
Mercenary in Virtual World

The Earth today is in peace with no more war and insurgency, mercenaries are not needed anymore. The MC is a young mercenary that only has talent in war. He can change the tide of battle with his extraordinary ability and skills.Now that his ability is not needed where does he go now? ______________________________________________ Hello, I'm the author of MIVW, and if you want any suggestions for my stories just comment and share your thoughts in any chapters and reviews.

Police96 · Games
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111 Chs

Chapter 3: A New Beginning

A handsome young man lay in bed, struggling to sit up. His long, shiny black hair cascaded over his face, contrasting against his rugged, scarred skin. His pointed nose and well-defined muscles hinted at a life of intense physical trials, while the scars littering his body told a silent story of survival. Despite his youthful appearance, which made him look like a teenager, anyone who laid eyes on his battered physique would know he had endured and survived countless battles.

This man was Shen Ander.

Beside him stood a tall, broad-shouldered man with brown hair, standing well over 180 cm. His presence exuded strength, not just physically but in the way he carried himself—like a man who had seen the darkest parts of the world and lived to tell the tale. His name was Chester, the infamous "King of the Battlefield," and the leader of the legendary mercenary group known as *Linkin Sphere*.

*Linkin Sphere* wasn't just any group of hired guns. Their members were few, but each one had the power to change the course of wars. Their combat skills, strategies, and sheer grit were unmatched, and they were feared and respected across the globe. If a member of *Linkin Sphere* was on your side, victory was almost assured. For years, they had been the deciding factor in conflicts, their very presence on the battlefield shifting the odds dramatically.

But now, something had changed.

Chester sighed, his eyes heavy with years of responsibility. "Shen, it's been two years since your last mission. How are you feeling now?" His voice was deep, steady, but carried the weight of a man thinking about the future.

Shen sat up, his face impassive. "I'm healed. A few more days and I'll be ready to work again." His tone was devoid of emotion, as if preparing himself for the next mission, the next kill, the next fight. That was the only life he'd ever known.

Chester shook his head, a faint smile playing at his lips. "Saving Afghanistan in the shadows... that was no small feat. But we've all decided—it's time for you to live a different life."

Shen's face twisted in confusion. "What do you mean, leader?" His mind raced. *A different life?* The idea was foreign to him.

"We're disbanding *Linkin Sphere*," Chester said, his voice thick with finality. "I'm 58 now, Shen. I may still be strong, but my body can't handle this forever. None of us can."

Shen's heart skipped a beat. *Disbanding?* He clenched his fists, the idea of walking away from the only thing he knew—the thing that had kept him alive for so long—seemed impossible. "But... leader, I don't know how to do anything else. This is all I've ever known. And we don't have the money to live normal lives."

Chester leaned against the wall, his large frame casting a shadow across the room. "I suppose that's my fault. All we've done for years is fight—kill, save, survive. That's the life I led you into. But the world has changed, Shen. It's at peace now. And there's no room for people like us anymore."

Shen furrowed his brow. "But we don't know what the future holds. Insurgencies, terrorism—they can still rise again. Wars could break out, leader. We've seen it before."

Chester chuckled, though the sound was tinged with bitterness. "Not this time. The United Nations has developed advanced satellite systems. They can track and monitor anyone, anywhere. Criminals, terrorists—they're caught before they even make a move. Technology has advanced so far that no one dares start a war anymore. Not when they know they'll be found out and stopped before it even begins."

Shen sat in stunned silence, the words sinking in. *No more wars? No more need for mercenaries?* He found it hard to believe. After all the chaos and destruction he'd seen, could the world really be at peace?

Chester pushed off the wall, walking toward the window and gazing out at the peaceful skyline. "Mercenaries like us—we're relics of the past, Shen. It's time for us to live normal lives. The UN is rewarding us with citizenship in any country we choose. We can start over. We have to."

Shen felt a knot tighten in his chest. "Where will you go, leader?" His voice was quiet, almost vulnerable—an unfamiliar feeling for a man like him.

Chester smiled, a rare and genuine expression that made him look almost young again. "I think I'll head to Russia. The mountains call to me. That's where I belong. Peace, solitude—it's something I've craved for a long time now."

Shen nodded slowly, the reality of it all beginning to settle in. "I'll need time to think. I don't know where I want to go yet. What about the others?"

"Don't worry about them," Chester said, turning back to face Shen. "They've all made their choices. Everyone's moving on. You should too. This is your chance, Shen, to live the life you never had. The life we've all fought for."

Chester reached into his pocket and handed Shen a sleek, advanced phone. "Here. It has all our contacts. If you ever need help—any of us—you can call. We may be disbanded, but we'll always have each other's backs."

Shen stared at the phone in his hand, feeling the weight of it, not just physically but emotionally. *Linkin Sphere* had been his family, his purpose. And now, it was all coming to an end.

Chester placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Take care of yourself, kid. And remember, you're more than just a soldier. You deserve to live."

With that, Chester turned and walked toward the door, leaving Shen sitting on the edge of the bed, the phone still in his hand.

A new beginning awaited him. But for Shen Ander, a man forged in the crucible of war, stepping into a peaceful world would be the hardest mission of all.

As Chester left, Shen whispered to himself, "A different life... I wonder what that even looks like."

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