
memories of once upon a time

Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you in any corner. Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you on any corner.Synopsis Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you in any corner. Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you on any corner.

Yolanda_Pereira · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

chapter 5

-Sorry (is the first thing that occurs to me to say, when I raise my head) I was very distracted -Nothing happens, it was also my fault The handsome boy says to me as I get up and give him my hand to get him up too, after all he had fallen squarely on top of him -Alma, Alma, hurry up that the plane is leaving I turn my head and yell at my mom - I'm coming (I turn to the young man and tell him) . -I'm really sorry, it was not my intention After that I start running towards my mom -Finally, come on, the plane is not going 15 minutes later I am in my seat, my parents have theirs several rows in front of mine, so since it is a 4 hour trip I grab my cell phone from my purse and start listening to one of my favorite songs Hello from Adele, later I turn my face towards the window and I look at the clouds while I entertain myself in my own thoughts, even so I feel when my new travel companion for the next 4 hours takes his place so I turn my face and it seems it will be a beautiful grandmother , which I find wonderful could have been a mother with a restless baby, don't get me wrong, I love children but please be understanding, babies cry a lot and in a closed space like the plane where one generally does is sleep the screams as a form language can sometimes be a little ... inconvenient, yes, that would be the correct word, inconvenient after that the stewardess indicates that we turn off the cell phones so I turn mine off and on e at the same moment I feel like we rise to the heights so I turn on my cell phone again and play my favorite list while I watch the clouds and relax my head in my seat and in that way listening to the sweet voice of Bruno Mars I surrender myself to his arms by Morpheus Some time later I find myself on a beach looking towards the sea at a sea with a crystalline blue, of course it is hot, it is definitely summer, I take a deep breath when a gust of air moves my hair and takes my Pamela away, if the air smells like pink, wait as it is that the air smells of roses, and that's when I feel someone touch my arm, wake up, wake up is the only thing I hear before opening my eyes in a violent way, I get up and look around me, the cold of the air conditioning creeps in my bones and that's when I remember I'm on the plane and that's when I notice a hand on my elbow that tries to get my attention, so I turn to the seat next to me, hoping to find my grandmother in it. I was by my side before I started to sleep and instead of her I find a pair of eyes as blue as the water on the beach with which I had just dreamed, as blue and clear as the eyes of that young man, it is more I would say they are identical but their wearer is not a young n, tall and strong and handsome young man but a slender, blonde and white girl who apparently is the one who woke me up from my pleasant dream -Hi, I'm sorry to wake you up, my name is Lucia Ryan, it's nice to meet you, and if I know you're wondering who is this crazy woman and why? It has woken me up, well it turns out that I just had an argument with my unpleasant brother and I decided to leave first class so as not to have to see his face, so I made a friendly exchange with the adorable granny who was in this position and here I am For the rest, my plan was to play on the cell phone until we arrived, but surprise, surprise, my cell phone battery is dead so I told myself maybe my new travel companion could give me one of her headphones and help make my trip a little more enjoyable -What time is it? (Yes, I know it's not the smart thing to ask, but my brain, just out of the haze of sleep, still hasn't finished processing the string of information that I was just bombarded with) -9:30 -It's still an hour and a half away, by the way nobody has told you that you should take a breath when you speak -Yes, my idiot brother, but don't remind me, okay?

-Okay, I won't mention it again if you don't wake anyone up from a pleasant dream the next time like you woke me up, and with regard to the hearing aid, if I can lend it to you, take (I say while I extend one of it) on purpose and before you ask me my name is Alma

-Alma, nice name I think we will be great friends