you may say "HEY! isn't he the Heavenly Demon shouldn't he be more ruthless? And why is he doing all this?. Well to answer that at first when he created this little group it was only for fun but as he notices his group became powerful he decided to take it seriously and make it more large, spreading its influence especially among the civilian. He do all this to make himself more popular and use it to plant his seed and when the time passed and this organization grows he may used it to create his Heavenly Sect and maybe even maybe teach his martial arts for you know Fun, but if you disagree just say your opinion and maybe I can work out some way to change it)