
Terror on the Battlefield

There was little time to think, Snake knew this so he did the first thing that came to mind, he began shooting at the mercenaries.

"MAKE A RUN FOR IT!" shouted Snake at the others. Eagle, Fox and Ellen all ran out of the staircase with Snake, shooting each of the mercenaries down. As they were running, Fox noticed the two catwalks that separate the roof,

"SPLIT UP, WE'LL RENDEZVOUS ON THE OTHER SIDE!" Fox shouted, Eagle and Fox went to the catwalk on the left while Snake and Ellen went to the one on the right. The jetpack mercenaries flew after Snake and Ellen, both shooting some of them down. Suddenly, more of them started showing up,

"HOW MANY OF THESE GUYS ARE THERE?!" Snake shouted, Ellen then turned forward to see a grenade landing right in front of them.

"SNAKE, JUMP!" Ellen told him, Snake turned to see why and both jumped over the grenade but it blew up, causing the catwalk to break in half. The catwalk started to slowly break, Snake and Ellen quickly rushed up the broken walkway. Ellen leaped onto the rooftop but unfortunately for Snake, a railing that connected the catwalk broke, which made it swing onto the building. Snake quickly grabbed onto the railing. He then turned around and saw a group of jetpack mercenaries approach him, weapons drawn and aimed right at him. Snake then turned to Ellen,

"RUN, DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!" shouted Snake, Ellen nodded and began running away to the helicopter, he then swung himself and to the surprise of the mercenaries, he launched himself towards them. They began firing their weapons but Snake flipped forward then raised his leg up and slammed it down against one of the mercenaries to spike him downward like a volleyball. Solid Snake then noticed one fly towards him so he landed on him then jumped off his back towards two right above him, Snake then dropkicked the one in front of him and then rotated himself backwards to dropkick the one above him and land on the back of one of the mercenaries behind him. Panicked, the mercenary flew in rapid directions, the others didn't know if to shoot him. Solid Snake then drew out his knife to cut the straps of the jetpack. There was little time left as Snake grabbed onto the jetpack and flew away from the mercenary as he fell down to his death. The mercenaries then began shooting at the flying Solid Snake, Snake then turned the jetpack around towards the roof, making the mercenaries begin to pursue him. Once Snake saw he was getting close to Ellen, Snake turned the jetpack around toward the pursuing air troopers then cleverly and secretly placed a C4 on it before launching himself towards the roof. Snake rolled forward and turned to the mercenaries with the smuggest, wide grin,

"Sorry boys, you're grounded!" Snake said, the mercenaries stopped as they saw the jetpack coming their way. Snake then detonated the C4 right in front of them, the explosion being large enough to damage their jet packs and make them fall to their deaths. Snake then ran and caught up to Ellen, they continued running until reaching the helipad where the Hind D Helicopter was parked, they noticed Fox and Eagle getting closer to the chopper. The pilot then began slowly ascending helicopter as Fox and Eagle got closer and closer,

"DOUBLE TIME IT, ELLEN!" Snake shouted as both him and Ellen sprinted faster towards the helicopter. The pilot then rotated the helicopter right then fired a missile at Gray Fox and Steel Eagle but Gray Fox suddenly leaped towards it, pushed the missile aside and hung onto the stub wing of the chopper. Fox then tossed himself and stabbed his sword into the cabin door then pried it open to let himself in. Fox went inside the Hind D and then stabbed the co pilot in the throat with his sword then aimed his smg at the pilot,

"If you don't want a head filled with an entire magazine, I recommend you land this thing, NOW!" demanded Gray Fox. The pilot frighteningly landed the helicopter as the three were waiting on the helipad. Fox then grabbed the pilot and tossed him onto the helipad, Ellen then swung her leg to knock the pilot out. Steel Eagle ran inside the chopper and tossed out the dead co-pilot,

"Ew, c'mon Frank. You had to give me the blood soaked seat?" said Eagle as to Gray Fox,

"Oh I'm sorry, would you want me to disinfect it while we're in the middle of mercenaries coming after us?" shouted Fox with an annoyed face. Eagle sighed and got on the co-pilot seat as Fox got in the pilot seat. Solid Snake and Ellen sat in the cabin, Snake then noticed a grenade launcher inside the helicopter,

"Man these guys don't clean up after themselves." Snake noted,

"Well I'm sure with their salary and funding they can afford maids or a cleaning service." chimed Ellen. Gray Fox then began making the helicopter ascend slowly upward then rotate it in the direction of the Beta Building. Fox then began flying the Hind D forward. A minute only passed until they were being fired at from the ground. Fox swerved the helicopter which made Snake and Ellen hold on to a railing,

"What was that?!" Snake asked, Fox glanced down to see what can be described as a mechanical monstrosity. A dark blue steel machine, with the lower body constructed like a bulldozer and the upper body constructed with a tank turret on top.

"Shit! A bulltank!" exclaimed Fox,

"The fuck is a bulltank?!" Snake asked,

"Part bulldozer, part tank! Lower that ladder and hit that thing with the grenade launcher to give me supporting fire!" ordered Fox as he was trying to avoid the tank fire. Snake nodded then kicked down the ladder, grabbed the grenade launcher and began climbing down the ladder. He hung on the ladder and aimed the grenade launcher,

"It's showtime!" Snake shouted as he began firing grenades at the bull tank. The bulltank was barely phased by the grenade assault and fired another round towards the Hind D which made Fox swerve the helicopter even more. Snake gripped on the ladder to avoid falling off, Snake then heard his codec ring and answered it,

"Eagle gave me your frequency, the tank has a lock on us, Snake." Fox spoke through his codec,

"What do you want me to do?" Snake asked,

"Ellen is gonna give you smoke grenades, blind it long enough for us to rain every missile on this son of a bitch." explained Fox,

"On it!" Snake replied as he hung up. Ellen lowered a belt of different kinds of grenade ammunition towards Snake. Solid Snake wrapped his legs around the ladder and hung upside down to catch the belt and wrapped it around his body. Quickly, Snake loaded the grenade launcher with smoke grenades and aimed at the bulltank.

"Alright one more time, IT'S SHOWTIME!!" Snake exclaimed as he fired the smoke grenades at the tank, he then kept reloading with smoke grenades to make a bigger smoke screen. Fox turned on the thermal imaging on the Hind D monitor to lock the missiles onto the bulltank. Fox then fired the barrage of missiles onto the bulltank, each missile damaging the bulltank bit by bit and making the bulltank unable to move.

"YES!" exclaimed Gray Fox. Suddenly, the brief celebration was cut short as the tank managed to hit the tail of the Hind D. Fox tried gaining control to no avail as the helicopter was spinning out of control and slowly descending. Quickly, Ellen noticed four parachutes, she grabbed them and handed one to Eagle and one to Fox. As for Solid Snake, he was trying to climb up the ladder despite the helicopter spinning around. He glanced up and noticed Ellen, Fox and Eagle with parachutes on their back, they then leaped out of the helicopter with Ellen quickly handing Snake the parachute while she was in freefall. With little time left, Solid Snake backflipped off the ladder, quickly put on the parachute and then pulled the string to release it. The parachute pulled Solid Snake back, he saw the broken Hind D Helicopter fall directly onto the bulltank. Snake sighed as he slowly descended onto the dry ground where the others were waiting. Once he landed, he removed the parachute and walked towards the others.

"That was close…" Snake said,

"You can say that again, thank god that big piece of shit was destroyed-" they were then startled as they felt a round fire into the rock they were standing behind. They crouched, Fox quickly peaked over the rock and he gasped as he saw the bulltank still standing in the fire.

"Fuck, how strong is this big shit?!" Fox asked, it was there Solid Snake thought of something extremely insane but he knew it was the only way.

"I'm gonna distract it." Snake stated, the others looked at him like he was insane,

"Do you have a death wish or something? That thing survived rockets, grenades and a whole Hind D crashing on top of it and yet it's still standing!" worriedly explained Eagle,

"Just because it's still standing doesn't mean it can't get knocked out. I'll distract it while you guys find a way around it." Snake said to them,

"That's the attitude I like to see." Fox remarked with a grin. Snake then turned around but Ellen grabbed his wrist,

"Don't die please." Ellen told him, Snake gave a grin and thumbs up as he turned and approached the metal monster while the others snuck on the far right of the tank. He stared down the Bulltank, glaring at the damaged exterior, he loaded the grenade launcher and prepared himself for the upcoming battle, this was his mission and his moment to prove why he is here. In no time, the bulltank fired a round and Snake quickly leaped to the side and fired a grenade onto the bulltank. Two machine guns mounted on the sides began firing at the soldier but Snake ran to the other side, shooting grenades at it. The Bulltank lifted its blades to shield from the grenades and continued shooting at Snake. Solid Snake rolled to the side and switched to his M60 and began shooting the mounted machine guns. Snake managed to shoot one of them off then moved closer. The bulltank turned its main gun towards Snake but that's when the biggest grin appeared on Solid Snake's face. Right before the bulltank fired its gun, Solid Snake leaped and flipped forward, making the bulltank aim its other mounted gun shoot at him. Solid Snake twirled around in midair then switched to Shotmaker's striker shotgun and blasted the other mounted gun off. He landed on top of the bulltank then flipped backwards off it, placing two C4s right on the hatch and the radiator. Snake landed right behind the tank and placed two more C4s on the exhaust. Snake then switched to his grenade launcher and fired a couple of grenades in the air to make the bulltank lift its blade. Snake then used his knife to cut the fuel supply then slid under the tank and placed three landmines under the tank and a C4 before going to the other side. The bulltank then moved its blade downward in an attempt to squash Snake but Snake launched himself, loaded more grenades and fired them at the blade to damage it. Solid Snake then tossed his grenade belt at the blade, then ran and leaped off the top of the blade to get to the other side. Snake stood up, took out a cigarette, lit it with a match then tossed the burning match onto the leaking oil and began walking in the direction of the Beta Building,

"Now for the grand finale." Snake said as he pressed his thumb down on the detonator. The combination of explosives was enough to blow the entire bulltank to smithereens in a large, fiery explosion. Snake then approached the group who were nearby, they were all in awe from what they saw Snake do. Eagle approached Snake and high fived him,

"DUDE! That. Was. AWESOME! The way you did all your flips and shit then the big kaboom! Oh man, I can't wait to go on more missions with you, that was so badass!" Eagle said excitingly, Fox then patted Solid Snake on the back,

"You showed some moves out there, rookie. You're going to fit in this unit perfectly." Fox told him,

"Thanks-Ow!" Snake said as he felt Ellen punch him in the arm,

"You dance with death too much, Solid Snake. You scared me." Ellen said angrily,

"Never knew you cared so much, Miss Madnar." joked Snake, Ellen blushed at what Solid Snake.

"C'mon enough chit chat, we got a mission to finish." Fox told them,

"Right, well let's get a move on, guys and gal." Snake replied. The group began walking towards the next building, unsure and unknowing of the threats inside the Beta Building.