
Men are from Mars Women are from Venus

Why some get well and some don't

Stephanie_Julie_5982 · Outros
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The Daily miracles

Walking on water seems extraordinary, but walking peacefully on land is also an incredible feat. Changing water into wine is enough to leave you speechless, but it seems much more useful to transform a compulsive tendency into a healthy desire. Raising the dead is an awesome display of divine power, but to cure a baby's ear infection, relieve the pain of colic, or better yet, feel great and never fall sick, that is a miracle. This ability to generate miracles is now available to everyone. This moment, humanity has been waiting for a long time. All the great prophets predicted it. Over the fifty In recent years, the incredible acceleration of our evolution, powered by advanced technologies and television, has literally transformed the consciousness of the world. And we are at the dawn of a new era.

      The spiritual transformation of the West, inspired by great religious bodies, and the abundance of personal development books often among the best sellers reflect our increased awareness of our need to change and the various means of achieving it. And this need is not limited to the mystical realm. It extends to all aspects of our society. Not all of these mutations are beneficial. Sometimes we have to take the wrong path in order to take that we have to choose the reverse direction. All learning goes through a number of errors. Seles to deceive then to recognize it constitutes a catalyst allows.

so many opting for a more just path. Nazi barbarism demonstrated to the world the dangers of considering one race or one school of thought to be superior to others. Pulling the lessons of this terrible episode, we have opened the door to spiritual progression.

      This stage of our history is unique, because men now have the faculty to feel the divine presence and power in their heart, and therefore to create a true "paradise on earth", that is to say a

world of peace, love, abundance and health for all.

      Jesus was speaking of an age when his fellows would have the capacity to understand the truth and even to surpass the wonders he performed. Buddha also announced a time when humanity would be delivered from the pain of ignorance. Moses evoked the salvation of his people and the Promised Land where milk and honey would flow. All the emblematic figures of the East and the West have predicted an era of universal harmony, justice and prosperity. For some, it was the end of the world. But for all, it marked the beginning of a great phase. That moment has come. Our evolution resembles the ripening of a fruit. At a given moment, it is perfect, juicy, sweet, tender. It is easily detached from the branch. Two or three days ago, it would still have been a bit hard to pick, too crunchy or sour. Likewise, we have come of age. What once seemed very difficult or even impossible to us is now accessible to us. And this consciousness is not based on a mediumistic vision of the future, but on a simple observation of what is happening.

       Over the past two decades, apart from my lack of counseling, I have practiced and taught a variety of techniques for developing self-fulfillment.

interior and exterior success. In my workshops, the immediate results that even the most novice attendees would have seen were irrelevant even a few years ago. In one day, they reach a level that I have taken twenty-five years of diligent training to reach.


                     The monk turned millionaire



In my youth, although a Christian by faith, I lived as a Hindu monk for nine years. I spent over ten hours a day meditating, led a frugal existence, and ate only a daily bowl of food. After about eight years I had mastered the art of contemplation. But it took me more than double the time to awaken my inner potential to generate miracles. Such an effort is no longer necessary today.

      The benefits of meditation are not limited to spiritual upliftment and peace of mind. Certain advanced practices can stimulate our innate aptitude for success, love and health. Do not be discouraged by reading the word "advanced". The methods I am referring to here are actually the simplest. And the main cause of people's disinterest in meditation is that they are taught beginner skills first. As a result, it quickly becomes tedious, boring and inertia that's. By starting with less elementary stages, this discipline turns out to be rather interesting or fun, and quickly gives tangible results.

      I took karate lessons for nine years and got the

chance to be followed by a master who dared to move away from traditional methods to immediately teach us the most complex movements, which made our learning much more motivating. The same goes for music. If a small child needs to do the most basic exercises, an adult does not. At the age of forty-four, I decided to

put on the piano. I found an extraordinary teacher who allowed, after a week, to play some of my favorite songs. This approach kept me motivated, so much so that after six months, I knew

more than twenty pieces.

      However, perhaps without your knowledge, you have already reached a certain stage of advancement and you can discover certain techniques which formerly required an entire existence of work but will now produce immediate results There are naturally many other factors leading to success, but I attribute mine to my mastery of meditation and prayer.



There are, of course, many factors that create success.


Throughout my career, I have followed the message of the Christ: "Seek first the kingdom of heaven, and all the rest will be given to you. By cultivating my connection with God deep within my being, I was able to access incredible creativity and transformative power. This principle very simple forms the basis of our ability to bring about miracles. It is recurrent in all religions, but today its intrinsic truth is revealed accessible to everyone.

      Spiritual and material power, once reserved for a handful of initiates, is within our grasp. In the past, it was necessary withdraw from the world and perform many sacrifices when now all we need is an enlightened guide and the application of concepts and techniques appropriate to this new era.


                                 Witness of miracles



      I understood that miracles were possible by attending certain healings and by doing myself continence. I have seen patients whom science condemned as a way of life, by resorting to medicines to paralyze them, recover as if by magic, by and by changing their diet. With hindsight, J considers all types of recovery - whether attributable to a heart transplant, acupuncture, dietetics, a magnetizer, etc. - Like miracles.

      But a miracle is not limited to the physical sphere. It can also involve the removal of an emotional block, resulting in a greater ability to love others or oneself. same. For others, it will consist of a sudden motivation to change their diet which, when implemented, will result in the loss of extra pounds.

      More generally, a miracle frees the individual from what prevents him from accessing more love, wealth and health. This process takes place in several stages. Not all problems are solved with a wave of the wand magical, but the obstacles that hold us back dissipate one after the other.

      The time when one had to struggle for years to getting rid of our bad habits or restrictive patterns is over. This does not mean that we can do without doctors, counselors, nutritionists and others. specialists. Our innate healing power goes hand in hand with proper treatment, a healthy diet and a balanced lifestyle. Simply, it enhances their efficiency. It may sound hard to believe. I'm still amazed myself. In the last thirty years I have never seen this kind of rapid recovery in my workshops. On occasion, some participants reported a miraculous change in their lives. Obviously, those who knew such a recovery felt more inspired, happier, more motivated, but in many cases it didn't last. Well-being inevitably followed a relapse. And often, those who regressed blamed themselves and lost confidence in their potential.

      Even though they had really experienced this new power, they felt like they were falling from a dream, Noting this phenomenon, I decided to abandon seminars spread over too long a period to end up with shorter ones, offering immediately applicable information, as useful and effective as the ideas developed in Men from Mars, come from Venus.


                             My blindness cured



In 1993, as my success grew and my dreams of helping others came true, I suffered from an eye infection. While traveling abroad, I had ingested foods that contained certain parasites causing blindness. In a few months, I had become virtually blind in my left eye. As my eyesight decreased, my existence darkened. I was no longer able to

take the wheel at night or in the rain. In order to regain my courage, I reminded myself that this was a new challenge and that by facing it, I would transform it into a gift. Indeed, each of the trials of my life had allowed me to reorient myself and had always brought me additional strength.

       For six long months, I therefore consulted sixteen eminent specialists and underwent all kinds of examinations. Unfortunately my condition was getting worse and no one could do anything do it.

     I have battled depression using my tools of choice to combat emotional suffering. This is how I gradually came to a form of inner peace and acceptance. At the same time, my motivation to find a cure did not weaken. I made some changes in my lifestyle, including working less and focusing on my deepest aspirations.

      At that time, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus had just been published and was selling well. So I decided to buy myself a nice sports car. It was a very unusual fad for me. I had gotten into the habit of not living beyond my means, and I didn't have anything expensive or ostentatious. My wife and I also made an effort to respect the environment. However, the vehicle I wanted consumed a lot of gasoline.

      My wife did not hide her astonishment when she learned of my intention. I explained to him that I wanted to and that we could afford that expense. I added that I wanted a black automobile. She replied: "With a body of this color, it will have to be washed every week and I know that you will not be very happy. "

      "Well," I retorted immediately, "I'll be riding in a nice dirty car." "

       A week later, I had bought the object of my desires and we set off on the roads from North Carolina to Oregon. We breathed fresh air, walked in the woods, swam in lakes, meditated in the mountains and slept all our souls. I rushed freely on the expressways, crossing magnificent landscapes. This jubilant moment made me forget my tensions and my worries about my sick eye. "Enough moaned, me I said. It's time to dive back into life. After five days, I felt that the fog was dissipating. I then realized that my eyesight was no longer so blurry.


                                    Natural healing



      Back home, I had almost completely recovered the use of my eye. However, if this can be seen as a spontaneous recovery, it did not happen only by luck. It is explained by some clear and defined reasons. I had stimulated the self-healing faculty of my body, on the one hand, by letting myself be guided by my Heart and, on the other hand, by reconnecting myself with the nature, In fact, I later understood how crucial these two elements were. And while other ingredients turn out to be just as essential, this enjoyable getaway provided the ones I personally missed to rekindle my innate potential.

      Indeed, we all have a wide range of important needs. When they are not met, we get sick, our relationships fester, our success wanes, One deficiency can cause us to stagnate and we

prevent progress. If we cope with our shortcomings, either consciously or without our knowledge, then spontaneous healing occurs. When we struggle in vain to find a cure or a solution, it is often because we are looking in the wrong direction. In a darkened room, there is no point in struggling to see or inventing special glasses. You just have to turn on the light and everything brightens. From as we make up for our deficiencies, what we want happens automatically and the problem disappears from it. same.

      It is Mother Nature who transforms the seed into a tree. However, working in harmony with it, the gardener must provide the right soil, the right exposure, the necessary water. Without his care, the plant would never grow. The same goes for small miracles.

      In fact, what sets these latter apart from their biblical counterparts is not only the effects concrete that they involve but also in the way in which they are generated. Historically, miracles have been regarded as reserved for the lucky ones. Those who benefited from it considered themselves fortunate, the others blamed the destiny. Some even went so far as to conclude that they were not worthy of it or that God was punishing them for their past faults.

       The notion of "small miracle" breaks this myth and opens the way to logically understand the factors required for the realization of our dreams. Like a seed planted in fertile soil and having enough air and sunshine, every man, regardless of what

is or what he did, can perform miracles. It is not a question of the individual, but of the conditions to be put in place.