

They listened to him and thankfully; the arena was the town. It was good for Han Yu because there were a lot of shadows of the buildings he could hide into.

There was another thing that was helpful in the town. And Yuyu had shown that in a matter of seconds right after being spawned in the game. He started jumping around, placing traps all around the place. Especially before his own team, there was something that could be called a minefield. 

Shan was seriously impressed by the sheer amount of traps Yuyu placed. He didn't have that many spells himself for traps, so he could use only five to ten spells. Yuyu did a fucking minefield without having to spend a mana spell. 

And it wasn't only in the front of his team but on the few sides and back too. Shan frowned, he knew that Yuyu had a different build and different skill chain, but this difference made him question his choices.