
Two Drunk Morons

Third Person POV.

After Gloom and Shimmer had half a bottle of mead each, and Shimmer told Gloom the history of their original world, they got super fucking drunk.

Freminet's POV.

"Does this count as them getting along?" I asked Father, seeing how my sister and who's basically her rival are playing pat-a-cake.

Although Father looked as unsure as me, she answered "It's better than nothing, at least their Mantras will settle if they stay this close to each other."

Looking back at the two I realize that they're gone, "Where did they go!?" I say in a panic, noticing that Father also didn't realize they went away.

That's when a Cicin Mage came running to us, "Gloom and someone else are playing with Delusions!" She informed both me and Father.

"Are they fighting!?" Father questioned to which the Cicin Mage shook her head, "Well that's- Are they actually playing with Delusions?" She stopped to ask.

Lynette's POV.

Lyney and I are watching as Gloom took a Pyro and an Electro Delusion, while Shimmer took a Hydro and a Dendro Delusion, both doing various tricks that entertain the younger kids, "Should we stop them?" I ask my older brother.

"I think it's fine, let' just watch out so they don't create any Dendro Corse, because then we might have a Hyperbloom or in worst case, a Burgeon Reaction." He explained, to which I nodded.

A moment after, Father and Freminet rushed into the room, to see what was going on, "Is everyone alright?" Father asked, before noticing what was going on which left her slightly speechless.

Looking back, I see that Shimmer and Gloom are passing a Dendro Core in a Hydro circle that hung midair, "This is bad..." I say outloud, giving a careful eye to be sure they don't use Pyro or Electro.

"Lynette, Freminet, be ready to intervene, you're the only ones with Visions that wont cause dangerous reactions." Father told us.

Right as that was said, I noticed how Shimmer dispersed the circle and Gloom replaced it with a Pyro one, "I think that qualifies as dangerous reaction!" I exclaim as Shimmer tossed the core in the circle, burning it and beginning the Reaction.

Quickly acting, I use my Vision to create a gust of wind to drag the core closer and Freminet encases it in ice, "Will it work!?" Lyney questioned in a panic, only for the core to explode right after, shattering the ice, but not causing any severe damage.

Arlecchino's POV.

Seeing that there was no major damage made me sigh in relief, then I heard a thump, prompting me to turn and see that Shimmer and Gloom fainted, probably due to using the Delusions.

"No matter how perfected they're made, Delusions just drain too much energy..." I mutter, turning to a Mirror Maiden in the area, "Help me bring them back to their room... And also a bucket." I instructed, knowing that they would be in for a rough wake up.

Five Hours Later, Gloom's POV.

I wake up in the room that was temporarily given to me, again, except this time I have a sjull splitting headache, "My dear Tsaritsa, what the hell happened?" I mutter, getting up from bed, not remembering anything that happened after me and Shimmer drank that bottle of mead.

"Wait, my mead isn't that strong..." I remember, realizing that they must be keeping it in an area that let's it ferment more, "I should tell Fa-" I think as I move to get up, but end up placing my hand on something fluffy.

Turning to look, I see that I put my hand in Shimmer's hair, meaning she's in my bed, "...*Breaths in* AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" I scream, pushing Shimmer out of the bed and onto the floor, causing her to wake up.

"What the H- Ohh my head!" She laments, putting her hand on her forehead, "What's going-" She stops when she realizes exactly what happened.

Shimmer's POV.

Watching Gloom sitting on the bed, I could only think one single thing, "Jesus Christ, I slept with Gloom." That was the only thought in my head.

That until Gloom slapped me, snapping me out of it, "Prevert! Pervert! Pervert!!" Gloom repeated, her face as red a tomato.

"W-Wait, what did I do!?" I questioned, thinking that Gloom might remember something, but the face she made told me otherwise, "I get you're embarassed, but don't just accuse me of random stuff!" I scold.

"Yeah, right right." Gloom brushed off, her face quickly losing color, "Wait why the hell were we in the same bed? We must have gotten drunk, but to end up in the same bed someone must have put us there." She pointed out.

This point is definetly correct, and judging from Gloom's expression, she had the same exact idea as me, "FATHER!!/ARLECCHINO!!" We yell at the same time to find the Knave.