
Memoir of a Thief

Four magic attributes — Flame, Water , Earth, and Wind — dominate the kingdom of Lapis. In this kingdom, a young boy meets his fate as he embarks on his journey to the castle. He soon found himself at the centre of attention when he summoned a useless old ring with his Neutral attribute...where a threat is around the corner and his destiny awaits...

Takoyarou · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

You don't earn my name!

The silence caressed his skin like a cool summer breeze, stiffening his body as he heard the mysterious voice. "W-who are you?" asked Aurelius within his head.

No answer.

Is it just his imagination?

Still, Aurelius didn't dare to move an inch as he was told. Somehow, he chose to trust the mysterious voice. The shadows seems to be talking among themselves (Aure judged by their movements) but Aure could not perceive any of their conversation clearly. Aure could feel that his sweat was rolling down on his back as he silently pretends to shut his eyes. After a moment, the shadows appear to be gone - Aure didn't hear any of their sounds or shadows.

"Am I safe now?" whispered Aure, in the hope that the voice would answer him.

No response.

He let out a sighed.

Is he gone insane now?

"Some random thugs, I see."

"It's that voice again!" Aure blurted out when he heard the voice, this time not in his head, but outside. He can't help but to react toward the voice. He instantly got up from his bed and saw a beautiful young man with well-defined chin and nose leaning over the low footboard bed. The young man had smooth flawless tanned skin, which was like a sheet of luxurious cloth. His curls were raven black and his eyes were burgundy, flickered under the moonlight. And he was wearing a shabby grey cotton shirt with a forest green hoodie and a pair of old black leather pants, which tied everything together. Aure had never seen anybody with those features, but Aure knew, without a doubt, that he wasn't come from any regions of Lapis Kingdom.

"I-introduce y-yourself," Aure stuttered.

The young man glance over, his facial expression was cadaver-like, lacking its liveliness completely as if he had left his spirit snuggling under the duvet. And there was a crease of amusement at the corner of his would-be somber lips. Spontaneously, Aure holds out his hand, ready to chant any magic words he could think of. As soon as the young man makes any passes, he would fire them off.

But the young man never moves away from his position. There was no trembling in his burgundy eyes as if Aure had never been a threat to him. Instead, he snickers toward Aure, watching every Aure's movement. He then gives a head up onto Aure's hand. Following the young man's gaze, Aure turns to see what's on his hand. It was his heirloom.

"…you mean this ring?" asked Aure while looking at his index finger.

He nodded. "I am the ring" said the young man.

Aure caressed his ring with his thumb and looking at the young man, baffled. He can't tell if the young man is just messing with him or something.

"Don't give me that 'is he crazy' look. I was the most surprised here," said the young man. But to Aure, the young man was obviously amused, not surprised.

The young man slipped his finger into his raven black hair, which covered his forehead, slightly mocking, "To think a mere young noble would summon me."

"Hold on," said Aure who seems to be more confused.

"You are saying that I summoned you -this old ring?"

"That's right," answered the young man who claimed to be the 'old ring'.

"WOW!" Aure had lost his word. "This ain't a dream, right?" He slapped his face hard, then groaned in agony. Aure looks back at the young man.

"You're not lying, aren't you?"

The young man rolled his eyes.

I don't gain any profit from lying to you, young Noble. I do love money, though.

The young man didn't move his lips but Aurelius could hear his voice inside his head again. Aure closed his mouth to stop himself from shouting.

"OH MY WORD, I don't believe this…You…you could turn into human?"

"Do I look like a beast to you?" answered him, annoyed.

"Yes…um no! I mean… nevermind,"

Aure's taking a sigh of relief. He stood by the window hopping from one foot to the other like a little girl and he was not ashamed one bit. He was blissfully happy, giddy even. Back at his heart, he's overjoyed to know that his ring isn't worthless after all…what's most incredible is, his ring could turn into human…If it wasn't a miracle, then he don't know what it is. His frustration and despair were all gone just like that. But then something hits him…

"During the Knight Ceremony, why didn't you respond to me?"

The young man strokes his chin before answering him.

"Ah…that? I simply hate nobles."

"Why?" asked Aure.

"Why, indeed." The young man excused himself.

"But I'm a noble too."

"I know. Or you won't be able to summon me."

Aure was about to say something, but he was cut off by the young man.

"Still young Noble, the thugs before definitely smell different," he said.

"Do they stink?" asked Aure stupidly in a serious manner.

The young man raised his eyebrows in slight annoyance.

"Great. Not only that he's a young noble but he is also a meathead," muttered the young man to himself loud enough for Aure to hear him.

Aure could feel his face is burning, "I'm not stupid, and stop calling me 'young noble' as though I were some sort of strange creature! I've got a name, you know! It's Aurelius Licorne!"

The young man slithered a flat smirk through his lips. Strange creature, huh?

"Besides you are not that old from me," added Aure.

"Oh, I'm a lot older than you think," he answered.

Aure was waiting for him to introduce himself but he didn't. "Your name…" Aure hesitated, contemplating for a moment. Could it be that he doesn't have a name? I mean, after all he's a ring. Am I being rude, then?

A sly look flashed in the eyes of the young man.

"You don't earn my name, young noble."

Words left him. Aure looks back at the young man but the young man was already gone. So as the quietness grows deeper and Aure hears his own steady rhythm from within, he calls this silence. Aure looks at his surroundings, then at his ring. Aure didn't know what he should feel anymore, as there's a lot of questions lingering in his mind. What he does know is that the young man has helped him.

"He must have gone back to the ring. I should thank him tomorrow"

Aure decides not to prattle about it anymore. So he pulls the blanket and wrapped himself before he fell in a deep slumber.

Maybe Aure was too overjoyed because later on he dreams of something strange. He was facing off with Vil, yelling that he would never steal the gemstone, a heart-shaped ruby. Vil jumped high and furiously swung his sword to strike Aure but his so-called heirloom turned into the young man and repulsed the assaulted but failed. The sword reaches the young man causing blood to spill out from his abdomen... and Vil appears to be laughing at them as Aure is trying desperately to save the young man. Vil then turns into Sire Atlas whose beard is almost grey, whose hilarious laughter is becoming increasingly louder and colder. And so suddenly, a beam of bright spark burst, causing Aure to wake up in a state of sweat and heavy breathing.

Aure turned his body and went back to sleep and when he woke up the next day he did not even remember his dream.