
Fifth type

"Fuck, I forgot about the queue," Hyun swore out loud. He searched for a good club in the proximity of the HQ and he found one with amazing reviews. What he forgot to take as a possibility was that good reviews meant a good club, a good club meant a lot of people, and that meant a long waiting time.

He wasn't afraid they would be cold. It was over 20 degrees Celsius, but when he looked above, well it looked like it was going to rain soon and maybe mist would make it even better. And they weren't equipped for this weather. He thought he would hop out of the taxi right inside the club. He was getting cold even now.

Thankfully, he had someone beside him. Hyun hugged Shan, having goosebumps from the cold. 

"I told you this blouse wasn't a got idea," Shan said, laughed, but hugged Hyun and rubbed his back and arms to make him warmer. 

"Mhhh, just wait until we get inside." Hyun stuck out his tongue, knowing how hot it would be there.