
Chapter 11

I woke myself in the middle of the night and snuck out of the villain's hideout. Many years of hero training had taught me to be completely silent on my feet like a fox. I headed back to the school and to my apartment but when I walked past Hitoshi and Denki's the door opened and I was pulled inside.

"Where were you!?" Asked Neito as he let go of my arm

I guess the three boys must live together. Their apartment wasn't very different from mine other than slight changes in decor.

"I made Heatwave bring me to her secret hideout. Turns out she's our age and named Zuri. She has a whole army of villains at her disposal."

"Wow." said Denki from next to Neito "Sounds pretty bad."

"Yeah but that's besides the point." Snapped Neito, "Hitoshi has something to ask you."

Hitoshi came into view next to Neito and started fiddling with his necklace. Both Neito and Denki nodded to him and he began to speak.

"I'm sure you've figured it out by now but the three of us are dating. I've always wanted to have kids and Neito and Denki are up to the task." He opened his necklace revealing a purple blue and yellow marble. "We were wondering if you would be willing to carry our child for us?"

I nodded "I will but on one condition. You keep the marble until we're all out of school. Then I will. Ok?"

"Deal" They all said at the same time

"Thank you." said Hitoshi "You should probably go back to your apartment now."

I nodded and waved to each of them as I left. When I got back to my apartment no one was awake so I headed to bed to get some sleep before school tomorrow.