
Meta Essence CYOA 104

Essence of the Throne

By drinking this, you gain access to the Throne!

The Throne is overwhelmingly large and grandiose in design, with the materials it's constructed out of left up to your imagination. The moment you sit on it, the throne will shrink to comfortably fit you.

The throne is located at the center of the multiverse, in a sort of universal black hole generated by the Throne itself. Due to this, nothing besides you can reach the Throne, unless you wish otherwise.

While you sit on the Throne, you have no earthly needs. You don't need to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe. Your body is kept immaculately clean, with any blemishes removed and imperfections rendered into perfections.

While sitting on the throne, you possess true, utter omnipotence, being able to do anything you wish. Create an afterlife for the deceased of the multiverse, or make the mortals immortal! Turn the multiverse on its side, or upside down!

The only thing you can't do is give yourself omniscience.

The Throne also gives you effective omniscience, being able to survey all of the multiverse at once and know what is going on.

This will never confuse you or disorient you or cause you harm. When viewed from one perspective, the Throne is just that, a large grandiose chair. But when viewed from another, the Throne becomes a magnificent palace that never seems to end, and whose interior is completely customizable.

Moreover, a Throne is still a throne, no matter what perspective it is seen from. This means that you still have access to the other powers of the Throne while in the palace, aside from the omnipotence and omniscience.

For those, you need to be sitting on the Throne. The Throne is capable of movement, able to hover and fly in any direction you choose.

You can adjust the speed as well, going anywhere from a crawl to massively faster than light. Also, if you just want to go somewhere instantly, the Throne can teleport anywhere and anywhen in the multiverse.

You can, of course, use the Throne to modify your body however you wish. The end result tends to look like Aphrodite or Adonis brought to life.

Essence of the Tenno

● You become a Tenno, living weapons gifted with strange powers from the Void and victors over the wretched Sentient and Orokin. Unlike a fresh Tenno you have experience using your powers as an Operator and can fight just as well when not connected to a Warframe. You are also proficient at everything that might be required of a Tenno be it hacking, swordsmanship, or stealth.

● The void cannot corrupt you and you know how to create more Tenno granting them access to the same strangeness you have and can build Warframes connected to them only instead of yourself.

● Gain several Warframes, one that you are currently using and several more secured away in stasis pods aboard the Orbiter. You understand enough about Warframes that you could modify them heavily and develop more in the future without invasive and cruel procedures or condemning anyone to becoming a near mindless puppet infested golem.

● Optionally any warframes you have can be much more lively and human like with the outer layer being closer to armor then their 'skin'. Yes that means Warframe waifus and anatomically correct. You can change the gender they appear as.They are still made of their original materials however.

● Gain a fully operational Orbiter complete with crafting facilities, smaller landing craft, Cephon AI, Helminth Infirmary, and others. Interestingly the Orbiter contains a full database of technology and items available to the Tenno and will slowly generate resources needed to construct them.

● Optionally recieve your own Lotus as a one time deal if you choose not to go to Warframe. Now Sentient free if you don't want to risk surprise space mom betrayal if her helmet is removed.

● Optionally be dropped into Warframe at some point near the beginning of the game.