
MHA: Energy Nexus

Reborn in the world of MHA and awakening the Energy Nexus Quirk, Leo thought he could lead a stable life as a low-key hero rather than aiming to become the strongest. But as he spends more time in this world, he realizes how naive his thoughts were. His peaceful life seems impossible to maintain, even before graduating.

x_Dabi_x · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 3: Bonus Chapter

(A/N: I couldn't help it. You guys seriously gave me too many power stones. So enjoy this bonus chapter. I'll see you all next week.)

The days following the entrance exam flew by in a whirlwind of activity. Each morning, I devoted myself to honing my quirk, exploring its depths and potential, while my evenings were a time of relaxation and reflection.

Through relentless experimentation, I discovered a more efficient way to utilize my ability to sense energy. By focusing on Bio Energy and thermal energy, I could now detect enemies through cover with remarkable precision. For mechanical foes, I relied on electroreception, effectively sensing electrical energy. This multi-faceted approach significantly enhanced my combat awareness and strategic planning.

One of the coolest advancements during this period was the creation of a prototype for Quirk Detection and Quirk Mastery Level. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start. The challenge lay in the fact that many different quirks utilized the same form of energy. For instance, a gigantification quirk rapidly replicates cells using Bio Energy, increasing their number while slightly strengthening them.

On the other hand, a strength-enhancing quirk also relies on Bio Energy, but focuses on fortifying muscles, bones, and blood flow. When I used my energy sense on these quirk users, I could only detect an unusually high amount of Bio Energy, without distinguishing the specific nature of their quirk. This limitation is why I consider it a prototype. To refine it, I needed more knowledge and details to identify the subtle differences.

Another breakthrough was learning to concentrate energy, which opened the door to creating solid energy constructs. This new ability promised to add a number of versatile and powerful tools to my arsenal.

A week soon went by after the exam. One day, I received a letter from U.A., securing my future. Eagerly, I opened the envelope and found a small device that fit in the palm of my hand. After fiddling with it for a while, it started glowing. Surprised but curious, I calmly placed it on the desk. As a hovering screen appeared, I thought to myself, "Huh, a hologram. Interesting. Maybe I can figure out the principle behind this and manipulate light waves from my TV or phone into a holographic projection. But let's hear this out first. I can experiment later. Am I addicted to developing my quirk now?"

With a smile, I focused on the hologram. To my surprise, the projection was of a small animal that looked like a chimera made of a dog, a rat, and a bear. The creature spoke, "Hello, Leo. I am Nezu, the principal of U.A. High. I have seen your fights and I have to say you have quite an interesting quirk. And I can see you also use it fairly efficiently, bringing all its advantages to play. But there is much more for you to learn, and we will teach you. Come now, Leo. Welcome to U.A. "

A sense of pride and excitement washed over me as I listened to Nezu's words. I knew that U.A. would be the place where I could push my limits and truly develop my abilities.

After the hologram ended, I couldn't help but say, "Well, he's right. Although my quirk feels invincible even if I just absorb or reflect attacks, but there's so much more I can do with it. And there are plenty of flashy ways to use my quirk, and it almost feels like All For One's ability. Instead of absorbing quirks, I just need to watch someone use their quirk once to figure out what energy/energies the quirk uses, and I can replicate it quite easily. With some practice, I can even perfect it. And I can only get those details at U.A., where multitudes of quirks gather."

With that thought in mind, I went back into nerd mode, taking inspiration from the hologram device to figure out how to manipulate light energy to create holograms. It didn't take long—just an hour—and I was already watching movies on my phone in hologram form. I spent the rest of the day lazing around and enjoying my new holographic movie setup.

Later, I received a message from Midoriya: "Hey Leo, just wanted to ask—All Might called me and asked me to meet him in the evening at Takoba Beach Park. I wanted to ask if you want to come along."

Curious, I replied, "Is All Might okay with this?"

Midoriya quickly responded, "All Might said he's fine with it. Besides, he wanted to meet you too."

Feeling a surge of excitement, I messaged back, "Great, count me in! I'll see you there."

As the evening approached, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity. Meeting All Might again, especially after everything that had happened, was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I quickly got ready and headed out, eager to see what the evening had in store.

That night at 8 pm, I walked near Takoba Beach Park, looking for Midoriya. Suddenly, I heard his shout, "All Might!!" A couple nearby on the pier reacted, "All Might!! No way, where?!" Then I heard Midoriya's voice again, "Just my eyes playing tricks on me." I smiled and walked towards the source of the sound. There, I saw Midoriya and a skinny man who looked like he could be swept away by a gust of wind. I approached them and asked Midoriya, "I was right, wasn't I?" Midoriya nodded and said, "Yeah, you were," then started crying and added, "I passed!"

Seeing this, I smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, stop being a crybaby, Midoriya. A man shouldn't shed his tears so easily. You need to learn that. Besides, you haven't introduced who your friend here is." 

Midoriya wiped his tears and said, "Oh, he is All Might." Hearing this, All Might face-palmed himself. I was confused. Midoriya then explained, causing All Might to become upset and say, "Kid, didn't I ask you not to tell anyone?"

Midoriya explained, "All Might, you don't need to be angry. Leo already knows that I have your quirk."

Hearing this, All Might looked confused. I stepped in, "Yes, and I also knew about the injury, but I wasn't sure until now." 

All Might, startled and wary, asked, "Kid, how did you know about all this? Other than a few of my trusted friends, no one knows about the injury. As for him being my successor, only Midoriya and I know about it."

I smiled and said, "Well... because of my quirk. You know, energy manipulation has a nifty little ability called energy sensing. That day, when you patted me on the shoulder, I sensed the energy inside you and also sensed a black hole-like area that just keeps draining your energy. And a week ago, during the entrance exam, when Midoriya used his quirk to attack the 0-pointer, I sensed the energy there too and saw that it was the same as yours, or at least the source was."

Hearing this, All Might was stunned. He stared at me for a while, then said, "I guess Principal Nezu was right, your quirk is truly versatile. Kid, I'm glad you chose to be a hero." He smiled and added, "I hope that you will keep this a secret. A Symbol of Peace cannot be tainted, and if word about my injury gets out, the world will be plunged into chaos."

I assured him, "Don't worry, All Might. Your secret is safe with me."

All Might nodded. Sensing the silence brewing, I broke it by saying, "Say, All Might, I never knew you would be a teacher at U.A. I was surprised."

Midoriya continued, "Is that why we're meeting here? Even though your office is located in Tokyo's Minato Ward, Roppongi 6-12..."

All Might interrupted, "Stop." He looked at the sea and said, "I couldn't tell anyone until the school made it public knowledge. I figured I could take the job at U.A. while looking for a successor."

Midoriya was stunned, then, after thinking about something, he looked dejected and said, "One for All, my body is broken after a single punch or kick. I just can't wield it."

All Might replied, "That's just how it is. If someone grows a tail, it's not like they'd be able to do tricks with it right off the bat."

Midoriya was stunned. "Huh! You knew this would happen?"

All Might smiled and said, "Well... there wasn't enough time, but everything worked out all right—or should I say All Might." He chuckled lightly at his joke, then continued while picking up a few bottles from the ground, "For now, it's still all or nothing, but once you regulate the power, you can put out just as much as you can handle." He instantly transformed into his buffed form and crushed the bottles. "Like this!"

I added, "Well, All Might is right, Midoriya. As for how to do that, only you can figure it out. But it's quite simple: I can feel that you still think of One for All as an external help. Remember, it's not an external help anymore. You are the next wielder of One for All, and it is your own quirk. Only when you start thinking of it as your own can you truly start using it."

Hearing what I said, Midoriya was surprised, then nodded and said, "I understand. I'll try, and I will learn to control it."

I nodded in return. "Good. Now, let me give you a little hint. From what I saw during your fight with the 0-pointer, you only used your quirk as a method of attack. That's not how you use a physical enhancement quirk. Just look at All Might, and if you still can't figure it out, then I seriously won't help you." 

At that moment, the couple on the pier shouted, "Whoa, All Might! Where did he come from?"

Hearing this, All Might said, "Crap," and started running away. Seeing his exaggerated way of running, I couldn't help but say, "Can you just stop being so pretentious?"

Then I said, "Okay, I'm off. But remember, if you have any doubts, you can ask me or All Might, although I am sure he can't help you much. Ciao."

I walked away along the beach for a while, enjoying the sea breeze. By around 10 PM, I had dinner at a restaurant and then walked back home, feeling content with the evening's events.

Time went by and soon it was spring, a season of renewal and fresh beginnings. The days grew longer, and the cherry blossoms painted the world in delicate pink hues. I got out of the subway and walked along the blooming Sakura trees towards U.A. Looking at the beautiful scenery, I thought, '*sigh* time flies by so fast. It's been so long that I've even forgotten about my last life. Not that I have anything worth remembering. Somehow, I feel this world is more beautiful than my old one. Maybe after living here for 15 years, I've already lost my sense of belonging in my old world. Anyway, rather than sitting behind a desk, I'd rather touch grass in this world. Now I wonder if there are any beauties in my class. As for choosing one or the other, hah, only children make choices. I want them all.' Then I shook away my lewd thoughts and fantasies and focused back on the real world.

Looking at the U.A. gate that was closing in, I looked forward and said, "Well then, the next chapter of my life begins." Then I took a confident step forward.

Walking past the gate, I noticed numerous freshmen strolling in groups and chatting animatedly. Each group I passed would inevitably halt their conversation, their curious gazes turning in my direction. It seemed my silver hair was quite the attention-grabber. I silently breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that none of them seemed to recognize me. However, that feeling didn't last long.

"Wait, I finally remember! He was the boy from the sludge villain incident. The one who fought back and forth with the villain. I heard that he would have defeated him if All Might didn't appear," said a freshman.

"He's also the top scorer in this year's entrance exam. He even broke the record with his score," said another freshman.

Hearing all this, I smiled warily 'And here I was thinking I wouldn't be popular. Not that I'm complaining; being popular is quite good but troublesome too.' Then I started getting crowded around by everyone. I switched to my best Tony Stark mode, enthusiastically greeting all the girls and being perfunctory to the men. And thus, I entered the building amidst all this enthusiastic crowd.

Then I walked in the direction of Hero Division Class 1-A. The school had given a map in its admission letter, so I wasn't lost and walked directly. Reaching the door, I saw it was quite lively. Uraraka was talking to Midoriya, and there was that tall boy with glasses too. Seeing this, I thought, 'Looks like he managed to befriend someone after all.'

I came up behind them and said, "Uraraka-san, you look as lively as ever. And Midoriya, you're still as shy as before. But it looks like you managed to befriend someone. Why don't you introduce him to me?"

Hearing my voice, they stopped talking and looked back. Uraraka said, "Of course. Since Midoriya made it in just like you said that day."

Midoriya protested, "No, I am not shy. And this is Ida-san. Ida-san, this is—"

Ida interrupted, "Don't worry, Midoriya. I know him. First place in the entrance exam, Leo."

Hearing this, everyone in the class looked towards me. I smiled and said, "Well, looks like everyone is here. So everyone, please take care of me."

Sensing a moment, I looked behind and saw a yellow sleeping bag, and inside it, a man who looked unkempt with bloodshot eyes. "You should be our teacher, right?" I asked.

The trio near me looked behind and were surprised. "Huh? When?" they exclaimed.

The man got up and got out of the sleeping bag, saying, "I am not answering that, it's meaningless." Then we gave way as he walked in and said, "And you four, go take your seats."

With this, we all went back to our seats. My seat was third from the left in the last row. But what surprised me was there were 21 seats. I wondered 'That's strange, I thought they only allowed 20 students per class. How did it become 21?' Shaking my head, I headed towards my seat.

On my left side was a tall teenage girl with a mature physique and long black hair tied into a spiky ponytail, with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face. Her eyes were big yet sharp, dark in color, and paired with short eyebrows giving a determined feel.

In front of me was a moderately tall and rather muscular young man who was well-built for his age. He had short hair that just reached his neck, with bangs parted twice to avoid obscuring his vision, giving an emo-like feel. His hair was evenly split between white on his right side and crimson red on his left. The most noticeable thing about him was a large burn scar on the left side of his face, which reached halfway down his cheek.

And on my right side was a floating dress, with only the curved part on her chest and her girl-style uniform indicating she was a girl.

The boy in front and the girl on my left were the only ones I was not familiar with, as for the rest, I had some impression since I had met them during the entrance exam. I wondered, 'Are these the students who got in via recommendation? I'll ask the girl later, but seriously, man, her chest is huge. Besides, I can't pass up on an opportunity to get acquainted with a beauty.'

I greeted her with a smile and sat in my seat. After settling in, the man introduced himself, "I am Aizawa Shota, your homeroom teacher. Pleased to meet you." Everyone was surprised that this unkempt man was a pro hero and their homeroom teacher. He picked up his sleeping bag, rummaged through it, and took out a blue and white tracksuit. "Quickly now, change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds," he instructed. With that, he distributed the tracksuits to everyone and walked ahead. I got mine and headed to the changing room, but someone walked in front of me. It was none other than Bakugo.

"What's up?" I greeted him.

He stared at me and said, "Number One, huh? I'll show you who the real number one is."

"Oh! A challenge? Okay, I accept it," I replied.

He gritted his teeth and walked out. The girl on my left came near me and said, "That's the second place in the exam, Katsuki Bakugo. You might know him; after all, you did save him during the slime incident. But his personality is quite explosive."

I joked, "Yep, just like his quirk. Short-fuse and explosive."

She laughed slightly and introduced herself, "I am Momo Yaoyorozu. My quirk is creation."

"Wait, creation? So you can create anything?" I asked, surprised.

Seeing someone interested in her quirk, she replied, "Yes, as long as I know the molecular structure, I can create any inanimate object from the fat stored in my body."

"That's pretty impressive," I said, genuinely awed. "So, what's the biggest thing you've ever created?"

She thought for a moment before answering, "I've created a cannon once, but it took a lot of energy. I prefer to stick to smaller, more efficient creations."

"Still, that's quite amazing. Your quirk has so much potential," I said, appreciating the depth of her ability.

"Thank you," she said, smiling. "And what about you? You know as recommended students, we have access to more information than normal. But even I know nothing about your quirk. Did you know that it's marked as an Unknown Emitter-type quirk in your information?"

Hearing this, I was quite surprised and then replied, "Well, it's a bit similar to yours. It's called Energy Nexus, or energy manipulation in simpler terms. It basically allows me to absorb, convert, reflect, and use any form of energy."

"That sounds incredibly powerful. But why did you say it was similar to my quirk?" Momo asked, looking curious.

"Because..." I said with a grin. I activated my quirk and created a small dagger made of energy, then said, "This is why. You know, I can also create energy constructs, and like you, I need to know their structure to perfectly create them."

Seeing this, Yaoyorozu was surprised, and so were the remaining students in the class. Some other girls in the classroom came near me, staring at the dagger. "Wow! It looks so beautiful. Can you create one in pink? No, purple."

Seeing this, I smiled helplessly and said, "Okay." With that, I added a touch of light energy to the dagger, giving it a blend of purple and pink. The girls continued staring at it until I reminded them, "Umm, girls, did you all forget that we have to go to the training grounds?"

Hearing this, everyone came to their senses and rushed towards the changing rooms. I retracted the dagger, and it dissipated into small purple and pink sparks that looked beautiful. 

Yaoyorozu, looking at the beautiful sparks, came back to her senses and said, "It looked beautiful. By the way, if you need help with it, just come to me. You know I learned about a lot of structures because of my quirk, so I may be able to solve your doubts."

I nodded and said with a smile, "Then, I thank you in advance." With that, we headed to the changing rooms, ready to see what challenges awaited us on the training grounds.

Since Yaoyorozu and I were the last to get out, we walked to our respective changing rooms, meeting up again afterward. Seeing Yaoyorozu in her tracksuit, I couldn't help but swallow hard at her curves. Shoving those thoughts aside, I met up with her, and we walked towards the training ground together.

While walking, I asked, "Say, you said you know more information, right? Does that mean you know about everyone's quirk?"

(A/N: There is an information dump from here. And you all can skip it if you want since it doesn't have much impact on the story.)

Hearing this, she nodded and then, looking at everyone in front of us, began explaining one by one.

"Yuga Aoyama, Quirk: Navel Laser. Like its name, he can shoot a laser from his navel. From what I know, he can't shoot for over a second, or he gets a stomach ache. 

Mina Ashido, Quirk: Acid. She can produce acid from anywhere on her body, but she prefers to use her palms. She can also control the solubility and viscosity of the acid she secretes.

Tsuyu Asui, Quirk: Frog. Like the name, she can do anything a frog can. 

Tenya Iida, Quirk: Engine. Like its name, it gives its user engines, like the mufflers on his legs.

Ochako Uraraka, Quirk: Zero Gravity. She can make anything she touches weightless. 

Mashirao Ojiro, Quirk: Tail. He has a powerful and versatile tail. 

Denki Kaminari, Quirk: Electrification. He can generate electricity. 

Eijiro Kirishima, Quirk: Hardening. He can harden any part of his body. 

Koji Koda, Quirk: Anivoice. It gives him the ability to talk to birds and animals through speech. 

Rikido Sato, Quirk: Sugar Rush. Eating sugar can increase his strength temporarily. 

Mezo Shoji, Quirk: Dupli-Arms. His arms can create duplicates of any body part. 

Kyoka Jiro, Quirk: Earphone Jack. Like its name, she has a pair of headphone jacks hanging from her earlobes. She can use them to detect sounds or channel her heartbeat into them like a violent attack. 

Hanta Sero, Quirk: Tape. He can generate tape from his elbows, which has strong adhesive properties. 

Fumikage Tokoyami, Quirk: Dark Shadow. It allows him to manifest a sentient shadow monster that he can control freely. 

Shoto Todoroki, Quirk: Half Hot Half Cold. He can use flames from one side and ice from the other, although he doesn't use the fire side ever. 

Toru Hagakure, Quirk: Invisibility. 

Katsuki Bakugo, Quirk: Explosion. 

Izuku Midoriya, Quirk: Super Power. But I heard he ends up injured after using it. 

Minoru Mineta, Quirk: Pop-Off. But stay away from him, alright? I heard that he is a pervert. 

And finally, the two of us together make 21 students in this batch of UA. I also heard this is the first time UA picked 21 students for Class 1-A instead of the usual 20 students. But even I don't know the reason."

******************End of Info Dump****************

After listening to her rundown, I was quite surprised at the details she knew, except for some top secrets like Midoriya's quirk. I also learned about all my classmates too. So I said, "Thanks, Yaoyorozu. That helps me a lot."

She smiled, not fully understanding why I thanked her, and said, "You're welcome. I'm sure we'll all learn a lot from each other."

After this, we joined the crowd and took our places in the back, ready for whatever challenge awaited us.

Seeing that Aizawa hadn't arrived yet, I started talking to Yaoyorozu about the structures of things to pass the time. A few moments later, a group of girls surrounded me. Leading the pack was Hagakure, followed by Ashido, Tsuyu, Uraraka, and Jiro. The boys huddled up nearby, and Denki remarked, "Man, I am jealous of Leo. He attracted all the girls right after appearing." Mineta, equally envious, added, "Yep, he doesn't even leave one for us."

I looked at the girls surrounding me and asked, "Umm, can I help you girls?" Hearing this, Ashido took the lead and introduced herself, followed by the others. Then Toru said, "Say, Leo, can you create that beautiful dagger again?" I was confused. 'Did they all group up just to make me create a dagger? No, there must be something else.' I asked, "Is it just the dagger, or do you want something else?"

The girls were surprised, and Ashido asked, "Does that mean you can create other things too?" I felt something was off. 'Why do I feel like I just fell into their trap?' I said, "Well, yes, I can create other things besides daggers." Their eyes started shining with excitement, and they each began requesting different items. Overwhelmed, I asked, "Okay, calm down. I'll give you girls something." They all stopped and looked at me curiously.

Then I turned to Yaoyorozu and asked, "Say, Yaoyorozu-san, do you have the book of structures you told me about earlier?" She nodded and handed it over. I held it and started scrolling through its index. Reaching the end of the first section, I was stunned by the second section: Organic Structures. This brought a smile to my face.

I had always wanted to see if I could give life to things. After realizing that my energy manipulation could manipulate bioenergy, I had experimented with creating pure energy beings like elemental spirits from fantasy worlds. My trials had shown that while it was possible, it required detailed structural information. The closest I got was when I made a bird of energy that flapped its wings once before dissipating because it couldn't maintain its structure.

Seeing the section on organic structures, my once-suppressed passion began to burn even more vigorously. I took a deep breath and instantly activated my energy absorption at full power, drawing in light energy to fill my reserves. This action almost made the entire training ground dim for a moment, startling all the students as the surroundings darkened. The girls around me were especially startled. 

When I sensed my storage was more than half full, I stopped and looked at the crowd. Seeing their frightened expressions, I felt a pang of guilt. "Oops, my bad guys! Just needed a quick power-up," I chuckled nervously, scratching my head. Their initial fright shifted to surprise. It was clear they were all thinking, 'He absorbed light and made it night time for a few seconds.'

Turning to the girls, I asked with a mischievous twinkle, "Ready for some magic?" Their nods were almost automatic. Flipping to the page with the butterfly's structure, I focused my quirk, boosting my brain's processing speed with a bit of bioenergy and bioelectricity.

With my mind on overdrive, I examined the butterfly's structure in detail. I got to work, shaping a butterfly with energy, tweaking it to make it a pure-energy creature. Slowly, I infused it with bioenergy and life energy. Despite its small size, crafting the butterfly took a good chunk of energy. As the beautiful blue butterfly took shape in my hands, the girls couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, that's gorgeous!"

Grinning, I teased, "But wait, there's more. Hope y'all aren't afraid of the dark." With a wink, I cranked up my energy absorption even more. The area around me plunged into darkness, eliciting surprised exclamations and even a few screams. Quickly, I conjured a barrier letting some light through while swallowing the rest, creating a cozy, nighttime atmosphere.

"Ladies and gents, welcome to the show!" I declared. Releasing the butterfly, it fluttered around, quieting the earlier screams. Everyone, including Yaoyorozu, was captivated. Even Todoroki and the others were visibly impressed. A collective thought seemed to ripple through the crowd: "He can create life?" The shout echoed through the dome.

Encouraged by their reaction, I conjured more butterflies in different shapes and colors, letting them dance in the air. Then, with a stomp, I crafted a grassy floor, softly glowing, and added a majestic Sakura tree, petals swirling around. The headache was worth it for this magic show.

Adjusting the barrier, I perfected the night sky, complete with a moon and stars. Turning to the girls, I asked eagerly, "What do you think? Is this good enough for ya?"

Their speechlessness spoke volumes, eyes wide with awe. Uraraka finally found her voice, "It's like a dream. Never seen anything like it!"

Ashido playfully punched my arm and exclaimed, "Leo, this is absolutely amazing! You're a legend!"

But the reactions didn't stop there. Hagakure, exclaimed, "This is amazing, Leo! You really know how to put on a show!"

Tsuyu, the quiet observer, simply nodded in approval, her usually stoic expression softening with a hint of a smile.

Jiro, normally reserved, couldn't help but let out a low whistle of appreciation, "Dang, Leo. You've got some serious skills."

Approaching with a warm smile, Yaoyorozu said, "Leo, this is truly remarkable. Your quirk is absolutely amazing."

As for the boys, Todoroki, with his typical cool demeanor, gave a subtle nod of approval, "Impressive, Leo."

Bakugo, though not one to openly praise, begrudgingly nodded in approval through gritted teeth, his silence speaking volumes.

Midoriya, couldn't contain his excitement, "Leo, this is incredible! I knew you had potential, but this... this is on another level!"

Kirishima, always one for camaraderie, clapped me on the back with a wide grin, "Leo, buddy, you're a Rockstar! That was seriously awesome!"(A/N: Do not take it the wrong way. I know some of you have a wild imagination)

Kaminari, never one to hold back, exclaimed, "Dude, that was electrifying! Literally and figuratively!"

Sero, maintaining his laid-back attitude, chuckled, "Leo, you never cease to amaze me, my man. That was seriously cool."

Ida nodded in approval, "Well done, Leo. Your creativity and ingenuity are commendable."

Tokoyami, with his dark and mysterious aura, simply stated, "Impressive display of power, Leo. You have my respect."

Shoji, the gentle giant, offered a sincere smile, "Leo, that was truly beautiful. Your talents are a gift."

The rest of the boys, shared nods of admiration and respect, acknowledging my abilities with silent approval.

From that moment, I knew I was no longer just an outsider or the top scorer of the entrance exam; I was a true friend and classmate to my peers. Then, a tired voice interrupted our reverie. "Now that you're all done with this, can I finally start?" It was our homeroom teacher, Aizawa, speaking from the back of the training ground. Everyone turned to look at him as he addressed me. "Leo, can you retract your quirk now? But I have to say, it was indeed a mesmerizing sight." "Thank you, Sensei," I replied, and began dispersing all the manifestations of my quirk—the butterflies, the tree, and the grass. They shattered into smaller particles, falling gracefully to the ground before dissipating entirely.

As I waved my hand, I retracted the barrier, allowing the sunlight to flood back in gradually. I made sure to do it slowly, ensuring that everyone could adjust to the light without feeling uncomfortable. Aizawa nodded in approval at the sight. Seeing the sun again, Kirishima couldn't contain his awe. "Man, even though it was just a few minutes, I completely forgot I was in school and that it was daytime." Kaminari chimed in, "Yeah, I can't imagine such a beautiful scene being created by a quirk." Everyone nodded in agreement and turned to me with admiration.

Sensing their gaze, I felt compelled to divert the attention. "Why the stares? It's not as if I'm the only one capable of such feats. Remember All Might? He could alter the weather with a punch," I said, attempting to downplay my actions. However, my attempt at modesty didn't quite hit the mark, and I could practically feel the collective eye-roll from my classmates. While they acknowledged All Might's remarkable abilities, comparing myself to him was stretching it—after all, even All Might cannot change day to night with just a punch.

With that, I rejoined my classmates, standing among them as we awaited Aizawa's instructions, marking the end of an unforgettable first impression and heralding the challenges that lay ahead in our journey together.

There you go chapter 3 as a bonus chapter. I just couldn't turn a blind eye to your power stones. So I hope you guys enjoyed it. Although I feel like I over-did it a tad bit in the heat of the moment.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Finally Thank You and see you all next week with chapter 4.

x_Dabi_xcreators' thoughts