
Mysterious old man

Suddenly, the door of the front house opened, and an old man with white hair walked out. He was tall, dressed in a clean and neat blue robe, and had a ruddy complexion, showing no signs of aging. What Gao Ming saw was not a wise and venerable figure but a tall and vigorous evergreen tree. That was the first impression the old man gave him.

Gao Ming couldn't help but glance at the nearby evergreen tree, feeling strange. How could he have such a sensation?

Feeling a bit panicked for intruding into someone else's courtyard, Gao Ming stood there stunned for a moment, unsure what to do. Fortunately, he had some wit left, and after all, wasn't he here to find an ability user?

"Gr-gr-Grandpa, I've come to find s-s-something..." Gao Ming stammered.

The old man approached Gao Ming slowly, wearing a kind expression, and asked nonchalantly, "Little one, what are you looking for?"

Oddly, Gao Ming felt a sense of closeness. Perhaps it was because of the old man's gentle tone and benevolent gaze. Suddenly, the tension and fear in his heart disappeared, and he could articulate more clearly. "Grandpa, are you an ability user?"

"Ability user..." The old man smiled lightly. "If you're looking for an ability user, old man here is one. However, there are quite a few ability users in this large courtyard. How did you end up finding your way here?"

Gao Ming hesitated; how could he answer this without revealing his fear of encountering the ability user who almost killed him?

"Well, since you're reluctant to answer, old man won't press on. Little one, what do you need from an ability user? Maybe this old man can help you."

The old man seemed in good spirits, wearing a warm smile on his face. There was no sign of impatience in his gaze. He softly inquired about Gao Ming's concerns.

Was this really the image of an ability user in his memory? Or perhaps the old man had mellowed with age?

Encountering such a friendly ability user, Gao Ming was naturally delighted. He immediately explained his troubles.

The old man expressed surprise. "Oh, there's such a thing. Well, demonstrate it for me."

Gao Ming quickly activated his mist-like ability, and the courtyard filled with a dense fog.

The old man observed Gao Ming, stroked his beard, looked around, and murmured to himself, "Strange. It seems there's a bit of a change. However..."

The old man had been living alone in this courtyard for decades, becoming intimately familiar with every aspect of it. He was so attuned to the environment that no change could escape his mental senses.

However, he hadn't noticed any significant changes in this courtyard. The only puzzlement was a slight shift in the inherent temperament of the courtyard. It seemed to have become even more profound.

After scrutinizing Gao Ming carefully, he wondered if there was an ability that could influence the original temperament of the environment. Could there be such a unique ability that even ordinary people or regular ability users couldn't sense? In his case, after spending decades here, his entire mental will had almost merged with this world, allowing him to perceive the subtlest changes.

Feeling a bit disappointed, he realized that even if the boy awakened an ability, it seemed to be useless. Altering the temperament of the environment had no practical purpose.

His unique ability would likely not be acknowledged by the clan, as no one could perceive the effects of this ability. Seeing the hopeful look in Gao Ming's eyes, he couldn't bear to break the news to him.

In a compassionate tone, the old man shook his head and said, "I couldn't sense anything."

Gao Ming's face of hope turned into profound disappointment. He began to realize that even if he truly awakened an ability, it would be of no use. If even an experienced ability user like the old man couldn't detect it, the Gao Clan would never acknowledge it.

"Grandpa, sorry for bothering you. I'll take my leave now," Gao Ming said with a sense of dejection.

Gao Ming managed a forced smile on his face and began to turn away with a somewhat lost expression.

Observing the boy's hesitant steps, the old man shook his head and sighed. He then spoke, "Young lad, don't be in such a hurry to leave."

Gao Ming halted, feeling a slight affinity toward the old man. Unlike other ability users, this one didn't exude an air of superiority but rather radiated a warmth akin to that of a caring grandfather.

"What's the matter, Grandpa?" Gao Ming asked.

The old man chuckled, "Young lad, since you found your way here today, we must have some connection. Since you've come, I can't let you leave empty-handed. I have something that might be useful to you. Take it."

From his pocket, the old man produced a shining green crystal pendant, emitting a gentle green light. In the serene courtyard, it appeared particularly conspicuous, offering a sense of tranquility and vitality. Gao Ming, who was feeling quite down, suddenly found his mood uplifted.

"This...?" Gao Ming hesitated. Even though he knew the old man meant well, there was a sense of resistance within him.

"Hehe, young lad, considering you're from the same clan, and I'm older than you, it's only right for me to give you a little something," the old man said with a satisfied smile, noticing Gao Ming's internal struggle.

Since he had an amicable impression of the boy, the old man was determined to give him a token. After all, the young lad needed a boost, and the old man believed this crystal pendant could provide that.

Taking a few steps forward, Gao Ming accepted the crystal pendant, expressing his gratitude, "Thank you, Grandpa!"

The old man smiled, "Young lad, remember to wear this crystal pendant around your neck. As long as you don't provoke extremely powerful ability users, it should keep you safe for a lifetime. Consider it fate that brought you here today."

With those words, the old man turned and walked back into his house, and the door gradually closed. The tranquility returned to the courtyard.

Gao Ming's eyes became slightly moist. This old man seemed to be one of the few people who treated him kindly besides his mother. Gently caressing the warm green crystal pendant in his hand, the old man's parting words lingered in his ears.

After standing still for a while, Gao Ming's turbulent emotions finally settled. He walked out of the courtyard, returned to his own residence, and decided not to tell Li Qing about the encounter.

Back in his room, Gao Ming examined the crystal pendant carefully. One side was engraved with a figure, seemingly depicting the old man, and the other side featured a pine tree. It was undoubtedly the pine tree from the old man's courtyard. The engravings were intricate and lifelike, giving the whole crystal pendant an exquisite appearance.

Although Gao Ming didn't fully understand the old man's last statement, questioning how a crystal pendant could ensure a safe lifetime, he couldn't help but appreciate its beauty. Perhaps this crystal pendant was akin to a magical artifact from fantasy stories?

At that moment, he found a piece of string and threaded the crystal pendant onto it, wearing it around his neck. The crystal pendant felt warm against his chest, quite comfortable.

Although he didn't get the answers he wanted, obtaining the crystal pendant was still a good outcome. The old man must be formidable given his age, and he probably wouldn't casually make things up.

From then on, Gao Ming wore the crystal pendant without taking it off. Even though Li Qing looked puzzled upon seeing it, Gao Ming lied, claiming he found it. Li Qing sternly warned him that if it was indeed found, he must keep it hidden to avoid any suspicions of theft. After all, once discovered, even if it was truly found, he might be accused of stealing.

Despite Gao Ming's disappointment with his mist-like ability, he persisted in practicing it. While he didn't know how to cultivate his ability, he frequently manipulated the mist to change shapes, compress it, and even move it according to his will. Although he hadn't observed any significant effects, Gao Ming became more convinced that it was indeed an ability, even though it seemed more useless than useless, more chicken ribs than chicken ribs.