
MHA: Carbon Copy

Reborn as Neito Monoma was quite the shock, but living his second life as a jealous copycat wasn't Neito's idea of a good time. Watch how the new Neito takes it upon himself and pushes the power of copy to it's maximum potential.

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26 Chs

Invitation to UA

" Mr and Mrs Monoma, Neito kun has passed the test, here's your approval. "

Neito's parents breathed a sigh of relief, it was a tension filled evening for them.

Especially Neito's mother, Neito had to get up and directly give the test, the examiner had come with Neito's father right away.

" Thanks a lot Keshi, I owe you one. "

Neito's father smiled and thanked the examiner, who shook his head lightly.

" I didn't do this because of our friendship, I am here officially, Neito is indeed a gifted child, anyone in my place would have done the same. "

Keshi frantically blinked his eye and pointed towards his pocket, and this was enough for Neito's dad to shut up, because obviously everything was still being recorded.

" I know I know, I was just too happy, sorry about that. "

' Talk about overkill, gotta record even the conversion afterwards. '

Grumbled Neito's dad, but he didn't show much reaction outwardly, he only took the envelope and closed the door behind his friend.

* Click *

As soon as the door closed Neito's mother began chastising his father.

" Why did you have to say that! What if they review the recording and think Neito passed because of your friend pulling strings! "

His dad scratched his head with a guilty expression, it was indeed his fault right now.

" Sorry, I didn't think Keshi would be working with the examiners! You know personal thanks shows good faith, I know the guy from way back. "

But Neito's mom still wasn't buying it.

" But Neito worked so hard for this, what if they reject him? "

Waving his hand, Neito's dad grabbed his mom's shoulder and walked her along.

" They won't, he must have done fantastic, it's fine, now let's see how our little genius is doing. "

* Sigh *

Sighing lightly Neito's mom let it go for now and walked along with her husband to see Neito.

Entering the room Neito was in, they found him lying down on the ground, stretched out and eating chocolate.

" Good job champ, you passed! "

His dad was the first to speak, walking upto Neito he smiled with satisfaction.

His mom meanwhile bent down and picked the lazing Neito up, pulling his cheeks she too smiled with satisfaction.

" Good job Neito! But why are you eating chocolates? "

Neito just continued to chew sweets and vaguely replied back.

" I had to think so much for this, I am out of energy. "

Rolling her eyes at the silly excuse Neito was giving, his mom took him out of the ' test room ' and brought him to his own room, his dad followed along.

" There, now be as lazy as you want, after this you have to give professional exams, the more exams you can pass, the more grades you can skip. "

His dad said lightly while his wife deposited Neito on the bed, he was saying this while reading the envelope just received.

Giving it another read, he continued before the eyes of his family.

" What you just recieved is a licence, how far you can go depends on how high of a knowledge base you show later. "

* Flutter *

Waving the letter of appointment at his family, Neito's dad smiled widely.

" You know the best part, this will take place at UA high! "

Neito's eyes went wide, this time he was really shocked, he didn't know this at all, there was no information about this online.

" What?! UA??! But isn't that a hero school! "

Neito's mom almost shrieked, she was against her baby going to become one of those flashy heroes.

His dad meanwhile shrugged lightly, UA was the best school around, not only for heroism but for education in general and had the sharpest mind in the whole world manning it.

Even if he personally didn't like the owner of said mind very much, this was what he read in the letter, these were not his own words, all he can do is let his family know what he knows.

" Apparently they have more departments, a general department, a hero department, there is even a gear customisation department, Neito's exam is under the creative department. "

Tapping the letter, his dad tilted his head, looking at his family with helpless eyes.

" Don't look at me like that, I don't want him to vist UA either, I don't trust that rat dog looking bastard, he just gives me the creeps. "

Neito's mom decided to not comment on that but took it pretty seriously regardless, because it came from her husband, a very reliable source.

Her husband's quirk was mockingbird, it let him copy the voice and mannerisms of anyone he has heard speak a sentence.

This provided him with a kind of sense that tipped him off whenever someone's mannerisms were false, or their behaviour a facade, so when her husband didn't like someone, that someone had a problem.

" So what do we do? Do we give up? But Neito worked so hard for this.. "

His mom held her cheeks with worry written on her face and his dad held his chin with a thoughtful look, both were thinking how they should go about this.

Neito himself though wasn't too worried, he knew well enough why his dad didn't like Nezu, Nezu was experimented upon, had a very high IQ and likely held a grudge against humans.

No way would his dad not feel something off about a rat like that, a practiced smile doesn't work against the owner of mockingbird at all.

" I think we should go, it's just UA, we don't have to meet the principal if we don't want to. "

Neito decided to speak, he would rather not let go of this chance, doesn't matter what Nezu is like it's a fact he never harms anyone, even during critical circumstances.

If he really wanted to do something, he should have been able to do a lot of damage during the final arc of the series, but instead UA became a fortress to protect civilians.

Coupled with Neito being an official recommend person, there was not much threat to him at all, so he decided to go for it, it was just a visit after all.