
Memoirs of the Journalist That Followed Hero's

The year is 2060, and Michael has turned 65 this year. He lived a long life of action and excitement, witnessing the turn of a new age and writing it for all the world to read. But age is coming for him, and the great change that Covid-19 brought did nothing for him. He decided to do one thing that he could do, which was to write all the great tales of old. Those that many may have forgotten, and how the world changed right before the worlds eyes.

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Every Story Must Have a Beginning

For those that do not know me, well that doesn't matter. But for now, I am Michael, your guide to the past as I know it.

I'm sure you all remember or at least have heard of what happened in the year 2020. The pandemic that swept across the world that took many lives. That is correct, I speak of the virus that was known as Covid-19.

It was a horrible time, going out was always a risk. People couldn't even go to work without risk of getting sick. So governments closed things down, well except some parts of the US and other parts of the world. Adopting a kind of death cult belief that they need to work so that there children would be proud of them or something. Ironically, the people that were spouting that nonsense were quarantining themselves. But this isn't a political piece. This is talking about something much more important.

Now Early research into the virus told us that it was supposed to be some kind of bio weapon, the kind that is supposed to kill people quickly. Thankfully, it wasn't completed as it only caused great amounts of pain and filled the lungs with liquid. A horrid way to go, drowning while in the hospital bed or that of your own home. Thankfully it wasn't always fatal, but it killed practically everyone that got it that were in certain age groups. This continued on for more time than we that lived through it would like to remember. However, this was until it mutated.

The mutation or as some people refer to it as, "The Great Change." This change as it were, changed the human DNA into such a way that seemed to defy all sense. Some might say that it broke the laws of reality as we know it. "The Great Change" was simply something that our scientific understanding at the time could neither comprehend or determine.

So what were those that the virus changed called? Many names were thrown around by scientists and government officials around the world. Many of which required cease and desist orders as they were copy righted by other companies. Terms such as "Mutants" is one such example. Eventually, those that were afflicted by this world changing event were called "The Changed."

Those changed were known for one thing, that was having fantastic powers and abilities that defied all common knowledge and sense. Ushering in a new age of chaos and conflict on a global scale.

Hello everyone, I am Bancar the Auhtor/writer/guy whos stuff I am reading right now. This was something that was just kicking around in my head and I thought "Hey, I read sutff on webnovel all the time! Why don't I put this idea to keyboard!" So here I am.

Anyway, I plan on writing in what I call sets. A set is a new area or a new Hero/Villian as it were with there own powers and backstory. Just think of sets as their own stories. But I will be sure to mark down in the begining of a chapter if the set is starting or ending.

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