
Chapter 16

Denki's POV:

I didn't want anyone to find me so when I found an abandoned shed on the edge of town I knew it was the perfect hiding spot. I was so distracted I didn't hear the voices as I entered or notice the markings on the walls. I went to the corner and sat crying until I heard footsteps.

"Who's there!?" I called

"It's just me" A girl around my age appeared

She had many colors of skin all over her body and curly midnight blue hair. One of her eyes was swollen and purplish-blue.

"Zuri." She said "You are?"

I had heard that name before but I wasn't sure where.

"Denki Kaminari. Son of ElecTricks"

I felt someone grab my hands and put handcuffs on me. I tried to fight and realized where I had heard the name Zuri before. Eliza had said that was Heatwave's real name. I tried to electrify her but my powers weren't working.

"Oh poor Denki. Your friends don't know where you are and your powers are gone. I knew you were dumb but you literally walked into our headquarters. Come on out everyone."

A whole army of villains appeared behind her. I knew a few of them and had fought some. I spotted my old friend Shoto's brother Dabi in the mix and also Himiko Toga and other members from the original League of Villains. Near Dabi I saw the former hero Hawks. He had switched over to the other side once he realized how bad the heroes were at everything. Most of them looked pretty beat up and had stitches of some kind. Zuri looked the worst though because even with her patchwork of skin she had more stitches and a few open wounds. Himiko Toga began walking towards me knife out. I squirmed trying to get away.

"Wait!" Yelled Zuri. "We can use him for bait. We could get Violet Skull back and you could have some of her blood too."

Himiko thought about it for a second before nodding. I remembered her power now she could transform into anyone after consuming their blood. She was one of the most dangerous villains as she had also learned how to copy powers with her ability.

"Denki!" I heard someone yelling outside

"Denki, where are you!?" Someone else called

I stayed silent not wanting them to fall into the villain's trap.

"I'm in here!" One of the villains called perfectly imitating my voice

Neito and Hitoshi entered the shed and all the villains scurried away. I tried to warn them but my voice wasn't working properly.

"Denki!" Neito yelled running up to me

That's when the shed doors closed. Hitoshi turned around startled. I saw handcuffs appear on his and Neito's wrists and they were forced into the corner with me.

"Hello there Neito Monoma and Hitoshi Shinso." Zuri said "I think you know who I am. Eliza told you and you still fell into my trap."

"Heatwave," Neito said

"Well yes, but I would prefer if you called me Zuri. Invisiman grab their phones."

I felt a hand in my pocket but when I turned there was no one there. Our three phones appeared in Zuri's hands and she dialed a number on Toshi's.

"Eliza help!" The same villain as before yelled in an imitation of Hitoshi "Heatwave has me, Denki, and Neito trapped in her hideout!"

Hitoshi tried to speak but his voice was gone as well.

"Whisper you can give their voices back now," Zuri said as she ended the call

She sighed but soon our voices returned and I felt hands lifting me up and dragging me away from Toshi and Nei. I fought kicking and screaming but was dragged up to a throne in the back where Zuri sat. Toga stood next to her glaring at me. I realized I had been biting my lip and it was now bleeding. Toga watched the blood and licked her lips. She was bloodthirsty and this was probably going to be my end.

"Leave him alone!" Neito screamed as Toga took out her knife "I'm more powerful anyway!"

Zuri glanced at Toga who nodded and I was dragged back over to Hitoshi as Nei was dragged away. I couldn't do anything and felt tears running down my face. I scooted myself closer to Toshi as Toga raised her knife once more. I leaned on Toshi burying my face in his arm not wanting to move. I knew he was watching and tears landed on my head but I still didn't budge. I lay like that for a long while until Hitoshi rested his head on mine.

"It's ok, Denks. It's over now. They took him away to keep him from dying. They won't kill us."

I lifted my head and found the room appeared empty again. There was no sign of Neito anywhere. In fact, all the villains had disappeared. I knew they were still here somewhere so I didn't say anything. Hitoshi shifted so he was lying down and I rested my head on his chest. We fell asleep like that although my dreams were all nightmares.