
Chapter Three: It’s Time to Come Back, Toya

"Well, this is nerve wrecking" Dabi grumbled as he lay on a metal table in Chisaki's research room. The man himself stood over him switching his black gloves and mask for white ones and a lab coat on top.

"Relax, there's no one more familiar with both Eri and my quirks. This might be the first time I'm doing such an operation but with Analysis at play the margin of error is basically none" Chisaki assured him.

"Just don't turn me into a baby" Dabi looked to the ceiling with dead eyes.

"Oh, becoming a baby is the least of your worries my friend" Chisaki actually chuckled.

"Eri's Rewind quirk is the strange sort. There's nothing else like it in the world. It doesn't just rewind targets to it previous state it influences time itself. Yes, it can de-age you, but when targeting specific factors such as let's say your genome. It can reverse your genome down a level to where quirks never existed, why not go even further back and turn you in to monkey, hahaha" Chisaki laughed loudly like a mad scientist.

Dabi's dead eyes turned to Mizuki lounging in the corner who looked away not meeting the man's pitiful gaze. "Cough, any day now Chisaki" Mizuki reminded.

"Oh right, let's begin shall we" Chisaki clapped his palms before placing his gloved palms on Dabi's bare patchwork chest. "Cutting off pain receptor, go sleep for now" Chisaki put Dabi into an induced coma as the pain of the following procedure will not be light.

"Let's begin by assembling his body to completion" Chisaki mumbled more to himself than anyone else as he utilized Overhaul and Pushed Analysis to the extreme resulting in green glowing eyes.

Under his manipulation all the piercings and staples that held Dabi's body together were driven out and his living flesh was fused together seamlessly with the necrotic dead flesh. Chisaki also reconfigured and put together Dabi's organs and multiple vascular systems. All of which should have collapsed years but were held together by sheer will.

"Now the moment of truth, to Rewind the body's state of condition without rewinding other aspects" Chisaki took a deep breath and even Mizuki sat up straight as Retractability was deactivated and a spiral curved horn mush bigger than Eri's popped out from the left side of Chisaki's head. The horn began to radiate a misty energy under his control which gradually enveloped Dabi's body.

The room went a complete silence as Chisaki focused like never before and gradually changes started occurring throughout Dabi's body. It began with his hair from its jet black to a pure white, after that the red necrotic skin of his body gradually changed to match his healthy skin. With Analysis Mizuki could also see the internal changes, the restoration of his internal organs and all physiological functions to a state before burnout without reducing his age. Mizuki had to admit he was far from achieving Chisaki's level of control.

The glow receded slowly and Chisaki retracted his slightly smaller horn back into his body. He and Mizuki surveyed Dabi's body with glowing green eyes before sharing a glance and nodding. Chisaki tapped his forehead and the man's eyes snapped open but he remained still and unmoving, only indicator that he was alive was his rising chest.

The room remained silent as he lay unresponsive. The searing heat, the chilling pain that permeated every part of his body for years, it was all good, vanished as though it never existed. For the first time in years since his tear glands burnt-out, he cried. The unfamiliar sensation of wetness streaming down his face only made more tears flow but he didn't stop them and let them flow in silence. As heavy as they were these tears gave him the most comfort in years.

It was only an hour later that he finally sat up with his tears run dry and his emotions back in check and glanced at Mizuki and Chisaki who had been waiting patiently. "Welcome back to the land of the living, Toya" Mizuki greeted the now white-haired man.

 "It's good to be back" Dabi, now going by his original name Toya chuckled heartily.

"Alright, now that we got all the mushy stuff out of the way. Can we get back to business?" Chisaki asked heartlessly.

"Tsunere" Mizuki and Toya said simultaneously.

"Tsk" Chisaki rolled his eyes. Then Mizuki patted his shoulder.

[Quirk Pasted (Chisaki Kai): Hyper Stamina]

{Name: Chisaki Kai

Quirks: Overhaul, Rewind, Analysis, Hyper Stamina, Retractability}

{Name: Toya Todoroki/Soen

Quirks: Blue Flame, Thermal Regulation, Hyper Stamina, Analysis}

Chisaki sighed in relief as his drained energy quicky recovered and his horn even grew by an inch.

It was early morning when they left the Yakuza compound. Chisaki went back to training his new quirks while Toya went to sort out his identifications through certain underground means. Mizuki decided to pay his family a visit while collecting Quirks along the way.

"Mother I'm home!" Mizuki shouted grandiosely as he came in through the door of the family sized two story house.

"Mizuki, you're here! Have you eaten, sit down let me make you something" Inko Midoriya jumped from the sofa and pulled him into the kitchen.

"Sure, where's Izuku at?" Mizuki asked despite knowing already and Inko paused.

"Honestly, I don't know. Yesterday he got home acting all weird and his cloths in a mess. And this morning he left early without even having breakfast. I... I think he might be getting bullied again" Inko said dis-heartedly with pooling tears.

"No that's probably not it. If he was getting bullied, I would've known. I'll get someone to watch out for him" Mizuki assured.

"Now listen here mister, the last time you watched out for him you steamrolled half the school. Don't go causing trouble again" Inko warned.

"Ahh high school, the good old days" Mizuki sighed in reminiscence.

"Mizuki" Inko said in a warning tone.

"Alright, alright I hear you" Mizuki relented with his arms out.

"Besides, don't worry about Izuku. He's a Midoriya, he probably got a girlfriend out there or something" Mizuki shrugged.

"That would be a relief, one of my sons finally getting one and the other one is twenty years old with nothing to show for it" Inko sighed as she stirred the pot while Mizuki stumbled off his chair.

"Geez mom, you suddenly got quite the bite" he grumbled.

"Gasp, I'm so sorry. I guess I've been spending too much time with Mitsuki" Inko Covered her mouth.

"It's okay, not like I'm dying on the inside" Mizuki slumped his head to the counter.

"Oh hush, you always recover" Inko shrugged as she cooked with a peppy bounce in her step.

Mizuki sent a message to a certain number and soon got feedback on Izuku's present location and to no surprise it was a certain cluster dump beach. This was obviously All Might's attempt at training Izuku but Mizuki couldn't help wonder what the point of it was when Izuku was already well built and trained, superior to his canon self before the exam. All of this a result of following in his big brother's footsteps.

"Meh, whatever happens, happens" Mizuki shrugged.

Mizuki had lunch and spent the afternoon watching tv with his mom. Occasionally he went out to copy a quirk at every cooldown including Inko's own Quirk Pull.

[Quirks Copied: Pull, DIY, Body Fortification, Forecast, Dust Control, Hair Manipulation]

[Pull: Activation quirk allowing holder to telepathically pull small objects towards them]

[DIY: Transformation quirk allowing the holder to transform their hands into any sort of construction tool]

[Body Fortification: Mutation quirk enhancing the body's physical aspects such as strength, speed, stamina and dexterity fivefold]

[Forecast: Activation quirk allowing the holder to predict weather and climatic patterns]

[Dust Control: Activation quirk allowing the user to control small dust clouds and hinder vision]

[Hair Manipulation: Activation quirk allowing the user to control and manipulate his and others hair]

Some of these quirks were useful while some were random, either way he wouldn't waste any cooldowns even if he were sleeping. And who knew, maybe these quirks would become useful in the future.

As he was watching the news a sudden headline caught his attention. It was about frequent tectonic shifts below the sea surface. This was Japan however so it wasn't anything unusual. However similar small tremors were being recorded in several other locations throughout the world. These tremors though small and caused almost no damage were quicky gaining the attention of the scientific community but the vast majority simply threw it to the back of their heads.

Mizuki's attention however was pulled elsewhere when he picked up a call. "Hmm."


"… Alright, you have two weeks" Mizuki stated before hanging up.

"What's that about" Inko asked curiously.

"Hmm what do you call it… ah! A reunion, that's the word" Mizuki snapped his fingers.

"Oh, that's cool, you're going to meet your alumnae" Inko clapped her hand.

"You could say that" Mizuki laughed.