
The strange Android [game changer]

The stadium turned silent as they stared at the highlighted battle, the others weren't in a thrilling battle so this newcomer caught the crowd's attention, even the commentators couldn't open their mouths when they saw the bot scratching its metallic head and then stretching, as comical as that was no one laughed, this was a serious match that concerned the survival of a top team but the exchange machine was firstly not a genuine mech and what was with those strange actions.

Everyone including Jake was expecting the robot to jump into action but it stood there exercising, doing robot exercises, there was no need to answer the stupid question.

Even a five-year-old would know the answer "Is this a joke, maybe the Golden Knights want to make their mark and they've succeeded because I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting this match for years to come" The commentator's tone was dripping with sarcasm.