
Chapter 20


Of course, I had to offer him a hug. When Denki's crying it's heartbreaking. He's such a walking ball of sunshine but he brings himself down. Katsuki didn't want me to talk to him anymore after he chose Hitoshi and Neito over us but I think they're perfect for each other.

"It's not your fault" I whispered to him

"But it is. I led them there," he whispered back

"I'm sure you didn't mean to and we'll get them back."

"Thank you."

I led him over to the rest of the Bakusquad. Katsuki dragged Eijiro away, not letting him talk while me and Hanta did our best job to cheer Denki up. I saw Hitoshi standing over where I had pulled Denki away from him and motioned for him to come over.

"No way is eyebags coming over here. He's almost as bad as the nerd" Katsuki butted in "Come on Kiri let's go put him in his place."

"Katsuki leave him alone. You and Denki used to be such good friends you can't get mad at him for trying to live a life. Maybe you should take others into account for once in your life." I nearly yelled at him

"Little you know, alien freak."

"Maybe I am an alien but you are just a big bully!"

Katsuki froze. "You take that back right now." He growled

"No, I don't think I will."

An explosion flashed in front of me.

"That's your warning. Leave."

I stood unwavering in front of him. He walked forward slowly.

"I said leave."

I remained silent and I saw an explosion starting beneath my feet. I was blasted away and crashed into a wall nearby. I wasn't hurt, just shocked. I saw Hitoshi had made it to Denki and now Katsuki was out for blood. He wasn't above murder if he thought he had good reason. I attempted to stand and felt a sudden sharp pain in my ankle. Maybe I was hurt. I nearly passed out from the pain and collapsed back to the ground. My vision was blurry but I could see Eijiro running towards me. He reached me and helped me up.

"Come with me." He whispered, "I think we need a teacher."

He led me down the hall where we found Present Mic and Eraserhead talking.

"Sirs, we need help. Katsuki's kind of mad."

Eraserhead sighed "Bring me to him."

Eijiro brought me and Eraserhead back outside where there were many marks from explosions. Katsuki was nowhere to be seen but I saw a path of destruction. I pointed it out to Eijiro and we followed to the cafeteria where I spotted Katsuki. Eraserhead stared straight at him, disabling his power. Hitoshi, Denki, and Hanta appeared from under the table.

"Katsuki, this behavior is unacceptable. This is your third strike and I'm afraid I have to expel you. You've hurt too many students and I'm sure your friends would agree with me."

Me, Eijiro, and Hanta all nodded. Eraserhead led Katsuki out of the building. Denki burst into tears yet again and buried himself in Hitoshi's chest.

"I'm sorry," He said "I caused this."

"If it's anyone's fault it's mine Denki." I responded "I went along with everything Katsuki said although I knew it was wrong. We all did. Me, Eijiro, and Hanta at least."

"But I made him mad."

"I'm the one who went up to you in the first place."

I let go of Eijiro and tried to walk towards him but when I put weight on my bad foot I collapsed to the floor.

"I'm ok," I said and tried to lift myself up

This hurt even more and I almost fell again before someone caught me. I turned and found Eijiro holding me again.

"Come on, you need to get that checked out."

"No, I'm fine really."

"You can't even stand on your own."

"I'm fine ok."

I tried to stand again and collapsed to the floor yet again.

"Hey, Mina." I heard Hitoshi say

"Yeah?" I answered

"On a scale of one to ten, how much does it hurt?"


I was cut off as I heard a voice say to let Eijiro carry me to the nurse. I listened to the voice as he picked me up in his arms. He brought me to her office before dropping me off on the bed. I felt Hitoshi's power release me and I tried to leave but I couldn't get up. Hanta had taped me down so the nurse could check my ankle. She did a couple tests most of which hurt before eventually coming to a decision.

"Looks like you broke a bone in your ankle. You'll need a cast and crutches and no hero work for a while. I'll heal it as much as I can now but it might still need to be in a cast for around a month."

"Wait before you do anything I have an idea." Hitoshi butted in "I'll be back in a minute."

He ran out the door. We waited silently for him to return. When he came back he brought Eri and Eraserhead with him.

"She thinks she can rewind her. We brought Eraserhead in case anything goes wrong. If it's alright with Mina that is."

I nodded and could feel as my ankle fixed from Eri's power. Soon it hardly even hurt at all. I thanked Eri and Hanta untaped me. I slowly put weight on my bad foot and only felt a small ache. I thanked Eri once more and we all headed off to class.