
Calm Before The Storm

The group all got closer as they heard the entire base getting alert.

"Shit, we're about to have a lot of fucking mercenaries here, soon! Steel, Blackbird, barricade the door!" ordered Fox, Steel Eagle and Blackbird nodded while Gray Fox looked out the window,

"Snake, come here!" Fox shouted, Solid ran and did so, he then pointed at something outside which made Solid look,

"That truck is our ticket out of here, now to find a way out." Fox said, Snake looked around for something to use as an escape. That's where Snake got an interesting idea, he quickly ran around the room and grabbed multiple power cords and large thick wires. It confused the others and they weren't sure what he had in mind, Snake then approached Gray Fox with the cords in hand,

"Begin tying these things together, I already took down most of the entire floor so it should buy us time. Fox, we're going to use the cord as a rope to lower ourselves outside and get that truck." explained Snake,

"Sounds like a plan, let's do it! replied Fox. Everyone quickly got to work and began to tie the cords together to form a long giant rope, Snake grabbed onto the end of the rope and looked directly at the window, locking on to his exit. He took a deep breath and began sprinting towards it, full force and non stop then leaping out of it. He saw the mercenaries outside preparing to swarm the building, they glanced up the moment they saw Snake leaping out the window.

"<THEY'RE ESCAPING!> shouted a commander, they took aim and were about to shoot but then someone else leapt out the window, it was none other than the silver haired Gray Fox. The mercenaries then started to shoot but to Snake and their surprise, while Gray Fox was in freefall, he was moving his sword fast enough to slice all the bullets that were going to hit him and Snake. Gray Fox then landed right in front of the mercenaries, their aim shaking from the sight of this legendary swordsman. He held his sword upside down with one hand with the blade pointing downward.

"<Ok, I want you to take a good look at me because I will be the last thing any of you see tonight!>" Gray Fox shouted, he then looked back and winked at Solid with a grin, gesturing to follow his lead. The mercenaries then began firing directly at Gray Fox, the silver haired soldier quickly began slashing bullet after bullet, Snake couldn't help but be amazed by Fox's uncanny speed and reaction time. Fox dashed forward and instantly swung his sword, cutting a couple of their heads off cleanly. He wrapped his legs around a mercenary's head, snapped their neck and began spinning around by using the mercenary's head as a spinner. As he spun around, Gray Fox held the blade of his sword outward, slicing the mercenaries nearby in half horizontally then pulling off the dead mercenary's head with his legs and flipping backwards to land on his feet. As Gray Fox was fighting mercenary after mercenary, Snake took advantage to lower himself onto the ground, he grabbed one of the M16 rifles off a mercenary then checked the magazine,

" Full mag, 30 rounds, gotta time my shots perfectly. " thought Snake, he flicked the switch to have the M16 burst fire. Snake ran and shot down three mercenaries then switched it to single fire and shot down more of them, clearing a path to get to Gray Fox. The silver haired swordsman was slashing mercenary after mercenary until he felt Snake bump him lightly with his back. The mercenaries surrounded Solid Snake and Gray Fox, both men had their backs against each other, waiting for the mercenaries to strike. Their glare locked onto their enemies, Snake tightening his hand on the grip of the rifle and Gray Fox adjusting his stance, waiting for any of them to try it. Solid tapped on the side of the magazine fourteen times, Gray Fox figured what he meant by that and nodded. Solid was the first to attack, quickly shooting down mercenary by mercenary. Fox quickly took Snake's M1911 and started shooting while he deflected bullet after bullet, slicing specific ones in half to hit the mercenaries behind him. Fox emptied the magazine and launched it at one of the mercenaries. He quickly grabbed a M16 magazine and tossed it at Solid Snake, Snake launched his magazine out to hit a mercenary, he held his rifle up then tossed a M1911 magazine at Fox. The magazine entered the guns in sync and both continued shooting the mercenaries. Both soldiers keeping count of their bullets, Gray Fox sliced one man in half then ran to Snake, slid and lifted him up to his feet. Snake switched to burst fire and shot a couple of them down before switching back to single fire. Meanwhile, the others managed to successfully lower themselves from the second floor, Blackbird noticed Snake and Fox fighting the mercenaries, steering them away from the truck. He began to grab a bunch of rocks then knives from the corpses of the mercenaries.

"You three, get Madnar to the truck. I'll go help Snake and Fox." Blackbird told them, they nodded and began to sneak behind cover while Blackbird took a deep breath. He leapt onto a crate then launched himself off it, Blackbird then began throwing rock after rock at the mercenary. He threw them hard enough to pierce through their bodies, specifically in vital portions of the human body. Gray Fox leapt and ran through, cleaving and shooting through mercenary after mercenary while Snake is shooting many of them down. Suddenly, they emptied their own magazines, Snake quickly tossed one through the group of mercenaries, so did Gray Fox, both reloading each other's weapon. Snake then switched it to automatic then spun around shooting a group of mercenaries behind him. Blackbird was on the ground and took out the knives, he dashed through the mercenaries as well, slicing through their vitals quicker. He stabbed one in the stomach then kicked them up in the air which allowed Gray Fox to slice them in half, Snake shot a couple of them in the knees which allowed Gray Fox to slice their heads off. With Blackbird's swift moments, Gray Fox's swordsmanship and Solid Snake's deadly aim, they managed to defeat the multitude of mercenaries, one by one. Finally, Snake sighed in relief and the three men ran to the truck where the others were,

"Snake, Steel, get in the back! Blackbird, passenger's seat!" Fox ordered. Snake and Steel Eagle hopped in the back with the others while Fox and Blackbird went to the front of the truck and got in the driver's seat.

"Everyone here?" Fox asked,

"Yes but we must go to the Alpha Building with caution, we do not know where the mines are." chimes in Dr Madnar,

"I dug in this truck for anything we needed and I found a mine detector. We should be good as long as we follow the route." chimed in Steel Eagle, Fox smiled and started the truck while Solid dialed Big Boss to inform him about the mission,

"This is Solid Snake, come in Big Boss, can you read me?" called Snake,

"Snake! You're alive, we thought we lost you there again." clearly replied Big Boss,

"Yeah we had a jamming issue but this mission has been very weird for me."

"Go on?" asked Big Boss,

"First I fight this zombie that looks at me then calls me Snake, it felt like it recognized me from somewhere. Then this giant AI Pod recognizes me and calls me Jack but then suddenly calls me Snake. What the hell is going on here?! Was there someone else named Snake?!" shouted Snake,

"No you're the only person to get that name in FOXHOUND, there is no other Snake besides you."

"Then what's happening here?!"

"Psychological warfare, Snake. The enemy captured you, remember? They know of your name, they've studied your tactics, this Ishmael is a master of manipulation. He most likely set all of that up to throw your focus away, keep your focus, Snake. We're all counting on you." Snake sighed in relief once Big Boss said that, he was most likely right on that subject,

"Thank you, Big Boss."

"You're welcome, now did you find Madnar?" asked Big Boss,

"Yes, he told me how to defeat the Metal Gear."

"Excellent news, we will be giving you a hero's dinner when you get back, Snake."

"Thank you, Big Boss. I'll talk to you soon, Snake out." Snake hung up and sighed in relief. Meanwhile, Gray Fox was exiting the Beta Building until he noticed something definitely odd heading their way. He stopped the truck which alerted everyone else, making them step outside the truck for a moment and look in the direction of the Alpha Building, Madnar and Ellen gasped while the Eagle siblings all looked frightened, so did Snake once he saw what it was. They felt the breeze blow aggressively as the giant monstrous sandstorm was coming their way from the direction for the Alpha Building, with thunder booming and lightning flashing, the group of heroes were in disbelief of the horror they saw.