
The calm

A duo of babies laughed while a woman with brown hair and light eyes smiled, watching over their games, the first one with blond hair and blue eyes, around two years old, played with a trolley while carefully throwing a baby of a year of black hair and green eyes smiled babbling some words; up to them came a woman similar to the mother of babies with a man with black hair and a mustache in her arms, carrying a one-year-old baby with brown hair and brown eyes who was hiding in her chest.

-Howard, Marta, good to see you; little Tony has grown a lot-

-Come on Tony, say hi-

The baby pouted as he hit his father's chest; the pair of brothers approached in a curious way before the presence of the other infant in their garden; Howard with some work down to the brown baby who was watching both babies curiously, crawling he approached the black haired baby while he took one of his strands and pulled it.

Loki whimpered fighting the other baby to get him to loosen his hair, but Tony clung to the small lock, Loki held back his tears as his skin began to turn blue, and little horns appeared at the base of his hair. The parents were ready to separate them before things got too old when Tony opened his mouth saying the first coherent word in his vocabulary.

- horns! -

The adults were surprised as little Loki returned to his normal color turning like a tomato, Thor burst into laughter as the baby's lips formed a pout ready to cry out instead of his lips also came his first word.

- Tony! -

The laughter was immediate as both babies began to fight a little and minutes later to play together, adding the oldest of the three; The afternoon passed relatively quiet until the arrival of everyone's father who tensed the atmosphere a bit, but Frigga took out a document which was a peace treaty between Asgard and Midgard after a moment all the adults signed adding the footprints of the little ones.

The afternoon passed calmer while the little ones ended up totally exhausted with their son in their arms the Stark family retired, Frigga carried the princes while taking them to their room since they were little Thor used to fall asleep with Loki hugged as if he were a stuffed animal which is not it bothered the smallest one who slept completely peacefully.

-You should stop spoiling them like this-

-They are still Odin babies, I will raise them as I want while they are small-

-when Thor turns 16 he will have to learn his duties as a prince so don't get your hopes up about educating them forever as a woman-

-only until you turn 16 and there is still a long way to go; get out of here and let my children sleep peacefully-

Two little boys, five and six years old respectively, ran through the garden while the one with black hair stumbled on his way, scratching himself in the process; His older brother immediately approached while checking his injured knee and helped to lift the little boy who was holding his tears, taking him to his mother who with a spell healed the wound of Prince Loki.

-be careful-

-Yes mom-

The children continued playing while they were watched by the eldest, their games changed to hide and seek after a while Thor decided to scare his younger brother while he was counting when he achieved his mission the young Loki began to change his skin color while he resumed his Jotun form That scared them both since it had not happened for a long time and they just ran to their mother.

- mom! -

The woman sighed as she invoked some chairs and a table; your ladies prepare sandwiches would be a long talk; Frigga smiled as she spoke with her children, she would not have wanted them to know, but it was impossible also that way their love would blossom without a feeling of guilt.

Frigga, as a good queen and mother, knew that this pair loved each other in the purest way that they could love each other, and knowing the truth would give them hope that their love would flourish and grow as the years went by.

- So my dad hates me? -

-of course not my child, your father Laufey loves you with every fiber of his being; but he knew he was not going to be able alone; Without your mother and you being so fragile, giving yourself to me was the greatest act of love I could commit. Do you want to see it? -


-I want to go too, and then we go with Tony-

-Okay, kids, just don't make a big fuss and then we'll go to Midgard Tony will be happy to see you-

It was the sixth birthday of the little prince Loki who was extremely happy after that day he had been able to live with his father Laufey who had explained his Jotun heritage and how his skin changed color; Despite this, the king of Jotunheim had refused to allow the prince to return home, Loki had been a sorcerer like his mother and Laufey did not know many spells, so Frigga would continue to be in charge of his education although the prince could visit his father whenever he wanted.

Frigga mobilized her maids who arranged the great hall for the party of little Loki who smiled helping his mother (she was his mother since he raised him) with his basic spells, although he was a bit worried since he had not seen Thor at all the day.

The moment of the party came while the young prince looked for his brother feeling somewhat disappointed but all disappointment vanished when he heard that somewhat shrill voice that always drove him crazy pronouncing that nickname that became common in him.

- horns! -

- TONY! -

The prince almost fled from his midgardian friend who caught him in a hug while he gave him a gift, Loki sighed still did not know how he had become friends with that child so ... special, for a moment he forgot the absence of his brother as he began to enjoy your party.

A couple of hours later Loki noticed a shadow hidden behind a column, he approached recognizing his brother who was strangely flushed.

- Thor? What's going on? -

-Loki I… I want to give you a gift-

-alright, give it to me-

-First close your eyes-

Loki was strange as he closed his eyes he fully trusted his brother while he felt that he was leaning on his spine he could hear the sounds of the party while his heart beat just before he could speak he felt a tingle on his lips and a heat that made him open his eyes; he was slightly surprised when he looked at his brother close to his lips with his eyes closed; That heat began to rise through his chest and without further ado he closed his eyes again to enjoy that shy contact; Thor's lips were so different from his thickest and coarsest while his were delicate almost like a girl's.

When the kiss was cut, both princes were flushed and somewhat disoriented by what had just happened. Thor could only manage to flee but not before saying.

-Happy birthday Loki-

Loki stood there for a few minutes watching his eldest go, he touched his chest where his heart was beating rapidly, his cheeks were flushed as he felt his breathing somewhat agitated, he touched his lips while a smile adorned the corners of his lips.

It was a quiet afternoon both princes were playing while they were watched over by Frigga attentively their maids prepared lunch while the children tried to make a flower crown as their mother had taught them, Loki wove some very beautiful blue flowers making two different crowns while Thor

-to finish-

Loki presented his crown as he approached his mother and put one on her head, Frigga smiled as she saw Thor battle, Loki sighed approaching his blonde who refused to be offered his help; Loki sat on the grass while watching Thor, when he finished Loki curiously observed his work; Thor also gave his mother a crown and then approached Loki placing one on his hair.

-I want you to be my princess when we grow up-

-but ... I'm not a girl-

-but I love you-

A chaste kiss sealed his promise as Frigga smiled, Loki turned the color of tomato as he returned the kiss to his eldest who took his hand, they both looked at the woman who nodded.

-You see mom approves, you will be my future wife! -

-husband; Thor, I'm not a girl! -

The woman smiled while both children argued, although in her case Loki was the one arguing while Thor was dedicated to smiling and enduring the tapping of the black-haired one.

The years had passed and both princes had grown up just today the eldest blonde's 12th birthday was celebrated, Thor lived with Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg and Sif, four children who would become the blonde's guardians when he was older and that by insistence Odin's had begun to live in the castle; luckily for both of them, the children got along very well and also got along well with both princes.

- and what good will you give him? -

-I do not know-

Sif combed Loki's long hair, the prince of Jotunhiem had let it grow more than anything because Thor liked the way it looked long and despite the fact that Tony bothered him for it; He liked to have it like that, a sigh broke from his lips because he was practicing with his scepter-gift from Frigga- the new spells that he had learned, he almost overlooked Thor's birthday and he knew that the gift he most expected was yours.

The 11-year-old giggled as she braided her hair, everyone except Odin knew that the pair were crazy about each other and it was almost a given that they would get married as soon as Thor assumed his position as king of Asgard as well. a powerful alliance would be formed between Jotunheim and Asgard.

-You are ready, and a recommendation of mine would be that you give him a kiss-

-but we already gave it to each other ... when I turned 6-

-Yes we know that they spend their time kissing each they can, but there are different types of kisses-

Loki listened carefully to the girl as she blushed unfortunately they were both boys still and did not have much information, Sif proposed to go with her mother, but Loki flatly refused feeling that she would die of shame they both thought who to turn to was trust.

-I'll go see Heimdall-

- Can I accompany you? -

-no, I'll be fine and I'll be in time for the party-

The prince left his chambers while Sif smiled Heimdall guardian of the entrance to Asgard was to be trusted also they both trusted him fully, Loki sighed as his cheeks reddened gently he had gone once with the guardian to know what he felt every time I saw Thor or they kissed; after a quick search in Midgard he had realized that what he felt was love; He was in love with Thor, he reached the entrance while sighing.

-Prince Loki shouldn't he be at the party with Thor? -

-I should, but ... I have nothing to give him! Because I was practicing my spells, I almost completely forgot his birthday and now I have nothing; if Thor knows it he will become sad and stop talking to me; and by Jotun I will not allow that! -

Heimdall smiled as he waited for the exasperated prince to calm down when Loki took a deep breath he knew he was calmer, the small way to see the brunette from the front and a slight blush formed on his cheeks.

-Heimdall, could you show me information on Midgard? -

- about what? -


The green-eyed one turned completely red as Heimdall smiled, still remembering a little 7-year-old blond who had come to him with the same request and equally red when he said that word, the guardian nodded as Loki approached posing His small hand on those of the older, he closed his eyes as he observed what the dark-haired man was observing from the earth when he felt satisfied, he released him.

- best? -

-Yes, thanks Heimdall; I'll bring you my piece of cake if it's too sweet or a slice if not-

-thanks prince Loki-

Thor was looking for his brother while he listened to his mother laugh, he had to take care of his prince or someone would steal him, he had already argued with Frandal about it; And is that despite being the oldest Loki already stole more sighs than him, his mother was right in saying that Loki had grown in intelligence and beauty; when he found it his breath almost ran out; Loki wore black pants with a shirt of the same tone on his shoulders, a green cape fell which reached the edge of his pants and matched his eyes; his hair was beautifully braided and fell down his back to his waist.

-You'll drool Thor-

- Boys! -

Loki sighed the party was almost over and there were only them left; the boys and a few guests of his mother; Odin had luckily retired a little early, he felt a little nervous, he sent a meaningful look to Sif who nodded while he made up an excuse to get the other three out of there, his mother was away so there was no problem.

- and my gift? -

-close your eyes-

Thor obeyed his minor while he blushed, he felt Loki's lips close to his and smiled he knew that Loki had nothing but that was enough for him that he had seen him trying his best with his spells he was a little strange when he felt a bite on his lip and the pain made him want to complain, which the one with black hair took advantage of to slide his tongue into his mouth; He was surprised but he played along, he knew that kind of kiss but he didn't want to put it into practice with Loki as he was afraid he would be scared; their breaths were shaken and when they separated Loki was like a tomato and covered his face with his hands making a gap between his fingers to see Thor.

-I love you my frozen prince-


Frigga felt somewhat anguished soon it would be Loki's thirteenth birthday, Thor had recently turned 16 and Odin tried to take him to train with him but she had opposed; and she had made the father of all wait until the Jotunheim heir's 15th birthday; just now she had called some maids to look for them both, she could not delay the inevitable so it was better to prepare them they had not been separated since she took Loki and this would be hard for both of them.

- What's wrong mother? -

- Why did you call us? -

-Sit down, I want to talk to you both-

As he spoke, their faces changed, Loki seemed sad while Thor was annoyed, when he finished both boys looked into each other's eyes, all annoyance disappeared in the blonde when he saw those sad green eyes and he hugged him to his body.

-I will not separate from you-

-no Thor; It is your duty, you are the heir of Asgard-


-Thor darling, Loki is right; your father allowed me to keep them together until Loki turns 15; the next day they will leave for Vanaheim -

- Weren't there any marauders in Vanaheim? -

-your father's ideas-

Loki's feared and long-awaited birthday came Thor He clenched his fists from time to time when he saw his father but calmed down when he saw Loki as he always looked beautiful, the years did nothing but benefit him with that porcelain skin, peach lips and eyes like gems; He had an idea for that night and he would put it into practice when the grown-ups went to sleep; his innocent kisses had changed to fiery with the arrival of hormones but Thor had not touched that body that he wanted, breathed or would have an erection just anticipating the night.

The party passed quietly like any other, as always Odin's absence was normal; He still did not understand why the father of everything did not love his "brother" although it was mutual more than once he saw them argue over nothing, when night finally came and they were alone he approached Loki stealing a passionate kiss, which it was reciprocated with need; I carried him with desire as he stumbled to the sorcerer's room.


-Shut up, I know what you think ... if I want to; make love-

-I love you-

-I also-

Thor gently left him on the bed as he began to strip him of his clothes, Loki moaned softly at the blond's caresses; He did not know when he would see him again so it was better to enjoy everything he could, the caresses on his skin turned him on as his gasps turned into moans.

He felt in paradise. Loki was perfect in every way, and when their bodies connected, he didn't hear from him anymore; I could only hear the moans and the sound of fur colliding; feel Loki's arms and especially his nails clinging to his back; as his name came out of those peach colored lips; they ended up exhausted, one next to the other asleep and hugging; when Loki woke up Thor was gone.

Loki ran through the corridors of the castle, Heimdall had told him that Thor arrived today he had a surprise prepared for the eldest; a year had passed since he had left and happiness overwhelmed him; He reached the main hall and stopped, something stopped him from running; Thor and his father entered with the rest of the warriors. Thor still had blood on his armor and his eyes were serious; his heart froze; he was not the Thor he had known when his father looked at him with contempt and chose to withdraw but the blond was ahead of the others.



-I want you to be my concubine-