
Merging System(dropped)

Erika was a gourmet chef... at least on Earth. Until she tragically died at 25. No not Truck-kun, but a murderer whom she offended by not cooking sushi for. Warning: updates will be sporadic and random this is for leisure, and I won’t check comments

ChiseHatori · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

The Merge

Teresa merges with her blood and Erika with her own.

{ by focusing your mana/Qi on it you can grow the blood to fill all your veins, arteries, capillaries, and heart.}

'Thanks, Olivia!'

Then they merge with the extensive list of random creature parts... yeah even Oliva got annoyed at how long the list was and just stopped it 1/something-th of the way through.

"Sooooo.... now we can fly in one of 8 ways, envenomate or poison someone in one of 1,000,000 ways, have 4 types of horns, 12 types soft insulting and defensive fur, can turn into mist, grow dragon scales of our elements, heal with unicorn horns, and now have top class monster cores of our respective elements which bring us perfect mana power in short bursts*"

[A/N * so this power isn't too OP compared to more op powers later, it causes you to slowly lose your sanity if over used (used for over 4 hours) and you CAN'T gain any lost sanity back.]


Well a couple hours after that I guess, at about 6.

"Hello, everyone of Freedom Court! I as you probably know am Damian heir to the crown of Draconis! What you don't know is that I'm a temporary elder of the sect until my ascension to the throne.-"

{His ascension happens when his parents reach must join their clan(when they reach sky realm)} Oliva shared

"- and so I have come to check if you've settled in nicely here."

"Yes we have settled in nicely, thank you very much." Everyone said politely.

"Would you like tea?" Asks Lilia, who was apparently taught tea ceremony*

[tea ceremony changes across cultures and this is the fairies' style. All tea can bring benefits if prepared correctly though.]

"Why yes I would, thank you." The prince says in a warmly but distant and polite.

Lilia prepared the tea which was AMAZING! After which Erika ate some food she had prepared before from animals she hunted and then stored in her inventory item although she's on level 6 now but that's a filler level along with five, the system inventory will start at level 7...

"Hey that's spirit food Erika, where's you get it?" Everyone asks Erika.

"I cooked it myself!" Erika says proudly, but then less proudly," but I didn't know it was spirit food."