
53 Haruto v/s Endeavor, Aizawa, Miriko & Hawks - Part Two

"What a drag….. " Saying that he flew high up in the air.

Right after Haruto flew into the sky Hawks said "Mirko, come with me you will be drop kicking him from there."


"Try to get him on to the ground." Aizawa told them as Haruto was going out of his range to use his quirk on him.

"Will do." Saying that Hawks with Mirko hanging on his hand flew as fast as possible in pursuit of Haruto.

As they left Endeavor said "He'll be meeting my fire fist."

Aizawa didn't say anything, and just watched how Haruto was evading every feathers from Hawk and also avoiding the kicks from Mirko.

Up in the air Mirko shouted at Haruto "You brat! I told you to fight me properly." Right after she said that she said to Hawks "Drop me on that building."

"Alright." Saying that Hawks made her land on the building and flew towards Haruto and deployed his feathers. As the feathers were homing on to Haruto he sent his sturdy feathers to meet it head on.

At the se time Mirko jumped from the top of the building straight towards Haruto like a missile. As he was intercepting the feathers of Hawks he sensed a imminent danger coming towards him so he dived down just in time to avoid the kick aimed to his guts.

Haruto on his way to the ground thought 'Won't be able to use darkness if Aizawa erase my quirk and Endeavor create enough light. Knowing Aizawa he'll think that I will go after him or Hawks first. He's right, I would have gone after either of then first. But, if I can pull of what dark shadow did to Ectoplasm on Mirko, then I'll be down to one more person.'

He was bought out of his thought process by intense heat coming closer to his face, knowing who it is he covered himself with his wings into a ball. Endeavor who reached him punched right at him and Haruto was blown away onto nearby building and damaging it in the process.

Seeing this Mirko again shouted at him "Kageyama, fight back!"

"I'm trying! Okay!" Haruto shouted back.

A second later a silhouette jumped from the building and went straight towards Hawks who's been just hovering around in the sky. Seeing this Hawks said "You made a bad choice kid."

"I didn't." The reply didn't come from the silhouette in front of Hawks, but came from right in front of Mirko, who has a crazy smile on her face.

Seeing this Haruto just smiled at her and redirected himself using his wings and went straight towards Aizawa.

But Mirko, not giving up her chance to fight him went after him as fast as possible. Aizawa who saw that Haruto is coming for him activated his quirk, and the silhouette stalling Hawks vanished. Endeavor who's been by the side of Aizawa shot a fire beam to both of Haruto's sides as blocking his path.

Seeing this Haruto smiled and spoke "Senbonsakura kageyoshi"

When Aizawa heard this he shouted towards others "Take cover."

Even though they didn't know what was he on about, but they did take cover as he said.

From there they watched as Haruto making a tornado of feathers to destroy the flames created by Endeavor.

Seeing this Hawks spoke to himself "So his feathers won't burn."

Right after that he sent it towards Endeavor to deal with him. Not going to bested by a hero in making Endeavor increased his fire power to fend of the incoming attack.

As that was happening, Mirko jumped up high and tried to do a roundhouse kick on him, but that was stopped by his remaining wing and he cuffed her ankles and said "I'll fight you another time."

Saying that he flew away from there towards where Endeavor and tried to shadow bind him while he was busy fighting the petals coming on to him. But he couldn't, as Aizawa used his quirk before Haruto used his shadows and in that gap Hawks dived to him and tried to slash him using his feather blade.

Haruto evades that and started a fist fight with Hawks "Your good. But not good enough." Saying that Hawks tried to hit him on the guts but was stopped due to the voice of Present Mic who's bee watching the fight fully "Haruto win!!"

After hearing that he looked at his leg, and it was handcuffed just like Mirko's.

"You win." Hawks said.

"Thanks" Haruto replied.

"You brat. You didn't fight me." Endeavor came towards him saying that.

"Ah… well we can fight when I come over?"

Hearing that Endeavor paused what he was about to say and thought about it 'If I fight him at home there won't be anyone else to fight him. Mmm this is good opportunity.' "Alright."

Mirko who heard that told Haruto "You better come to me when you take work studies."

"And why is that?" Hawks asked her.

"Cause I need to fight him."

"Yeah.. well my the Hawks Agency's door is open for the work studies for you."

"Endeavor Agency too."

"Leave him alone. That has to be in the next semester. It have time. Kageyama, come with me."

Saying that Aizawa went away.

Before going after him Haruto told the three of them "Thanks for coming here and fighting me." After that he left the place.

Endeavor looking at the two remaining and said "I'm going."

"Me too." Saying that Hawks flew away from there.

Mirko just smiled at that and said "Well I'll be going. The fight didn't go as I thought it would." Saying that she left the battle centre.


When the exam of Haruto was going on, the teachers were watching it from the monitoring room.

After the fight ended Nezu asked them "What do you think?"

"He's finishing his fight fast. Even before at the USJ, he tried to finish fighting that Nomu as soon as possible." Thirteen said.

"At the raid, Mirio said that he just went for the fastest route to finish the fight." Snipe said.

"He does seems to be in a hurry to end the battle." Midnight said.

"Maybe, he can't keep his wings spread out that much time."

And they started to discuss about Haruto's short comings amongst themselves so that they could help him improve on that area.




-----------Chapter 53 End----------