
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
116 Chs

The Metal Universe.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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These gods are so powerful, and their will even become a universe will.

But still they could not do everything because they are the gods of one universe and there were many other universes out there and many other universes gods out there.

Such as, fire universe, water universe, Lich universe. They all have their own gods who protect their own universe.


The destruction god, fire lady, continued talking about what she needed to.

Moesat sat down on a cross leg on the clean floor, he is the warrior who could sleep on the dusty ground or on the tree, so sitting on the clean floor is nothing to him.

And he makes himself relax like, it is as his home.

Nana climbed on him and sat on his cross leg while she extended her leg down, and also both Enna and Lu Lu sat on Nana legs.

After looking at them, Areum sat beside them.

It is like a group of children listening to the night time story.

But what they are now listening to is....about the collapsing of the metal universe.

What is there to afraid of the collapsing of the universe? What is there to worry about the collapsing of the universe?

If someone is so weak, and he could not do a thing to prevent it from collapsing. So worrying about that is wasting his own energy.


The fire lady said,

There are three sizes of universes, small, medium and large. And the metal universe is graded as a small size universe.

The metal universe is small but even if they are the gods of the metal universe, they could not know everything in this universe or they have never been to all the places of the metal universe.

Despite the small size, the metal universe has more than trillions of galaxies in it.

These gods were roaming in the universe to protect it from other universes invasion.

One of the gods found a door in a corner of the universe, so they decided to open that door.

They opened it, they went through it and they came back in a few seconds and they sealed the door.

They got a problem to solve now and they could not do it alone, so the destruction god looked for the problem solver.

The destruction god mind is most calmest, and for that she got an ability to see things in the universe. She tried to see trillion of trillion of living things in the universe for many millions of years in the future.

It is not easy to do, it tore her mind and body although she is a god, seeing many living lives also affects her.

But she could not find the problem solver, so she continued looking for it, that destroyed her physical body and her ability to see.

As the destruction god, destroying her own physical body is nothing to her. This is the purpose of the destruction god and she will do what she needs to.

Finally she found Moesat, but her body was already destroyed and her ability to see things reduced. She could only focus on Moesat and she could not see others future anymore.

She saw Moesat but Moesat was too weak to solve the problem, so she continued to watch over him for millions of years.

From the first time, she saw Moesat….Moesat is fighting with them and he continues fighting, and many time he fails and he dies. But he reincarnated into new life and he continues fighting with them.

Who is them?

They are not the gods of metal universe but the fire lady did not explain who is them. And Moesat don't want to know too, so he leave it.

After many reincarnation Moesat forgot what he was fighting for….the reason for his fighting faded away and he became a mad person with mindlessly fighting with them.

But the problem is not solved yet.

So, the destruction god could not continue watching on him, and she turned back to the time before toward where Moesat lives started.

And she decided to wait there, as she had nothing left for her to do but to help Moesat.

Before she came here, she told some gods that where she would go. But she did not say everything.

However, other gods knew what she was about to do and they got their own things to solve the problem.


After telling that, she asks Moesat….

"Moesat would you like to be my disciple?"

Moesat could not give the answer right away, and he got something in his mind.

Moesat did not care about what he didn't need to but something from the story made him mind feeling upset and confused.

"I would like to ask something."

Moesat talks what he wants to.


The fire lady replied.

"I am fighting alone? Where are they?"

Moesat pointed at Nana, Lu Lu, Enna and Areum.

"I did not see them and now I lost my ability to see things in future."

The fire lady replied.

The fire lady answer make Moesat face darken.

He did not continue saying a thing but quiet and all quiet.

They all sort of understand the meaning behind it.

Without saying a thing, they could feel to each other.

Moesat gently hold Nana, Lu Lu and Enna.

After a while they quiet, Moesat starts talking again, he needed to do what he needed to.

"What and why do you want me to be your disciple?"

Moesat asked what he always asked while he is dealing with others.

"The most important thing for me is... to protect your memory and your soul. To prevent you from losing your memory after many of your reincarnation."

"I don't have any more power to prevent you from your death or any other. Your life and death is your own."

"And I will guide you to become the most powerful."

And the fire lady stopped.

"Do you want me to do something?"

Moesat asked.

"No, you just have to do what you wanted to."

The fire lady answered.

Moesat does not understand the will of the universe or the will of the god.

Their will is…. Moesat is going to do his own things.

"If you could guide me to become the most powerful and I accepted."

What Moesat want is to become powerful to protects what he love. Other thing he did not care, even if the sky is falling or universe is crumbling.

"Alright, now you become my disciple."

The fire lady confirmed.

"How should I address you?"

Moesat asked.

"Destruction god, fire lady or master."

The fire lady replied. She got a name before but after fusing with the universe to become a god and then their name vanished.

Moesat looks at the fire lady and Areum. And he made a name.

"Fire noona."

He is not good at naming, so to make it easy for himself by calling big sister Fire or Fire noona.

But noona is more close and friendly than big sister.


The fire lady accepted it.

"As you become my disciple, I will teach you one important law."

"The law is the most basic and general law."

"…..everything becomes nothing….nothing becomes everything…."

"Everything is rotated in cycle."

"You may not understand it now but keep it in your mind and it will build up."

For the god, the most important for them is the laws of the universe. So she taught Moesat the basic law.

Moesat could not understand about that law but others are starting to feel it.

"Would you not give me some blood or some inheritance?"

Moesat asked as he wanted to be more powerful.

"All the other things from me is... in that blood sun. There were some bloods in it but you all are too weak to absorb it now."

Fire lady replied while pointing at the red blood sphere which is in the air.

"I could refine and absorb some other blood!!!"

Moesat wanted to say about the big dragon god blood but he was asked to keep it secret, so he changed his words.

But The fire lady could see through what Moesat wanted to say.

If she is a normal person and she would say….

"Do you really think, you could absorb a dragon god blood? All the gods who could destroy a galaxy, if you absorb their blood and you would burn into nothing."

Normal person would say it in scorn but a god would not say like that.

A god's will could become a universe will.

So, a god would carefully say what was their words. With a word, they could destroy the sun and moon, so they only say what they needed to.

The fire lady said it in calm…

"The dragon blood, you got it before is greatly reduced its power. He only gave you this for your foundation. He left many trials for a higher stage."

"That dragon is lazy, he did not want to explain too many because he knew that you will know it in future."

"My blood is in full power, my body is already gone and I could not get more of my blood if I reduce my power in my blood. So wait until you could absorb it."

The fire lady explained too many things patiently to Moesat.

Moesat looks up to the red blood sphere and thinks how to take out his inheritance or bloods.

And the fire lady explained more…

They needed to touch it and it will give out what Moesat could get at this moment.

And now at this moment, Moesat could only get the purification cultivation Sutra and he needed to take the blood sun with him when he got out from there.

If Moesat took the blood sun and blood cliff would cease to exist. So he should only take it out when he is ready.

If Moesat took it out now and he would have to go out and fight with the army outside. So he could not take it now.

Moesat does not afraid of that army but he does not want too many normal citizens die while they were fighting.

Moesat came in here because he did not want these people to get the key and enter the blood cliff. And he also noticed that it would be hard to go out.

If the blood cover from the blood cliff went off, these armies would come and attack at them, and the army could shoot rocks and arrows by using trebuchet or ballista to the cave opening.

They could even destroy the blood cliff by using all of their force, they did not do it now because they want the inherent from blood cliff.

If the inheritance is gone, they would try to bury Moesat along with the blood cliff and later they would dig out and look for Moesat body.

If Moesat wanted to take the blood sun, he has to quickly run off from the blood cliff or he has to dig into a deeper underground place to avoid stone crashing on them.

Both of the ways are not too easy.

But is that all the way? No other ways?

What would someone do if someone in a Moesat place?

Moesat is always trying to look for the safest way.