
MENDING HEARTS AND MELTING ICE: Unconventional Relationship Contract

Shao Feilan felt disheartened and broken after her fiancee cheated on her because of some absurd reason. And this was to add onto how he had ruined her precious Fashion brand along with her terrible half sister. Surrounded by only struggle after struggle...a hateful family that kicked her out, a half sister that stole her fiancee, a fiancee that cheated on her and a dying Fashion brand. What can this female protagonist do... But all it takes is one night, a bar, poland distilled vodka and a crazy chance to change the course of her whole life. Feilan felt like hitting herself 'Why in all directions had she pointed here' But the random direction she pointed to would soon lead her to cold, aloof and mysterious man, Lushan. What was his other name...he refused to tell. But this man offers Feilan a deal that she finds hard to refuse. An unconventional contract with benefits she can only dream of. Can one month change her life. Will hearts be mended as ice is melted. Will secrets be revealed.....

writerxs · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs


.....Aman Hotel.....

..Presidential Suite....

"Uhhhmm...Lushan...I got a message from Aunt Minshina for you" Yukitsa said as he set a thick bunch of files before Lushan's desk in the office of the presidential suite.

Lushan glanced at Yukitsa with a calm yet profound gaze but there was no hiding the gentleness in those eyes at the mention of Minshina.

Yukitsa scratched his head awkwardly and said "She said that how long were you expecting to hide here in a hotel before eventually coming home.....

"She also said that she even lied to your grandmother that your flight date had changed and that you hadn't arrived yet but she said that if you don't get your sorry butt home...she'll come here and drag you herself"

Lushan couldn't resist laughing. He shook his head and said "I can't go back home yet...

"Not without a woman atleast or with how grandma has me wrapped around her fingers..I'll be married the moment I step home like this"

Yukitsa shook his head with a sigh "Today's a Wednesday.....she said you have to be there by Saturday or she really would come and drag you"

Lushan just kept on smiling "That can work as long as you can get my little flower Shao Feilan acquainted to my ways and those of my family in three days"

Yukitsa's jaw twitched "You know it's not fair that I have to train your girlfriends you know....

"Do you know how long it took to train that model you scared half to death yesterday night...it took a whole month to get your ways into her head ohhh master"

Yukitsa complained and Lushan just had a smirk plastered onto his ridiculously handsome face.

"Well just work harder....anyway, this Feilan isn't like those bratty things you breed in you farm....she actually has an air that isn't poisonous or ridiculously forced

"I'm sure you'll find it easier to work with her"

Yukitsa just sighed in defeat and Lushan said "Just have my place ready by Friday....I'll pretend to arrive late at night and crash at my place and I'll head over at the family home on Saturday"

Yukitsa nodded and there was a brief silence before Lushan asked

"How's the contract signing with Feilan Fashion...."

"They finished it a while ago..."

"Hmm...what are the updates.."

"Feilan Fashion's stocks have skyrocketed back up but they are very unsteady due to its public image being harmed

"What needs fixing is that" Yukitsa explained. Lushan nodded and asked "Did you get the information I asked you to get" Yukitsa nodded

"The file on the top"

Lushan picked up the file and slowly perused through it. He raised his brow at certain points as he read...even frowning a little.

Lushan set the file back down once he was done and gazed at nothing in particular but there was a dangerous calmness on his face that would scare people.

Yukitsa even instinctively straightened his back 'That calm face meant that the devil was thinking up a plan and someone was gonna be on the receiving end of it'

"Suzen Shei and Shao Linua....how interesting" Lushan murmured..a dangerous light flickered in his eyes.

Lushan looked at Yukitsa and said "I want all the products that Feilan Fashion lost back in their ownership

"And give Shao Linua her fair share of Karma.....that will do for now"

Yukitsa nodded vigorously and asked "What about Suzen Shei"

Lushan shook his head "I won't deal with him yet...let this be his warning if he thinks he can play around in my backyard"

Yukitsa froze for a moment after catching a glimpse of Lushan's death stare. Yukitsa hesitated for a moment but then he said cautiously

"There's something else Lushan....you should probably check the trending news for today"

Lushan raised a questioning brow but he picked up his phone and logged onto his Line account and he didn't have to look far cause the topic stood out like a sore thumb.

But Lushan's expression remained calm and unperturbed as he set his phone back down.

"Deal with it any way you deem fit....you're the second son of the Feng family and I'm sure you can deal with such a false scandol right

"I'm sure you aren't at all involved with my woman in such a way so you better hurry up and do what's necessary"

Yukitsa swallowed at the address 'Indeed....Feilan was now Lushan's woman and it'd be his grave if the wrong things leaked out and accidentally ruined Lushan's plans'

"I'll deal with it" Yukitsa said and he bowed lightly and left the office.

Lushan distractedly watched as Yukitsa left and he got back to his work.


...Shei Comonglerate....

"Mr Shei....I looked into what you asked me to and this is what I found" the poor frightened PA said with a lowered head not daring to meet Suzen's gaze.

Suzen's aura was so cold as a evil smirk rested on his lips. He abruptly chuckled but there was nothing funny about his laugh.

His sharp gaze rested on the picture of Feilan entering the elevator heading to the VIP exclusive room at Feng International Restaurant.

"So you think you can mock me Shao Feilan....funny" Suzen said and the PA instinctively shrunk back.

Suzen was pissed off...really pissed.

"You couldn't give me what I wanted but you gave it to someone else for some money....ohhhh sweet Feilan

"Do you really think you can run around with a man when you still belong to me Suzen Shei"

Suzen spoke to himself as he thought of Feilan. He turned to his PA who immediately straightened up.

"So it was investors sent by Yukitsa Feng who invested those billions in Feilan Fashion"

The PA nodded "Yes sir...it was definitely Yukitsa Feng who assisted Shao Feilan"

Suzen's eyes darkened 'If I find out you slept with Yukitsa Feng Feilan....I'll teach you a lesson you can't forget cause no one mocks me'

Suzen's pride had truly received a blow when he found out Feilan had most likely slept with Yukitsa just to receive his help in Feilan Fashion.

So Suzen whom Feilan had refused from having his way with her was pretty pissed off.

He couldn't do anything to Yukitsa Feng if he really did sleep with Feilan cause the fact was that the Fengs were still more powerful than the Sheis.

But Feilan....that woman would find out that no one could mock him. He'd teach her a lesson....it seems he had not given her a good enough lesson about being with him.

She was still his until he felt her worth was over and he still needed her just to solidify his ground in the business since that old man of the Sheis couldn't at any point yet find out that he was done with Feilan or he would find a way of retracting the family businesses from him.