
Mending Our Broken Hearts

Heather Halloway is forced into an arranged marriage by her business minded mother and is made to get married to one of the Moore boys, Austin Moore . However she finds herself falling madly in love with one of her brothers -in- law Xavier, who seems oddly interested in her too, will she learn to love her husband or will she still choose to love her husband's younger brother . Please leave a review and let me know what you think.Thanks

Nimbus_Feels · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter two

<p>'Take it as revenge ' those are the words that were in Heather's mind for the past week as she did her best to spoil her public image.<br/> <br/>'The Moore's would not allow to keep an infamous daughter in- law, despite what family she came from' she had thought.<br/> <br/>Heather had spent the past 7 days clubbing, right from night to day, only resting when she went back home for a nap and shower and then she would go back to her routine.<br/>She had been to almost all the clubs in the area, completely abandoning her work, she knew word got around, and that was her plan, she had turned off her phone and rented out another apartment, one where her mom wouldn't find her and had gone on to do whatever she see fit.<br/><br/>Today however, she didn't feel very much into it, she was bored, no matter how hard she tried to pretend that she was the life of the party, she knew she wasn't, that wasn't who she was and well, no one was saying anything about it, atleast not the people she wanted too.<br/><br/>Fall and Amber had dragged her out of a club atleast 6 times in the past week, 6 times meant three days because she made sure to be out clubbing atleast three times in a day, she expected to hear from her mom but she didn't, or even the Moore's but nothing.<br/><br/> They didn't seem to care that she was self sabotaging, and now she had something else in mind, she knew she was being followed, they must have eyes on her, she thought, she had to do something, something that would make them retaliate.<br/><br/><br/>"Club 28!" Fall exclaimed as Heather pulled up infront of it.<br/>"Are you out of your mind?" Amber asked as she turned to look at Heather beside her.<br/>"You know that Jasper is around right?"Fall asked as she turned to looked at Heather who sat in the front seat.<br/>"I sure do, and that's exactly why we are here" Heather said and without waiting for them to say anything more, stepped off the car.<br/><br/><br/> "Maybe it's not a bad idea" Fall said as she looked around the club that was dimly lit with blue lights, it was crowded, the room was full, and well, she liked it.<br/><br/>"Are you..."<br/><br/>"Oh come on, you were the one that came up with this idea, and now you don't want her to live it" Fall said cutting Amber short,<br/><br/>"I mean...."Amber sighed.<br/><br/>"Let her have at it, she needs too" Fall encouraged as she smiled lightly at Amber who shook her head lightly.<br/><br/>"Let's have some fun" Fall encouraged <br/><br/>"Where is she?" Amber asked as she turned to look around the crowd for Heather.<br/>"Maybe in the loo, meanwhile forget her, that guy's had his eyes on you for a while now" Fall said as she turned her head left.<br/>"I'll leave you to it" she said before turning around to head for the bar.<br/><br/>Heather rushed to the rests the moment they got into the club, she was regretting it, she knew Jasper was around, it was his favorite hangout spot after all, and, she knew that she was not yet over him, despite the breakup two months ago, she still wasn't over him.<br/><br/>Well and that was also part of why she had picked Club 28 after all, she knew that his presence would push her to her limits and she needed that, she wanted to do a lot more than just drink today and the idea that Jasper was/ would be watching, even if the possibilities were very few, would thrill her and push her to her limits, it had before, and she was sure it would now.<br/><br/> She adjusted her hair, pulling herself together and adjusting her dress and took a deep breathe before she stepped out of the loo and headed straight for the bar.<br/>"A cocktail please" she ordered as she handed her card to the bartender,<br/>"Make that Three" she added, ignoring the hesitant look on the bar tenders face before he turned around to take her order, she gulped down two of the glasses in a single take and held the other in hand before she headed for the floor.<br/><br/>Heather smiled as she felt large masculine hands go around her waist from the back, she had been dancing alone for the past fifteen minutes since she took to the dance floor.<br/><br/> She was on her third beer bottle now and she was wasted, she didn't care who he was, and didn't care even as she felt the strangers warm hand go through her dress and press hard against her butt cheeks, he didn't say a word either, but instead danced along and followed the rhythm, she knew it was inappropriate, wrong even, but she didn't care, not today.<br/><br/> She wriggled her ass against his crotch,one of her hands raised around his neck, and her other hand on the heem of her dress, pulling it up as she danced , pressing her ass harder against his crotch with every move that she made.<br/><br/>"Are you new here?" the stranger asked and Heather turned around to face him, they were now on the third song and it had a lower tempo than the rest.<br/><br/>"Are you?" She smiled as she looked at him, she couldn't make his face out in the dim lights on the dance floor, but she could feel a smile across his face after she replied.<br/><br/>"Maybe" he said as he looked down at her.<br/><br/>"May I buy you a drink?"he asked <br/><br/>Heather didn't answer but she smiled up at him before she stepped off the dance floor, making her way to the bar, <br/>"Another cocktail please " she said as she pulled out a seat and sat herself down then turned to the dance floor where she had been dancing with the stranger, he stood there, his hands dipped in his pockets as he watched her, a smug smile playing across his face, sge smiled slightly at him then she turned around to pick her glass and take a sip.<br/><br/>"Look what the wind blew in" a familiar voice spoke above Heather's head, she turned around to see who it was and scoffed before turning back to take a sip on her drink.<br/><br/>"Go away" she grunted,<br/><br/>"I heard about your self sabotaging phase" Jasper said as he sat himself next to her.<br/><br/>"Oh you did?" She asked with fake surprise <br/><br/>"What are you doing here?"he asked as he looked at her <br/><br/>"What are You....doing here?" She emphasised as she turned to look at him and he laughed before adding <br/><br/> "I heard about the marriage" he said , "are you here to say goodbye?"he teased <br/><br/>"I admire your self importance Jay, but am not here for you" she said as she turned around to take another sip on her drink.<br/><br/>"Oh we both know you're here for me, it's not about self importance, atleast not when it comes to you" he said smugly as he seized her up.<br/><br/>"Oh Please" she said in denial as she rolled her eyes at him, yes she was here for him and the fact that he had noticed her made her achieve her main goal but, she hadn't anticipated the part where he walked up to her and wanted to talk, she had never been able to hold a conversation with him, atleast not a successful one and even though she had come here to meet him and hook up with him, she didn't feel like it anymore, and hence his presence was just annoying her.<br/><br/>Heather picked up her glass and stood up from her seat and headed two seats away to an empty seat and pulled it out before she sat down when Jasper followed after her<br/><br/>"So you're not gonna give me my goodbye after all huh?" He said as he leaned against the table and Heather turned to look at him angrily.<br/><br/>"Go away" she almost shouted as she looked angrily at him, <br/><br/>"I'm really not in the mood right now"she added <br/><br/>"Oh but you did come in the mood for me didn't you?" He pestered on.<br/> <br/>"Are you forgetting whose club this is?" Heather asked angrily as she looked at him.<br/><br/>"You mean the Moore's?"he asked.<br/><br/>"Exactly, you better not make me mad, or else ...."<br/><br/> "Is everything okay here?" A husky voice cut in, and Heather looked up to see the guy she had been dancing with earlier, he stood beside her with a firm look on his face and she opened her mouth to speak when <br/><br/>"I was just leaving" Jasper said as he raised his hands in defeat , stepping back away from her and then turned to leave without so much as a glance towards her.<br/><br/>"Cliche" Heather said rolling her eyes as she turned to take another sip from her glass .<br/><br/>"What?" The stranger asked as he turned to look at her.<br/><br/>"The princess save" she said as she curved her fingers imitating quotation marks " cliche " she added and he smiled rather smirked.<br/><br/>"Is that what it looked like?" He asked as he looked at her <br/><br/>"Yes" she said as she seized him up.<br/><br/>"Who are you again?" She asked and he froze for a second before he said <br/>"Doesn't matter ," he said <br/><br/>"Cliche" she said again this time turning away from him<br/><br/>"I hope am not invading your space" he said<br/> lightly.<br/><br/>"Not really" she said and he smiled, pulling out the seat next to her.<br/><br/>"What's your story?" He asked</p>