
Memento Mori (for all good things must end)

We know Ramshackle House was an abandoned building filled with many ghastly residences, but what is little known is that Ramshackle House has a long and storied history as long as the college itself. Now just a small footnote college historians barely look over, there was once a quite prestigious house named for a patron that sadly fizzled out after the family died out, thus drying up the funds the school received. Crowley, now having long forgotten this house, felt no need for the dorm to stay open, so what happened to that last group of students in the dorm? After all, all good mysteries must rise to the surface at some point.

fortunas_futuras · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: A New Friend and some Old Enemies

"Wait, so what does any of this have to do with the history of Ramshackle House?" Yuu asked. 

"Well, you can always leave and not bother me again. I, for one, see no downside to that, but it's your choice after all, mortal." Leo's head turned away from Yuu. "I told you all you needed to know already, I'm just benevolent enough to give you a first-hand account of the dorm from my time alive." They huffed and gave in.

"Fine, fine, I'll stay, but if I get a bad grade on this essay because of this, I swear to God I'm turning your head into a balloon."

"Good. Now, where was I, ah yes, it was a dark and dreary day..."

"Now you are going to march right in there and apologize to Gautier or Seven forbid this might be the last straw that disbands the dorm." Leo fussed over David's appearance, like a mother hen preening her chick. "You and I both know he's been looking for an excuse to dissolve Centimori for years."

After that night of revelry, the quartet promptly got in trouble with both the headmaster and Leo, with David getting in extra trouble with a certain someone's older brother. In response, Crowley called together an emergency housewarden meeting to decide on the punishment, but in David's mind it was oh so worth it. You know, for the team building that group thievery usually begets.

"I get it, I get it. Regions beyond, how was I supposed to know that those golden flowers were specific to Gautier's super special face and hair serum that Crowley likes to use?!" David pushed Leo off of him. "Besides it's not like it works on greasy ass-"

"Oho? Mr Spectre and Mr Nehemiah, so nice of you to join us." Crowley popped up behind the two boys.

"Oh hi Headmage! How are you doing? Your hair and skin look especially nice today!" David sputtered out. Leo kicked him in the shin.


"Well thank you Mr Spectre! Anyway I hope you two are ready, you are so lucky I decided to be so forgiving to give Mr Spectre a punishment hearing, no no, no need to thank me." Crowley pushed open the double doors that lead to the meeting room and a feeling of impending doom washed over the Centimori duo.

In the end, Crowley was actually quite forgiving, it looked like buttering him up with that compliment beforehand did wonders for David. As for their punishment, they were forced to work in the kitchen for the next couple of months during lunchtime. Well, Milo didn't mind it that much, he quite enjoys cooking and cleaning, but the punishment for him was having to help serve lunch to hungry, and most of the time incredibly rude, students. That's where we are now. Lunchtime rush with two introverts, a freshman afraid of ghosts and David.

"This is all your fault." Avery whisper-yelled to David. It was a blood bath, to put it simply. Hungry boys fighting for food, fighting for the good stuff, seniors forcing freshmen to give up their goodies, and poor Milo getting intimidated by some threatening Savanaclaw students. Avery and David were relatively lucky, being assigned to the cooking worth, but Milo and Samuel were being eaten alive. "That should be you out there instead of Milo! He can barely ask for what he wants in the lunch line let alone try and correct anything, he's too nice for that."

"Oh, I'm quite inclined to agree. I would enjoy seeing Speck-tre being torn apart by, say, a beastman wanting the best cut." Gautier said, walking in with his two henchmen at his hip. "While it won't bring a flower of my precious plant back, this is just as fun to watch. Four insignificant pests from an insignificant dorm, slowly driven to insanity."

"While we appreciate the visit, I have to kindly ask you to shove those sentiments up your baggy ass." Avery spat, he had no tolerance to take anyone's shit at this point. Gautier bristled with rage. "Oh? Hit a sore spot did I? Maybe you should watch your expression before it permanently looks like that."

"Oho? Coming from the lad whose very magic drains his life? I think I'm seeing wrinkles appearing as we speak." Gautier scoffed back with just as much vitriol. The two boys started to square up when Milo ran in.


"Spit it out, dude!"

"Samuel has gone missing!"

Samuel, in fact, was not missing. He was swept away by the crowd and forced outside by a stroke of pure luck, or misfortune if you look at it that way. Seeing his chance, he decided to sneak away and explore the school a bit more. He would be lying if he said he was paying attention during the impromptu tour after orientation. It never really hit him after the whirlwind first week that he was actually at the Night Raven College now. Maybe he could take this chance to explore the books on sorcery in the library. The magnificence of the library stunned him upon entering, but he immediately noticed he wasn't alone.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'll just go, I don't want to interrupt your reading time." Samuel immediately apologized.

Come. Sit. You won't be a bother, younger Slater. A voice filled Samuel's head. He spun around to try and find the source, but there was no one except him and the student in front of him that looked shrouded in darkness, eyes trained on his book in hand. Yes, you're correct, I'm the voice. His free hand beckoned Samuel to sit across from him. In a trance, Samuel sat down.

"How do you know my name?" Samuel asked.

Because I know everything, dear Slater. The boy in front of him let out a guttural chuckle at the sight of Samuel's panicked expression. I'm just kidding, I'm actually a Centimori student just like you.

"How come-"

You haven't seen me? I only appear when I like, I much prefer the company of a piano. I assume you've already met Ravenscroft and December? Samuel nodded. You can call me Petrof.

"Okay then... Petrof... Why do you speak like that?"

Like what?

"In my head. It feels a little invasive."

I'm unable to speak, so I had to learn to communicate in other ways and this is the fastest. Petrof flipped a page. Not everyone knows sign language and I'm quite enjoying this book.

"Are you sure I'm not bothering you? I can always go-" Samuel began to get up.

If you insist, I won't stop you. I simply wanted to formally meet the freshman the others were on about, that's all. I hope we could at least become good acquaintances. Petrof reached out a hand.

"Well, that doesn't seem too bad, I guess we could." Samuel reached out to shake but was startled by the library dorms swinging open.

"Samuel! There you are!" Milo rushed in and looked him over to make sure he wasn't hurt. "Thank the seven you're alright! We thought you just disappeared on us! What are you doing here all alone?"

"I'm not alone, Petrof is here." Samuel turned to look back at Petrof but there was no one there, not even a book.

"Samuel... Draven doesn't come to campus... Well, no matter, let's finish up lunch duty." Milo took Samuel gently by the shoulder and lead him out, Samuel still in shock at the empty seat where Petrof was sitting. Draven, on the other hand, was smiling from behind a bookshelf. He could already tell this year was going to be an interesting one.