
MENDING HEARTS AND MELTING ICE: Unconventional Relationship Contract

Shao Feilan felt disheartened and broken after her fiancee cheated on her because of some absurd reason. And this was to add onto how he had ruined her precious Fashion brand along with her terrible half sister. Surrounded by only struggle after struggle...a hateful family that kicked her out, a half sister that stole her fiancee, a fiancee that cheated on her and a dying Fashion brand. What can this female protagonist do... But all it takes is one night, a bar, poland distilled vodka and a crazy chance to change the course of her whole life. Feilan felt like hitting herself 'Why in all directions had she pointed here' But the random direction she pointed to would soon lead her to cold, aloof and mysterious man, Lushan. What was his other name...he refused to tell. But this man offers Feilan a deal that she finds hard to refuse. An unconventional contract with benefits she can only dream of. Can one month change her life. Will hearts be mended as ice is melted. Will secrets be revealed.....

writerxs · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs


Everyone watched as the second young master of the Feng family.....Yukitsa Feng walked into the hall majestically.

His noble and powerful air filled the room leaving many wondering if this is how it felt to be in the presence of one of the treasures of the Feng family....a power which no one present even dared to dream of going against.

Yukitsa glanced at the crowd and his eyes met with Feilan and their was a brief communication held with their eyes alone.

Feilan did her best not to breakdown in laughter. Yukitsa was like a helpless aservant boy who had been forced by his master into doing something he disliked.

Feilan had an idea of who had forced Yukitsa into such a state but she was shaken by the idea.

Feilan could feel Yukitsa's noble and prestigious aura and he was indeed a valued son of the powerful Feng family.

And yet this powerful man was like a servant who simply wanted to please his master and stay in his good graces.

The thought of that strange mysterious man...Lushan...being treated with reverence by Yukitsa Feng still left Feilan baffled wondering who Lushan was.

Yukitsa walked towards the stage along with his bodyguards whose presence couldn't be ignored whether one tried to.

They were cold and their auras carried deadly warnings for anyone with funny ideas.

No one dared to cause a ruckus or block Yukitsa's path. They all stepped aside respectfully.

Yukitsa stepped onto the stage with the elegance of a powerful aristocrat and the female product inspector instinctively left the stage leaving only Yukitsa...Feilan and Linua.

Yukitsa gave Feilan a simple nod of acknowledgement and Feilan returned a similar greeting.

But Yukitsa completely ignored Shao Linua and he faced the crowd and cameras calmly and confidently.

"I'm Yukitsa Feng...." the statement was simple yet powerful. Aimed at reminding everyone present that a person whom none of them could afford to offend had arrived and they had to behave themselves.

The statement immediately threw the reporters into an excited chatter and Yukitsa's admirers and literal die hard fans nearly fainted from excitement .

Their Greek apollo was standing live before them. They were soo excited.

Yukitsa then put on a serious expression that left everyone especially Shao Linua sweating buckets.

"Today I have come to clear my name from the false information being spread about me..usually I don't bother with such matters but some people actually dared frame me in baseless....proofless gossip.....hmph

"Firstly to everyone present....me and Miss Feilan have never known each other..we are simply acquitances

"I have never and I repeat once...ever had any sexual relationship with Miss Shao Feilan

"The only reason any of you saw her head to my reserved room at Feng International Restaurant was because a friend of mine had requested to discuss a business deal with Miss Shao Feilan at the restaurant

"I couldn't reject my friend now could I" Yukitsa domineeringly set a question and everyone immediately shook their heads in response.

Too intimidated to think otherwise.

Yukitsa continued and said "This friend of mine is the one who invested and saved Feilan Fashion and with no ulterior motives if I may say...he simply didn't want to see such a potentially mass profitable business fall apart

"So as business men understand...he went all out and risked investing looking forward to the profits....I have already wasted enough of my time having to explain and I won't explain anything more

"Just one warning to Shao Linua..." Yukitsa faced Shao Linua who shrunk from the icy gaze Yukitsa gave her.

"Learn some manners and start minding your business instead of saying I slept with so and so.....that is something a woman like you does...so please before I question how the Shao family raises its children...keep you ideas to yourself

"And ohhhh...one more thing.....my friend who invested in Feilan Fashion isn't one to take a loss while lying down so keep your scheming far away from Feilan Fashion unless you want to see how my friend deals with people who try to make him make a loss"

Linua's legs went weak and she fell on her knees in fear refusing to met Yukitsa's gaze.

Yukitsa faced the pin drop silent crowd and gave a nod to the cameras and he turned to leave. The guards followed in silence and soon they were gone just like that.

Yukitsa's left as quick as he arrived but what he had said was enough to clear up people's ideas concerning Feilan's scandol.

No one dared to question or offend the Feng family...plus atleast 99% of the people bought into Yukitsa's story especially his fans who would believe anything he said.

Yukitsa's attending the conference to clear his name immediately drew attention.

So it seemed what had brought everyone together today had finally come to an end...Feilan Fashion's name had been cleared.

The crazy but shocking truth had been exposed....one man was a cheating bastard who only used his fiancee when she was useful and toosed her aside when she was worthless...hehe....Suzen wasn't leaving unscathed despite his power cause there were some certain people who were not afraid of him at all.

The other person was a terrible sister whose misdeeds would fill the news for a while....page after page.

So finally Dai moved forward to wrap things up. He answered some few simple questions here and there before moving on to his ending remarks.

"Thankyou to our friends from the press...the viewers and our dear customers...Feilan Fashion would like to announce that we shall officially file a case against the people who caused us troubles and they will definitely pay hafty compensation for damage caused

"Thankyou for loving Feilan Fashion...we all love you....and Feilan Fashion looks forward to more years of providing you with the best from the best....

"Have a nice day...and yes...the count down for the official modelling gala for Feilan Fashion's Passion Series Collection is almost done...we look forward to your attendance and viewership....Thankyou once again...have a lovely time"

With that the conference came to an official close. While Dai had been summing up his speech...no one noticed as Shao Linua sneakily left the stage.

But once everyone was free to leave...they noticed the criminal was missing.

The press immediately turned around in pursuit....how could they leave her without a proper interrogation.

They looked for her and found her trying to escape....she was near the main gates. They immediately surrounded her....pressing at her from all corners....their questions were strong and harsh leaving Shao Linua staring at stars.

Her eyes actually teared up a bit....she was completely overwhelmed. There were so many people asking her such sharp questions that her ears and pride both bled.

"Please leave me alone..." Shao Linua finally snapped but that was the worst move she could ever pull before these headline seeking savages.

Her behaviour only made them fiercer.

One reporter sneered "You're just a shameless mistress and company wreaker.....and you're acting all arrogant"

Others also sneered at her and they continued asking questions.

The guards around pretended not to see...they had all watched the live stream on their phones so they knew the wicked woman.