
MENDING HEARTS AND MELTING ICE: Unconventional Relationship Contract

Shao Feilan felt disheartened and broken after her fiancee cheated on her because of some absurd reason. And this was to add onto how he had ruined her precious Fashion brand along with her terrible half sister. Surrounded by only struggle after struggle...a hateful family that kicked her out, a half sister that stole her fiancee, a fiancee that cheated on her and a dying Fashion brand. What can this female protagonist do... But all it takes is one night, a bar, poland distilled vodka and a crazy chance to change the course of her whole life. Feilan felt like hitting herself 'Why in all directions had she pointed here' But the random direction she pointed to would soon lead her to cold, aloof and mysterious man, Lushan. What was his other name...he refused to tell. But this man offers Feilan a deal that she finds hard to refuse. An unconventional contract with benefits she can only dream of. Can one month change her life. Will hearts be mended as ice is melted. Will secrets be revealed.....

writerxs · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs


Feilan continued to drink to her hearts content and she was so drunk by now that she was starting to see stars.

She smiled stupidly and she suddenly received a call. She carelessly took out her phone and saw that it was her best friend calling.

She didn't answer as she repeatedly shook her head "No..no Feilan....you can't answer this call...Lin Lin will be worried to death if she hears how drunk you are"

Feilan told herself as she pointed at her phone.

She didn't answer the call and when the phone stopped ringing, she immediately turned it off and kept it.

It was at this moment when there was a new advancement.

Suddenly, a group of men surrounded Feilan. There were five men in total.

All of them were dressed stylishly especially the man in the middle.

He seemed to be the leader of this small group. The men were all in their early twenties and seemed to be rich scions but the man in the middle stood out.

"Wow boss..you really to have the best eyes...this lady truly is a beauty on another league"

"Yes boss..she's perfect for you"

"And she's not just any lady....she's the one and only Shao Feilan...she's a renown fashion designer too"

"Wow boss....it must be a god sent gift for you"

"Wow boss...only you are worthy of her"

These men were truly well trained in their ways of flattery....not keeping back a single compliment but rather showering the arrogant youth with award winning words of flattery.

The youth arrogantly cocked his head up as he gazed at Feilan lust fully.

Even he had to admit that Feilan was truly a beauty on another league and he had seen and toyed around with plenty of gorgeous women but none of them was like Feilan...

She was a natural beauty with a calm demeanour.

He unexpectedly felt a bit shy and he softly said to Feilan who was looking at her drink while ignoring them "Hi Miss...am Rulong Ren, the third son of the Ren family....May I know your name pretty lady"

Rulong Ren played it gentlemanly but never in his life would he have expected Feilan's answer to be so cold

"Scram! I don't want to see a single man right now" Feilan harshly said.

Right now any man that tried to strike a conversation with her felt like an annoying bug...a photocopy of Suzen.

She wanted Rulong and his minions out of her sight.

Rulong had an ugly expression and his minions looked aghast and shocked.

Never in their lives would they have expected a woman to so openly reject their boss and in such a fierce manner.

Their boss had even already introduced himself and his family....maybe if Shao Feilan was of a higher status than their boss..it would make sense.

But no...the Ren family was on a higher status than the Shao family and it was no secret that Feilan wasn't considered an active member of the Shao family.

So this level of disrespect was too much..

The minions could sense that their master was angry and so they tried to quell his anger.

"Oh my boss..please pardon Miss Shao's ignorance....she seems to be in a terrible mood and so her behaviour.....am sure you know how women get when they're in a bad mood"

"Yes, boss...they can be pretty feisty....but don't worry...boss you're so charming that you can make any woman feel better and fall for you"

Despite being drunk, Feilan was amused beyond words and she laughed whole heartedly.

Who said that women could flatter better than men...she had watched a live show of award winning flatterers and they were all men.

Those five were all dazed by Feilan's angelic laugh. It caused their hearts to tickle pleasantly.

Feilan stopped laughing and glanced at the men before her with smile of ridicule.

Rulong was feeling a bit better with his men's compliments and seeing Feilan laugh so beautifully, he felt nice.

"Don't worry Miss Shao....I'm a patient and kind man...I won't do anything to you...I just wanna get to know you better"

Rulong said with a confident smirk as he looked at Feilan.

But once again Feilan ruthlessly crushed his visible lustful hopes.

"Well then..am sorry, but I don't want to know you..ever...so please respect yourself and get lost...

"Please take your minions along with you..you're blocking the gorgeous view.....so shuuu....shuuu...I want to have a clear view of this beautiful club"

Feilan's words were sharp and Rulong's friends sucked in a cold breathe...

They were absolutely horrified and Rulong wasn't doing any better...

His expression was truly ugly as he seithed from rage...how could a mere woman behave so high and disrespectful towards him.

If word got out that a woman had rejected and disrespected him, he'd completely be done for.

He looked at Feilan not hiding his savagery anymore.

He glanced at his men "Send this little bitch to my room....I'll teach her a bit of manners today"

He coldly said and his men immediately understood and gave an affirmative nod.

They looked at Feilan coldly. They felt terrible being called minions despite knowing that is exactly what they were.

They made their minds up that when their boss got tired of toying around with Feilan and if they had the privilege, they would torture her a bit too.

These men's faces contorted savagely and menacingly and Feilan felt her heart skip a beat...a bit of her rationality coming back.

"Don't dare get near me" Feilan coldly remarked.

The men let out mirthless chuckles

"What..are you afraid now"

Feilan stood up but immediately dropped back on her seat. She was drunk and her body was unstable.

One man grabbed her hand and she yanked it away.

Two men grabbed hold of her with firm grips and Feilan tried to resist but she was so drunk she could barely do any real damage.

"Let go of me you f**king bastards" Feilan cursed as she struggled to escape these men's hands.

The loud music truly created a great cover...no one heard Feilan's struggle and even if they did hear or see the scene before them..none of them was willing to make an enemy of the Ren family.

Feilan was slowly starting to panic as small bits of her rationality returned to her.