
East China Sea Branch, Forced To Join

Editor: Henyee Translations

That superyacht was 120 meters long and silver-white in color. It had a four-story structure and the majority of it was built using carbon fiber that was much lighter than steel. The interior of the yacht was extremely luxurious, with a bright and vibrant environment. The decorations were not inferior to a five-star hotel in any aspect.

To sum it up, it was of sublime quality and possessed a classic luster.

The biggest difference between this superyacht and other luxurious yachts of the ordinary class, was the nuclear fusion reactor that provided power!

Even though luxury yachts of the ordinary class were luxurious, they relied on diesel to move. However, this superyacht ran on nuclear power.

The scientific and technological content of the two was not on the same level and the value was equivalent to the riches of the heavens and earth!

Xue Yue was lying on the lowest deck while enjoying a rare sunbath. He was feeling expectant and uneasy in his heart. He was about to return soon and he wondered how his father was doing.

"Xue Yue, why don't you return to America with me?" Helen sat by his side and looked at Xue Yue expectantly.

"I'm sorry, I have to return to China and check up on my father!" Xue Yue shook his head and refused decisively. Right now, he wished that he could return at once, so how could he have the spare thought to think of going to America?

"Oh, I see…" Helen was somewhat disappointed but revealed a resplendent smile immediately after. "Xue Yue, remember to contact me when you return!"


The yacht's traveling speed was very fast and it sailed along the North Pacific towards the distant East China Sea. Two weeks later, it had finally entered the East China Sea. However, they were stopped by a cruiser belonging to China!

"Hang our family flag!" Liang Bo walked out of the yacht and glanced at the cruiser before ordering his men to hang their family's flag on the flag pole. However, before the flag was hung up, the opposite boat started to shout.

"Excuse me, is there someone named Xue Yue on this yacht?"

"Mr. Xue Yue, they're looking for you?" Liang Bo looked at Xue Yue in surprise.

"Looking for me?" Xue Yue blanked out for a moment with many questions in his head. Shouldn't they think he was met with an accident and passed away? Why would there be someone that knew of him? Moreover, they had come the moment they arrived in the East China Sea?

It seemed like they knew about his whereabouts like the back of their hands.

"Could it be someone with the same name?" Xue Yue had doubts in his heart, but he still came to the deck and took the loudspeaker from Liang Bo's hands. "I am Xue Yue, may I know who you are?"

"Mr. Xue Yue… Are you from Dalian, graduated from XX middle school and your father's name is…"

"That's me!"

"We are the No.12 patrol cruiser of the East China Sea that is under the Sacred China information group. I am Captain Ling Kai!" Upon hearing Xue Yue's call, the other party quickly revealed his identity. "Brother Xue, we are here to pick you up!"

After the confirmation of identities, the cruiser released a small boat where three people were seated on it as it approached the yacht.

The two men rowing the boat were dressed in navy uniforms and the man standing in front was wearing black sportswear, seemingly very casual. He appeared to be in his thirties, with a flat head, malt-colored skin and he gave off a feeling of a capable and vigorous man.

The small boat slowly approached.

The flat-headed man's gaze swept across Xue Yue, Liang Bo, Helen, and the rest before finally landing on Xue Yue. He then opened his mouth and laughed as he said, "You must be Brother Xue Yue. I am Ling Kai, the captain of the No.12 cruiser. Brother Xue, we've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Mr. Ling Kai, you people seem to be looking for me?" Xue Yue curiously asked.

"Haha, the headquarters has issued instructions for us to wait for you near the nearby waters. Heh, dozens of cruisers and hundreds of brothers were deployed throughout the entire East China Sea. Luck was shining on me today as I've been lucky to have bumped into you!" Ling Kai laughed and explained.


Not to mention Xue Yue, but even the wily fox Liang Bo was at a loss and could not react immediately. Wasn't Xue Yue, that brat, an ordinary high school student? Why did Sacred China send so many men to pick him up?

Liang Bo knew that for someone who possessed the authority to mobilize dozens of cruisers, that individual definitely belonged to the higher-ups!

"Brat, who are you?" Liang Bo's turbid eyes were shining with a glint and he secretly sized Xue Yue up as he was amazed by the situation.

"Mr. Ling Kai, what exactly is going on here?" Xue Yue was overwhelmed by the welcome.

"Heh, stop calling me mister. It sounds awkward. If brother Xue Yue doesn't mind, just call me Old Ling or Brother Ling!"

"Brother… Ling, who sent you here?" Xue Yue continued asking.

"I'm not sure about that. We've only received an order from our headquarters. As for the specifics, it's not something I have the right to know!"

After he said that, Ling Kai cupped his fist at Liang Bo and said, "We are grateful for the Athena Family to have sent Brother Xue Yue back. We shall bid our goodbyes here!"

"Brother Xue Yue, please come on board. Let's return home!"

"Hold on!" Liang Bo stepped forward and faintly said, "Mr. Ling, Mr. Xue Yue is a friend of our Athena Family. You are allowed to pick him up, but you have to prove your identity first. Moreover, he has to agree to it. But if he doesn't agree to go with you…"

Liang Bo's intentions were clear. If Xue Yue was unwilling to leave, no one could force him!

"Oh! Gosh, look at me forgetting such an important procedure!" Ling Kai slapped his forehead and took out an identity card from his embrace before throwing it to Xue Yue. He then smiled and said, "Brother Xue Yue, please go ahead and check!"

Xue Yue took a look at the card and it was basically a copper card without a photo or identity information. It was simply smooth without any indents. How was he supposed to check?

"Mr. Xue, allow me to do the check instead!" Liang Bo said.


Liang Bo took over the card and took out a watch-like instrument. Red light shot out from the watch and scanned the card. Instantly, a virtual projection popped up from the card!

"Ling Kai, Male, 31, S-Class fire elemental Superhuman, belongs to the Sacred China information group. Captain of No.12 cruiser of the East China Sea squad."

There was a photo on the projection along with a few lines which introduced Ling Kai.

"There's no discrepancy with the information!" Liang Bo kept the watch-like instrument and passed the card to Xue Yue and said, "He does indeed belong to Sacred China and I've confirmed that there's no mistake."

"Since we're fellow countrymen, things will be easier!" Xue Yue passed the card back and said with a smile. "Brother Ling, there's no such thing as distrust between us. Let me follow you back!"

"Xue Yue—" Helen suddenly called out and revealed an expression of reluctance to part.

Xue Yue turned around and said with a smile, "Helen, thanks for the care and companionship for the past few days. I am very happy to have known you. Come look for me to visit when you're available!"

Helen could only reveal a reluctant smile as she said, "Alright. You have to accompany me to eat all the delicacies all around China!"

"No problem!" Xue Yue gave an OK gesture and jumped onto the small boat.

Ling Kai cupped his fist and said towards Liang Bo and the rest, "Goodbye!"

The men on the boat started pedaling away from the yacht!

"Bye Helen!"

"Xue Yue…"

The sun descended and the sea surface was dyed in dazzling gold as it shone brilliantly.

The two cruisers had already departed far away and only a silhouette could be seen. Even so, Helen looked in the direction of the cruiser foolishly. Gradually, her line of sight turned blurry due to the tears.

"Xue Yue…"

"Miss, he has left. We should also return!"

"Brother Ling, where are we going next? Would we be returning to the mainland immediately?" Xue Yue wore thick gloves and clothes and was wrapped up tightly, for fear that he would get into contact with the metal objects on the cruiser.

Cruisers were different from Liang Bo's yacht!

"Brother Xue Yue, it's like this. There are orders from the higher-ups for us to bring you back to the nearest branch to do a strength appraisal upon receiving you. After that will be the arrangement for you to sign a contract to join the organization and wait for your next instructions!" Ling Kai laughed as he said.

Xue Yue furrowed his brows and appeared to be slightly unhappy. He only had thoughts of returning right now. "Appraisal of strength is fine with me, but I believe that joining an organization cannot be forced?"

Ling Kai said with a wry smile, "It is indeed true for others. Generally speaking for ordinary Superhumans, it is entirely up to their will to join Sacred China. Of course, if their talents are particularly good, the organization will provide better benefits to entice them, but they will never use force!"

"But it's different for you!" Ling Kai looked at Xue Yue in doubt as he said, "The higher-ups have said that you must join the organization and there is no room for bargaining!"

"Can they do that?" Xue Yue's frown deepened. He felt as if there was an invisible hand controlling him. First, it was sending Ling Kai to fetch him. Next was to force him to join the organization.

Who was it exactly?

As one of the most powerful super organizations on Earth, Sacred China had an extremely high status globally. There are 64 oceans worldwide and they have branches in almost one-third of them.

Xue Yue remained silent throughout the entire journey!

After a 7-hour voyage on the No.12 cruiser, they had finally arrived where the Sacred China's East Sea Branch was located: the East Dragon Island!

"Brother Xue Yue, the East Dragon Island is very large and it is around 200 square kilometers. As it is the East Sea Branch, there are many Superhumans gathered here!"

What appeared before Xue Yue after following Ling Kai to alight the cruiser was an island with a very large area. Even though it was called an island, it was almost the same size as the mainland. Moreover, the terrain here was very flat, similar to a plain.

"Haha, Brother Xue Yue, are you thinking that this island is very weird?" Ling Kai asked.

"It is indeed very strange for there to be such a flat island, similar to the plains on the mainland!" Xue Yue exclaimed. He was from the seaside and was more aware that there were generally five methods of how islands were formed. They were respectively:

Tectonic islands formed by crustal movement.

Accumulation islands formed after the death of animals and plants.

Impact islands formed by the impact caused by great rivers.

Erosion islands formed by seawater erosion.

Moraine islands formed by glacial activity.

The islands formed by those five ways would all result in vertical, horizontal mountains, and gullies. How could there be flat islands?

"The East Dragon Island was originally a mountainous area and the land area was also not as big. However, after Sacred China's transformation, it turned into this island you see now!" Ling Kai sighed and said, "With the power and technology of the organization, transforming an island is easy!"

"They're really powerful!" Xue Yue could not help but exclaim.

Upon setting foot on the island, what he saw was spacious roads, neat lawns, and flowerbeds that were flat and concise. It was as if he came to an airport as even the ground was covered with marble!

During their conversation, Xue Yue had seen a building that occupied a huge area before him in a glance. Other than the extended silvery-white wall, there was a towering dark blue skyscraper.