

#Chapter44 Four

Madeline POV:

/"Who's Adrian? Brandon asked me.

I felt myself collapsing under the weight of his question.

Confessing my love was another thing but telling him about my past where I was weak, fragile and dying is something that I wasn't ready to share with him yet. I don't want him to find out that the strong ambitious girl he fell in love was broken.

Keeping my face straight and voice firm I asked him /"Were you eavesdropping on us, Brandon?/"

His eyebrows scrunched then he shook his head.

/"I thought Sebastian was gone and came out to see you and heard you guys talking about some Adrian. So who's he?/" Brandon asked.

I didn't want him to feed a lie again but the truth wasn't ready to come out from my mouth.

/"Adrian is mine and Sebastian's mutual friend./" I said with the straight face.