
17 Friends

After the battle between Team C and Team G ended, everyone in the monitoring room was surprised, to say the least.

All Might is the most surprised of them all, because he thought that Haruto would use his darkness control quirk since the battle is inside a building, but he never thought that he wouldn't use his quirk and end the battle in an efficient way by incorporating his partner's quirk.

Shoto, who's been observing every battle after his, is a little bit surprised since Haruto didn't display his quirk in the assessment test; he thought it was a body-enhancing quirk. But seeing his retractable wings and scattering his feathers like the Hero Hawks made him a little surprised.

After the battle ended, Momo and Haruto returned to the morning room. As they reached there, All Might asked everyone, "Who do you think is the MVP in this match?"

"Haruto!" Kirishima said.


"But he took out the heroes quickly?" Mina asked with some sort of confusion.

"That is correct. If his team was the hero team, they would have taken out the villains easily. He took his partner's power into consideration and used it efficiently to create the minimum damage. That's what a hero does. His team was the villain, so do remember that. You have to play the part too in it."

"Then who's the MVP?" Kirishima asked.

"The MVP is Momo. Because she was the first one to come up with a plan, and after Haruto improvised the said plan, she was able to follow it to the T. That speaks volumes about her capacity to be a strategist."

After saying that, the next team went for their battle.




After all the battles ended, we were allowed to go back to class and wait there until it's time to go home.

As we reached the classroom, we had an hour more time for the school to end. I was sitting in my seat thinking about what to do after reaching home, but my musings were cut short thanks to Denki shaking me. Looking at him, I asked, "What?"

"Dude. What was that? We didn't even get a chance to fight properly."

"Yeah, what was that anyway?" Jiro also chimed in with a little bit of irritation.

Hearing her question, everyone else in the class also looked at me for an answer.

"ah.. that. Well, you see, I can detach my feathers from my wings and control them precisely if I can see where they are going; if I can't see where it's moving, then it'll have erratic movements." Some of them understood what I said, like Momo, Shoto, Bakugo, Iida, Tokoyomi, and some others, but Denki, Kirishima, Hanta, Mina, and Toru were confused. Looking at them, I said, "I'll show it to you so that you can understand what I meant."

After saying that, I stood up, moved to the back of the centre of the class, and moved some seats with the help of Krishima and Denki. After there was enough space, I said to them, "Alright, here I go." Saying that, I stripped my jacket and shirt and stood there with my upper body naked, and I spread my wings. Seeing my wings, Krishima, Mina, Toru, and some others in unison said, ""Cool.""

As my wings were spread out at a twenty-foot length in their full glory, I said, "Scatter."

As the word left my mouth, my feathers detached themselves from my wing skeleton and hovered around me. I sent a group to the front and another group towards my backside and started to control it.

Seeing this, they understood what I meant, as the group of feathers in my line of sight was moving in a uniformed manner as I moved my hands, and the group of feathers at my back was irregular. Knowing that they understood what I meant, I reattached my feathers back to the wing skeleton, retracted the wings back into my body, and put on my clothes.

Then I said, "Now you know."

"That was cool, man." Denki.

"That was so manly." Kirishima.

Then I went back to my seat after rearranging the seats in the middle.

Then we had some small talk about the mock battle in which we participated. After some time, the bell rang, and Bakugo went out as fast as he could.

After he left, the rest of us were starting to leave, and the door opened, and in came Izuku. He looked around, probably for Bakugo, so I said, "He just left. You'll catch up to him at the gates if you go now."

"Thank you." He said that he ran as fast as he could from the class in pursuit of Bakugo.

As he left, Momo asked me, "How did you know he was looking for Bakugo?"

"Well, from their interaction, it's clear that they knew each other before U.A., and he was looking straight at Bakugo's seat." I said that I took my backpack and moved towards the exit with Momo right behind me.

After walking out of the school she offered me ride back home so I went back to home in her car.

As we were travelling, she asked me, "Haru, thanks for asking me for a plan in the mock battle even though you had a better one."

"You are welcome. So, any other friends than me in class?"

"Yep. All the girls are my friends now, and Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero."

"You haven't talked with others yet?"

"Ahh. Well, Bakugo is aggressive, Todoroki is passive, and Iida is too disciplined."

"True. What about Tokoyomi?"

"He's cool."

And we just talked like that until we reached my home. Getting out, I said, "See you at school."

"See you."




----------- Chapter 17: End ----------