
MENDING HEARTS AND MELTING ICE: Unconventional Relationship Contract

Shao Feilan felt disheartened and broken after her fiancee cheated on her because of some absurd reason. And this was to add onto how he had ruined her precious Fashion brand along with her terrible half sister. Surrounded by only struggle after struggle...a hateful family that kicked her out, a half sister that stole her fiancee, a fiancee that cheated on her and a dying Fashion brand. What can this female protagonist do... But all it takes is one night, a bar, poland distilled vodka and a crazy chance to change the course of her whole life. Feilan felt like hitting herself 'Why in all directions had she pointed here' But the random direction she pointed to would soon lead her to cold, aloof and mysterious man, Lushan. What was his other name...he refused to tell. But this man offers Feilan a deal that she finds hard to refuse. An unconventional contract with benefits she can only dream of. Can one month change her life. Will hearts be mended as ice is melted. Will secrets be revealed.....

writerxs · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs


But out of the blue...Feilan's phone rang again and this time when Feilan saw the caller ID...her gaze and aura became as chilling as the Everest.

Wei Lin noticed and stood up and walked towards Feilan...she looked down at the person calling and even Wei Lin's gaze turned cold.

"You don't have to answer....they're just worthless thorns in the skin...you don't have to listen to his crap" Wei Lin said.

Feilan smiled lightly and said "I'll just answer cause I don't want to have him scheming of how to get me at the family mansion along with his vicious wife"

But Feilan only answered on the fourth ring just to make the other person angry.

"Hello Mr Shao....what a wonderful surprise hearing from you....it's been a few months since we last spoke....how may I be of service" Feilan spoke coldly with light ridicule.

It had been a few good months without speaking to her foster father and yet today is when he remembered to check on her and he had definitely called for one reason and one reason only...Shao Linua his darling baby girl.

Shao Guo sneered "You ungrateful runt....you seem to forget that it was the Shaos that picked you up from the streets and gave you the platform to become who you are today....

"Do you know you'd be dead without the Shaos..." the man's words were said with arrogance and righteous indignation.

Feilan's attitude always nibbled at his self control.

Feilan didn't lose her cool...infact she remained calm...dangerously so.

"What do you want Shao Guo...am a busy lady and unlike some people's daughters....I don't have the time to waste being arrogant and spoilt" Feilan had no respect whatsoever for Shao Guo cause any last bit of respect that she had had for him had died years ago.

Initially when the Shaos had adopted her at the tender age of six...she had been so happy but that all changed when Feilan entered that house hold.

Feilan felt anger but strangely it was more of fear she felt.....what she had gone through in that house hold....was beyond inhumane...no human should be treated the way she had been treated...and she had only been a child.

"You!...." Shao Guo was angered by Feilan's disrespectful....indifferent and nonchalant attitude towards him. To be talked down on by a junior they had adopted.....hmph.

It seems this piece of trash needed to be reminded what was what and where her standing in society was.

Shao Guo calmed down and said calmly "You did something stupid and tried to harm your sister Feilan....I give you an hour to clear up the mess you have made for her or else...."

Shao Guo let a small "or else" threat and initially the old Feilan would feel intimidated by it because that or else threat had two ways of ending.

The Shaos would either threaten her with Seisan or directly do something to her.

But now Feilan was burning with anger she couldn't describe. Being left on the streets was much better than ending up in the Shao family.

"Am sorry Shao Guo but I will have to disappoint....I won't be clearing up your daughter's name cause she brought this upon herself" Feilan said without hesitation.

Shao Guo was stunned cause he didn't expect Feilan to refuse because he knew they could just threaten her with Seisan and Feilan knew this too.

"I'm not going to repeat myself again or beg you runt....I want Shao Linua's name cleared no matter what she did....hold a conference and say that you forged everything up out of desperation to clear your company's name or I promise right now that Seisan will no longer be a heir for the Shao family"

Feilan's heart actually constricted tightly and she was silent as she kept thinking of Shao Seisan and Shao Guo knew he had Feilan's weakness in the palm of his hands.

But Feilan said something that shocked him once again "Am sorry but I won't and can't clear your daughter's name" Feilan said firmly and she ended the call on the stunned Shao Guo.

After ending the call...Feilan immediately blocked and reported Shao Guo's number.

There really was no use keeping that number but ofcourse Feilan was still worried for Seisan....he faced it rougher than her.

Atleast she was adopted.....one could understand the Shaos displeasure towards her but Seisan was their own blood son....how could they treat him like this....imagine such a life in which your own family threatened you.

Feilan had long since learnt a long time ago that your enemies aren't on the outside but the inside....family could be the most viscous of enemies.

Wei Lin just watched in silence....unlike Feilan....her family was caring though they were a bit strict.

After a moment of thought.....Feilan dailed Shao Seisan's number and shortly the call was answered.

"Good afternoon Big brother" Feilan said gently defences down. There were just a handful of people in this world whom she could speak without having to mask herself.

Shao Seisan...her guardian angel of a big brother was one of them. When all hell let loose on her in the Shao house hold.....he had protected her at some critical junctions of which if not for him she would probably never have reached this far.....he had protected as much of her as he could and mended as much of her cracked heart as he could.

To Feilan....that was a kindness she could never forget.

"Little Fei...how are you" a deep and rich voice said with bursting warmth. Unintentionally Feilan's eyes watered.

"Little Fei stop crying....I can feel your tears from your silence alone" its like the young man could see her. Feilan cleaned her tears away in silence and the man on the other side didn't rush her....only waiting patiently as if he knew everything she was going through.

"Sei....I–" but Feilan hadn't finished her statement when the other man suddenly cut her words short.

"You did well Little Fei.....a very good job...I'm so happy you defended yourself...even if it's against my wicked family

"You don't have to feel guilty either...they deserved it and I support your every action....am glad to see that my little sis is not a pushover" Shao Seisan said with a gentle chuckle but Feilan felt even more burdened.

"But Sei...Shao Guo called and he threatened me with you again....I didn't buckle but am afraid....they might really take away your rights as the eldest son"

Feilan said with a clenched hand.

Seisan sighed softly hearing her worries and he said "Stubborn girl....can't you be selfish for once and just think about yourself

"Stop burdening yourself with things that aren't for you to worry over OK Feilan....even if my own family disown me...I don't care because it will be nice to not have the name of the Shaos tainting me

"And Little Fei I have my own plans concerning the family....I know how I will deal with them and I promise I won't be on the losing end

"So please Feilan.....don't worry about me and focus on making yourself happy....whatever you choose to do...I will support you fully.....stop making your big brother worry that your getting bullied and allowing it silently"

Seisan took a pause and Feilan was silent.

"You're not alone Feilan....I'm your big brother and I'll protect you.....no one will bully you on my watch...your big brother Sei has grown strong just to protect you"
